Chapter 38- In Mourning

Start from the beginning

Lindsey's POV

After Regan had handed me Cedrics quidditch jumper that still smelled like him, all I could was hug it but still not cry. I just wanted to cry and mourn the loss of Cedric; I'd rather feel pain then feel nothing. I didn't have much time to think when the doors opened and there stood Taehyung looking horrible may I add...

Taehyung's PoV

I can't hold it in anymore, I need to get to the library. I had just handed Regan Cedric's things and I can't hold back my tears much longer. I rushed though the library to the secret room I took Regan the night of the Yule ball. The second the door closed behind me I fell to the floor. Sobbing uncontrollably. It hurts so much. Why did he have to die? The only person who's truly stood by me. My best friend. Gone.

I spent hours collapsed on the floor crying. My face saturated with tears and my eyes red. I had finally calmed down enough to compose myself. Thank god this room is soundproof. I can't trouble Regan right now , she's so worried about Lindsey. Maybe I'll go visit Lindsey and see how she is.

I checked myself in the mirror by the door. What a mess. I took a tissue from my pocket and whipped my face. Fixed my hair using my fingers. Better. People at a quick glance wouldn't notice my state but my eyes gave away the pain I was feeling.
I left the secret room and headed to the hospital as quick as I could. I checked to make sure Regan wasn't there before coming into Lindsey view.

My heart sank as she sat there holding Cedric's quidditch jumper. This is too much but before I could leave she saw me. I hesitantly came over and sat on the chair beside her bed. After a few moments of silence I looked up at her. She was numb I could tell. Most likely still in shock from what happened. I don't really know what to say. What do you say?

"Umm... I don't ... I don't know what I can do to help but, I don't want you to think you are alone with this pain... I don't know what to do , where to go, who to talk to... the funny thing is Cedric would know the answers to all those questions. He's always been the generous and thoughtful one. I didn't deserve him as a friend. I'd get in trouble over and over again but he'd always find a way to save me. So kind and understanding... He always saved me. Especially during the summer breaks when I'd be left at home with my father. Cedric would come over and visit. My father would say all sorts of awful things to him. I'm surprised he come back after the first time. The cold disappointed words from my father brushed off him like it was nothing. Sometimes I think he just come over to protect me from my father, so his cruelty wouldn't be directed at me for a little while. I could never thank him or apologise enough when he'd come over during the summer... When I was around him he made me want to be a better person, a different person. Becuase as you know my self made decision can be a bit harsh." Thinking back to how I treated Regan. I think I was more of my father in those moments. Again cedric saved me from myself and put me on the right track "And when I see you both together... I'd never seen two people connect like that before. So much warmth and love it's hard to explain. You are lucky to have found something like that... even if it wasn't for long. I'm not worthy of anything close to that. Especially now I'm alone. No one laugh with, to smile with. No one to put me on the right path. No one to save me. I was such a shitty friend, I could never protect him like he protected me..." the tears fell again, some how they felt more sorrowful than before. Lindsey lent over and held my hand for a short moment. As the tears got heavier she pulled me in for a hug. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I want to be numb too. It's ripping my heart in two.

I managed to compose myself finally and pulled away. I didn't dare say another word as I would start crying again so I just nodded towards Lindsey . She hadn't said a would but she listened to me. I hope she gets better soon. This pain can't last forever right ? Heading back to the secret room in the library. I need to be alone again

Lindseys POV

Taehyung had just left after pouring his heart out to me and I couldn't even comfort him properly because I can't cry. I hate feeling like this, I hate not crying, I hate not being able to eat but my body is fighting this. I balled up Cedric's jumper in my hands and held it close to me taking in his scent, I'm going to miss hugging him and taking in his scent, he always smelt so nice and fresh. I was soon brought out of my trance when I heard the door open, I thought it was another check-up but it was Draco, he looked worried but why would he be worried about me. He walked over to me and sat down on the bed, I looked over to him which was my way of asking him why he was here, he shrugged back and said "I'm just checking up on you and seeing if you are talking or eating but I'm by the look you've just given me, there is no progress" I just shock my head. His eyes travelled down to my hand where Cedric's jumper lies and looked back into my eyes before looking at me with sympathy. Him giving me that look unlocked something inside of me because I stopped feeling empty and numb but that can only mean one thing, I was going to explode and finally mourn. I think Draco sensed this because he stood up and indicated for me to shuffle over on the bed, he climbed on the bed and sat next to me. I slightly turned to face him and a tear escaped from my eye, I closed them for a brief moment before breathing in and saying "I miss him so much Draco, I have felt so empty, I was scared that I would never be able to mourn him, I was scared I would end up feeling that way for the rest of my life. I need to cry and be able to move on, Cedric would of hated to see me this way, I don't want to feel empty anymore, I want to be able to sleep and eat. I want to speak to my friends and tell them i'm fine, I want to finish the school year surrounded by my friends and not lying on a hospital bed." all the tears that have been held in for the past week finally escaped and it felt nice. Draco didn't hesitate to bring me into his chest and made sure I was supported while I cried away, he kissed me forehead before I slowly allowed myself to drift of too sleep.

Draco being supportive? how do we feel about this?

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