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The next morning, after a night of worry for her sister, Sanem was making tea when Can came into the kitchen. He asks if Sanem had talked with her sister this morning. She just shook her head 'no'. She told him that she did not want to phone and disturb them so early, but would be calling in a little while.

Can's phone rang and it was Metin, telling him to check the local newspaper on the internet. Can opened up the online Istanbul newspaper and on the front page was an article titled, "TUESDAY, CAUSES INTERRUPTION OF LIVE BROADCAST". The article went on to list Acya's full name, how she had interrupted a live broadcast with the story she told.

Can and Sanem were both shocked to see that Acya' had been recognized. She had obviously stepped into camera range, while Sanem was signing off, and someone she knew saw her. The only thing that the reporter had done decently was to leave Leyla and the children's names out of the article, but she mentioned the Divit's. She had named Emre, and mentioned that he was known to be a player before marriage.

Can ask Sanem what was a 'Tuesday', and she explained that in Thai and Korean dramas, it was a mistress. When he asks her how she knew, she confessed that she had watched them when she was single, that she would watch now but there is no time. They both decided this was very bad news for Emre and Acya', as their reputations would be ruined, especially in a conservative country like Turkey.

While Can was taking Baby for a walk, Sanem heard the babies awake. She went to change diapers and bring them down for breakfast. Her method of carrying three babies was different. She carried one baby in a front carrier, and the other two one on each hip. It looked hard, but the babies loved it and Sanem liked to feel independent caring for her children.

Of course Can came inside in time to help put them in their high-chair table

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Of course Can came inside in time to help put them in their high-chair table. He always laughs at his petite wife carrying all of their children at once, and helps as much as he can.

Can was feeding the children their homemade baby food that Sanem had grown and prepared, when Sanem's phone rang.

Leyla phoned to ask if she and the children could come stay a few days, until the reporters stopped camping outside their home. Of course, Sanem said yes, and ask if she could come pick them up. Can nodded agreement that it would be best for her to go instead of him. He decided to stay with the children, and go into work later.

When Sanem arrived at Leyla's, she was shocked to see so many reporters outside the front door. Sanem pulled around to the side yard, and went through the gate to help Leyla bring out the children and any luggage.

The reporters did not pay any attention to Sanem, as she had parked out of sight. After grabbing suitcases, and baby Altan, Sanem buckled him into one of her children's car seats. Leyla and Ahu came with another small bag and a booster seat for Ahu. They slipped into the car and sat in the third row seat, Leyla got Ahu buckled in and after Sanem stored the luggage in the back, they left. Even though the windows in the back were slightly tinted, Leyla leaned down until they were out of sight of the house.

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