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One day, when their babies were ten months old, Sanem was having a very tiring day. All three were teething and having a fussy day. Just when Sanem would get one baby settled another would wake up crying. Finally, after a long day of soothing babies with nursing and cream that Sanem had made for sore baby gums, they settled down. She had just bathed them and all three were finally asleep. Sanem went to the kitchen and fed the very patient animals. The animals, especially Baby had helped with distracting one baby, if Sanem was tied up with the other two. After the animals had eaten, they went to the nursery and all three fell asleep in Sanem's big rocker.

Sanem felt like they were finally passed the crisis for the day. Now when Can calls to say he is on the way home, she will ask him to bring a pizza for their meal. It had been a long time since they had had a pizza, because Sanem usually prepares their meals. She had just made a cup of tea and was going to finally take a shower, when the phone rang. She was surprised to hear Can on the phone, as it was too early for him to be heading home.

He was so excited, that she could not get a word in to respond. He was saying, "My friend from college, I know I told you about her. She and her son are in Istanbul, they just got here. I told her they could stay with us. We have two guest rooms, and I knew you would not mind. We should be there in about fifteen minutes. See you then." Sanem could not believe it, he hung up before she could respond. She had not talked with him all day, the kids felt bad, she is worn out, and he is bringing an old girlfriend to stay.

Sanem looked around, the kitchen was a mess with baby dishes in the sink and on the counter. Food was on the three-seat table, and in the living room, toys and blankets were everywhere.

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She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the wall, and gasped

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She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the wall, and gasped. She looked terrible and had not even had a chance to change out of her pajamas.

  She looked terrible and had not even had a chance to change out of her pajamas

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