Shawntana Vs Angel Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Me too." Brittany added.

"Whoever did it is a pathetic excuse for a human being." Blaine adds shaking his head.

"It was Angel." I tell them. They all gasp.

"What??" Finn asked angrily.

"She is evil." Marley added.

"She is done." Unique stands up.

"Don't worry guys. Santana, Quinn and Brittany already took care of her." I tell them. "We also have a plan to get her sent to jail for having that sex audio of me and San." I tell them.

"Well what is it?" Mr. Shue asked curiously.

"Yeah tell us." Artie asked excitedly.

"Okay so me and Sam came up with this one..." I start telling them the plan.
Santana's POV:

Me and Shawn are at the police station again.

"We have a plan to get her to admit she took the video." I tell the cop.

"What is it?" He asked.

"We have a friend who is gonna go on a date with her and get her to admit it. We are gonna need some equipment though." Shawn tells him.

"I got you guys. I have some wires, recorders and bugs." The cop tells us.

Me and Santana look at each other. We nod with a smile and fist bump.
Sam's POV:

Dude, I need your help." I tell Jared as we eat lunch.

"Sure. What is it?" He asked me.

"You know my best friend Shawn right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've seen her around. I feel bad for what happened to her. She was outed." He tells me eating some fries.

"Yea. About that, we know who did it." I tell him and his eyes widen.

"Who?" He asked curiously?

"Angel." I whisper.

"Angel Montgomery?" He asked shocked.

"Yea. She is crazy. And we want to expose her and get her sent to jail. We need your help." I added.

"What do you need me for?" He asked curiously.

"We need you to take her on a date. Get her to trust you or like you. Pretend you hate Shawn as well. Talk shit about her and just pretend you can't stand her guts." I tell him eating some grapes.

"But I don't like talking shit about people." He says looking down.

"She's fine with it. I already spoke to her." I tell him. "You in?"

"I'm in dude." He replies and we shake on it.
Jared's POV:

"Just walk around her and start talking bad about Shawn." Sam tells me through the mini headphones I have in my ears. I put my hood on to block them. I see Angel  and start walking around her.

"Ugh. I hate Shawn Hudson. I'm so glad she got exposed." I start walking near her. I lie really good. Good thing I'm a good actor.

"You hate Shawn Hudson?" She asked me interested.

"Yeah. You do?" I ask fake amused.

"I hate her soul. She called me names through our whole relationship and treated me like crap. She was jealous of anyone I spoke to. Then she dumped me and got mad when SHE dumped me." She tells me. She is such a liar.

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