Chapter Eighty Eight

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"I have to help. You hide. If anything happens-- I love you.". That was the last thing Kingsley said before running into the dark.

"Are all of them dead?", a voice growled. "Yes-- yes, sir.", a voice stuttered. "I like them dead or alive. Which one should I start with first?", the unmistakable voice of Greyback said. Stanley covered his mouth as he laid on the ground, face down.

Kingsley ran into the woods, his heart pounding. Another faint cry sounded, and then footsteps. Footsteps towards Stanley.

"Please, please, be okay.", Kingsley whispered, heading towards the crying noise. Behind a bush, a small baby with dark brown skin was crying, kicking his legs in the air.

Kingsley stared at the baby, before picking him up hesitantly. "Hi, baby.", he whispered softly, rocking him in his arms. The baby's cries quietened, as he sucked his thumb, closing his eyes.

"Shhh, yeah, that's it.", Kingsley said softly, cooing at him.

"You're sure they're all dead?", Greyback snarled again, licking his lips. Stanley fought hard not to let out a frightened sob as Greyback bent down to the woman next to him.

There was a horrible sound of biting and gnawing, and Greyback salivating. Warm blood splashed on Stanley's face as he flinched slightly. "Let's go. We're done here.".

The sound of footsteps receded. Stanley let out a strangled sob and put a hand over his mouth, his eyes widening.

"Did you hear that?", someone hissed. "I didn't hear anything. We need to leave.", Greyback snarled. There was a silence before they disappeared, leaving Stanley alone.

Kingsley walked through the woods, the baby in his hands. He cradled him softly, turning at the clearing.

"Stan. Stan-- where are you?", Kingsley asked quietly, his voice deep. "Lee?", a weak voice came from further down the trail.

"Is that-- is that blood- Stan, did he bite you?", Kingsley asked, his voice breaking as he knelt down next to him, the baby still in his hands.

"No-- not me. Is that a baby?", Stanley asked, his eyes widening. "Yeah-- I found him. We need to take him back. Are you okay?", Kingsley asked again.

"I'm fine-- can I see him?", Stanley asked softly. Kingsley handed the baby to Stanley, who smiled down at him, putting his hand under his neck. "Hi.", Stanley whispered, his eyes sparkling down at him.

"Lee- what if we keep him?", Stanley breathed, looking up at Kingsley. "Keep him- Stan, there's a war going on-- and-", Kingsley said, shocked.

"I know- but I can't just give him to someone else.", Stanley said. "I could get Aresha to help out.", Kingsley mused aloud.

"Yes-- We're parents, Lee.", Stanley said, tears sparkling in his eyes. "Patience, sweetheart. We need to get back to the tunnel first.", Kingsley said, but he was smiling too.


Kingsley and Stanley stepped through the fireplace, Stanley carrying the baby with a blanket over him.

"Professor.", Kingsley said softly, as Stanley rocked the sleeping baby, turning to the table of aurors and past students. "Is that a baby?", McGonagall let out a gasp.

"We got to the village-- but the werewolves beat us there. The only person we were able to save was him.", Kingsley said grimly, moving the blanket to uncover his face.

"Werewolves?", Remus asked quietly. Sirius put a steady hand on his knee, rubbing it softly.

"One more thing. We're keeping him.", Stanley said, flicking his black hair out of his face.

"Mr. Hunt-", Dumbledore said quietly. "What, sir?", Kingsley asked a hint of anger in his voice.

"You know you're not supposed to seem like a couple to the outside world-- and having a baby? It's just too dangerous.", Dumbledore said grimly.

"I don't care. He needs us. He's not going to an orphanage.", Stanley said loudly.

"Sir, orphanages are horrible places.", James said, standing up. "I think that Stanley and Kingsley will be incredible parents.", Lily nodded. Sirius nodded.

"Sir- I don't mean to threaten you, but if- if you don't let us keep him, then Kingsley and I will leave the program.", Stanley stuttered. Gasps filled the room.

"Well. You two are very talented aurors. I won't have you risking your lives by yourselves. You can keep him.", Dumbledore said, his lips in a tight line.

Cheers filled the room, smiles everywhere. "Yes!", Stanley cheered, looking up at Kingsley, his eyes twinkling.

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