She can pinpoint the exact second the meaning clicks, can tell that the penny has dropped from the way his expression goes from confused to understanding to disbelief before finally setting on a quiet kind of anger, the kind that only shows in his eyes while the rest of his face stays calm - in her opinion, probably the most dangerous kind. 'Seriously? Today of all days?' he questions, arching an eyebrow. 

'Apparently he "didn't want to do me the disservice of spending Valentine's together while planning to end things anyway." Which is a bunch of horse shit if you ask me but whatever.' Her words are accompanied by a shrug and a smile that's more bitter than careless. 

'Want me to go beat him up for you?' he asks, reclaiming his seat on the sofa as she sits as well. 

'As... sweet as it is for you to offer, no,' she declines; 'That's probably the last thing I need you to do.' 

'Then what can I do?' he asks, settling back against the cushions. 

'Honestly? Right now I just want my best friend to hold me for a bit.' 

'I think I can arrange that,' he tells her with a grin that she returns. Though her grin fades a little as he speaks again. 'Just give me a couple minutes, let me call Kanchi and tell her to come get you.' She lets out a huff of air and reaches out to slap him on the chest, repeating the action when the only response she gets is a chuckle. 'What? You said best friend.' 

'Kanchi isn't the friend I was referring to and you know it,' she mutters, turning away from him and pretending to sulk. 

'She wasn't?' he asks, feigning shock. 'But she's your best friend.' 

'And what? A person can't have more than one best friend?' 

'Sure. But the last time you said you have more than one didn't end too great for me,' he reminds, mirth audible in his voice. At the reminder, she has to laugh, unable to keep up the act of being annoyed with him as she remembers how Kanchi and Varun had argued about it for an age and, eventually, Kanchi gave up with trying to use words and decided to chase Varun in circles around the room. 

'Yeah well, then I guess it's a good thing Kanchi isn't here right now,' she points out, turning back to look at him pointedly. 

'You make a good point,' he concedes. 'I guess that's my argument crushed.'

'So, do you think you could still arrange that hug?'

'I reckon I can do one better. I'm about done for the day, just need to get back into my own clothes,' he starts, tugging at the outfit that clearly belongs to the character he's playing; 'and then how about I take you home and we spend the night eating ice cream and junk, binge watching whatever show you feel like.' 

'Are you sure about that?' she questions, raising an eyebrow. 

'I mean, I probably shouldn't have offered to watch anything,' he states, realising how bad of an idea that was. 'But I'm gonna guess I can't take it back now?' 

'Yeah, no, not happening. I'm holding you to your word Dhawan.' 

'I expect nothing less Bhatt,' he says with a laugh. 'Just give me a few minutes to change and then we can head out okay?' She simply nods and settles herself back into the sofa, gesturing for him to go ahead. He gets up and heads to the other side of the van where his clothes are, glancing back over his shoulder when he realises he can still feel her eyes on him. He tilts his head in question and she just shrugs, not bothering to avert her eyes. 

He gives her a suit yourself kind of look and turns back around, pulling his shirt up over his head.  His actions are slow, intentional, and she knows that he's most definitely enjoying having her attention focused on him. 

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