Only did we stop when Yoongi stopped by a single white door with a gold plated door knob just to twist it and step inside. He didn't say anything but look back at me and gesture for me to follow him in with a simple nod so that is what I did. Following his orders I walked inside just to stop in the centre of the room, looking around at all the dark and yet calming neutral tones of the room. The door closed and I heard the click as if he locked it.

I remained alert, purposely keeping myself prepared for whatever he plans to do right now. Although Yoongi just chuckled randomly, cocking his head to the side as he turned around to face me and wonder towards his bed unbuttoning his shirt.

"Are you nervous being in here alone with me?" Yoongi

Shaking my head I was ready to completely deny it but instead Yoongi's 'don't bother lying to me' expression shot towards me and I stepped back away from him lowering my gaze to the floor when he started to unbuckle his belt around his waist.

"You shouldn't lie to a vampire Y/n. Your heart beat races faster when you lie or even nervous. Sit down on the bed I'll be right back." Yoongi

Totally uncomfortable with his request I stayed standing not even breathing a word as he turned his back to me to take out some clothes from his drawers and close them with his hip but when he looked back at me for a second his eyes roamed my body up and down for just a second before he suddenly scoffed, face scrunched up in disgust.

"God woman I'm not going to do anything like that to you......well at least not yet. Just sit down." Yoongi

Rolling his eyes at me he disappeared through another door just to slam it shut afterwards. Once I was alone I felt like I could finally breath and slowly inched closer towards the bed just to sit down on it and look around the room once again to pass the time. My back straight and hands on my lap I didn't even know how to sit in this room. It's obvious it's his bedroom and his alone but what doesn't make sense is that I thought they would at least share a bedroom with their wife and yet it doesn't even seem like a woman has even set foot in here before.

When the door opened abruptly I stiffened and refused to turn around to face Yoongi but from behind I felt the bed shift under some weight and a loud exhausted sigh came from the man behind me.

"Come here." Yoongi

Turning over my shoulder I caught Yoongi patting the space beside him with a grin on his face. Internally I sighed and found myself crawling up onto the bed just to sit up right next to him, my legs stretched out in front of me, my back against the head board and my hands still on my lap.

"I told you Y/n I'm not going to do anything inappropriate towards you." Yoongi

"Then why am I here in your bedroom?"

I ask this because I remember some of the rules Namjoon had took upon himself to tell Jaemin and I the other day. Not when we were in his office but two days later. Apparently neither one of us are allowed in their rooms as it's private.

"I just wanted to spend some time with you that's all." Yoongi

I wasn't satisfied with that answer and so I turned my head to look down at him but he was already laying on his side looking up at me with a small smile on his face, using the back of his hand to support his head.

"Why though?"

He shrugged his shoulder at me.

"Why not? Clearly we'll be spending the next ten years together so why not get to know yous sooner or later? Besides you interest me a lot." Yoongi

"In what way?"

His grin only grows wider with every question I ask and he sits up but keeps his position facing me at all times.

"I can't quite put a name to it yet but lets just say I like you and I want to suggest something to you." Yoongi

I raised a brow upon my face curious and yet lured in already. So far he seems pretty harmless and easy to talk to but that doesn't mean I'll put my guard down around him just yet.

"Suggest what?"

"That perhaps since the others haven't made any attempts to get to know you yet that you and I should do this every few days or so." Yoongi

I shuffled back from him so I could get a better look at him and make a little more space between us.

"Do what? Sit in your room like this?"

He nodded, making sure to look me in the eyes as he did.

"Yes. Just you and I, alone and just talk. You can tell me whatever you want to about anything, just about your day I don't care and I'll tell you everything you want to know about me. I don't see the point in hiding secrets if we're going to be in each others lives for a while." Yoongi

I hummed back at him, just to stare off to the side of his room in thought. It didn't seem like a bad idea and I guess it wouldn't hurt to get on the right side of at least one of them. So what's the harm?

"Okay fine. You know I'm free all the time since I have nothing to do but you would already know that wouldn't you?"

He stifled a laugh and nodded, biting his lower lip but his eyes flashed red for a quick moment but he didn't seem to react to it that's if he even noticed it or not.

"Yes I know that already. So how about we start now?" Yoongi

That's when something within myself knew I wasn't going to regret this. The look on his face was eager to talk to me or just listen to anything I spill out to him. If he meant me harm why would he want to know everything about me?

Butterflies filled my stomach to see his eyes sparkle as he gazed at me and I became all flustered inside but I kept that to myself and tried to not show it but I'm sure he knows.

I think Yoongi and I will get on just fine.

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