Entering the dining room the chatter stopped and the atmosphere that was once light and cheery became thick with tension. I wasn't a fool to know who was creating that and it wasn't me, it was this other woman in the room.

Jungkook stood in front of me to begin with, as if blocking me from sight of this woman.

"So this is her? Jungkook move so I can see her properly." ?

The feminine voice spoke out so light and yet demanding. In front of me I somehow felt as though he was hesitant to move until he finally did but only to take one step to the side and remain standing to my right just while at the same time Jin stood up from his chair to come over and stand on my left.

"Haru, this is Y/n. Y/n this is the lady of the house and our wife Haru." Jin

I nodded just to look up and see the red headed woman across the room from me, sitting on another mans lap that he too was staring back at me intensely as he caressed his wifes shoulder with his large hands.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs Kim."

I bowed to her and yet she said nothing back as she continued to glare my way. Quickly I did a glance over to Jaemin standing behind her and he smiled at me, nodding his head that how I addressed her was okay.

I didn't know what to call her but Jaemin told me that three of her husbands were Kim's so that is the name she holds for most of the time and that is what most people call her anyway.

"I don't like her. She's too pretty."

Okay, what kind of excuse is that. A compliment?

I don't know it sounded too bitter to be a compliment.

"But that's a good thing my love, you wouldn't want ugly children now would you?" ?

The man that had his wife sitting on his lap whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, gently tucking some of her long hair behind her ear.

"True Taetae, but I still don't like her. What makes you think can steal the hearts of my husbands?" Haru

She asked me directly and I was completely taken off guard. Like what the hell is that kind of question.

"All due respect miss, I'm not here for that. I don't want their hearts I'm just here to fulfil a duty that I have no power over to refuse such a thing."

Jungkook next to me chuckled bitterly where as Jin just choked on air. I did notice Namjoon sitting at the top of the table shaking his head as if disappointed with my answer but I was only speaking the truth. But the man with Haru just glared at me with so much hatred that it startled me and the other three vampires sitting at the table just turned away to exchange the same angered look to one another.

"Are you trying to make a joke out of me now? What makes you so special that out of all people my husbands had to chose from it had to be you to be their play thing?!" Haru

She stood up angrily and Jin stepped forwards waving his hands desperately towards his wife.

"Haru we've been over this! Y/n is not a play thing, YOU have a play thing and that is Jaemin who you can have when ever you want. You promised you weren't going to act like this again if we got you a boy half breed." Jin

Haru rolled her eyes, scoffing at him.

"Its still not good enough. I don't like her Jin." Haru

"Oh stop being a brat Haru. I don't know how many times we have to keep going over this time and time again." Jin

"Dude, there's no point. It goes in one ear and out the other." ?

Spoke another vampire in the room just to casually sip out of a clear wine glass filled with thick blood that I can smell through out the whole room.

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