'Maybe I'm just a coward. Or maybe I just don't want to loose her.'

She thought to herself and sighed. Sometimes we have to lie to protect ourselves or to keep someone by our side. No matter what the reason is, there will always be a broken trust in the end. And that was what Lisa fears.

The two girls ate silently. No one was speaking but their minds were screaming in chaos.


Days passed and both of them never mentioned about what happened that night again. Jennie's body finally healed and she could already walk fine or even run a marathon. They've been hanging out with Lisa's mom which kind of distracted her from thinking negative thoughts. And just like what Lisa said, she never left Jennie's side and literally she almost wouldn't let Jennie out of her sight.

She knows that even though Jennie was already smiling in front of them, deep inside the latter was still broken. Lisa could even hear the light sobs at night but she pretended not to hear them. She just wait outside Jennie's room and wait for the latter to fall as sleep even though she badly want to hug her friend and tell her that everything is fine.

But she just can't. Sometimes pretending and lying is tiring but what can she do? If only she could bear Jennie's problem then she would but that's just impossible.

Jennie also decided to go back home because she felt like she was already overstaying. She doesn't want to be a burden to the Manobans. Besides, she also misses her mom so much. Lisa didn't want Jennie to go yet but who is she to mess up her friend's decision. And maybe going home to her mom would make her feel better. So Lisa let Jennie go for a while.

Today, they'll be going back to school and Lisa really hopes nothing goes wrong. And she really hope to never come across Kai again.

Now she's driving to Jennie's house to pick her up. They already talk about it last night over the phone. Jennie said it's about time she stop sulking and keep going. It shouldn't affect her studies. She already missed her classes for couple of days. She had a lot of things to catch up if she doesn't want to fail this school year.

When Lisa arrived, Jennie was already waiting outside.

"Hey, good morning. Are you ready?" Lisa asked.

Jennie just smiled and nodded. Lisa opened the door for Jennie and latter hopped in.

They were both quite on the way. Jennie was just staring at the window blankly while Lisa keeps on stealing glances from time to time. She's sure Jennie is still not over it yet but at least she's getting better day by day. She just want her cute but bitchy Nini back.

Then something popped up from Lisa's mind suddenly. Instead of going straight to school, she stopped the car somewhere.

Jennie was surprised at what Lisa did.

"Why did you stop the car? This doesn't look like school to me?" Jennie asked looking at Lisa quizzically.

Lisa got out of the car and also dragged Jennie out. And they walked to somewhere hand in hand.

"I just think we need something to light up our mood before we go back to the hell hole." Lisa said and dragged Jennie while smiling.

Jennie just let Lisa take her to wherever they where going. Her eyes widen when they stopped in front of an ice cream shop. She looked at Lisa and smiled.

"See, I know this works." Lisa said and pinched Jennie's mandu cheeks before they went inside.

"What would you like to order ma'am?" the lady asked them.

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