"Jisoos! Are you trying to get us killed, Lalisa?" Jennie yelled while glaring at her best friend.

"Wait, are you fucking serious that you'd let that pervert get in your pants? Are you really out of your mind, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim? Have you forgotten about our rule?" Lisa yelled back.

"Lisa for Pete's sake! I was just teasing you, alright? Why are you even grumpy? Are you on your period?" Jennie just massaged her temple in annoyance. She's getting a headache without even drinking yet.

"Period? What is that?" Lisa asked and looked at Jennie quizzically.

Jennie then bursted in laughter making Lisa's forehead creased more. Did she say something funny? She have no idea. But man, she think Jennie has bipolar disorder. One second she was yelling angrily and then she goes laughing in a split second. Her jaw just hang in awe.

"Are you seriously fucking kidding me girly? What are you a boy? an alien? Period, the blood, menstrual blood, ring a bell? Or don't tell me you don't get it every month" Jennie said while stopping herself from laughing.

Lisa then get what Jennie was trying to say.

"O-oh, of course I have that every month. I-I don't have it now. What does it even have to do with being grumpy?" She really don't understand.

"I'm starting to think that you're out of this world my dear Lalisa. Haven't heard of PMS? Something like that? Oh jeez I can't believe I'm teaching you this." She still can't keep herself from giggling.

Lisa started driving again with creased forehead. She still can't seem to understand.

"I don't know PMS. Is that a game?"

And again Jennie bursted into immense laughter that her stomach started hurting.

"Why? Did I say something funny?"

"Didn't your mommy teach you about those things? Lisa, were like nineteen and you still don't know things like that? I can't believe it."

Lisa just rolled her eyes, if only Jennie knows. She probably wouldn't be able to laugh like this.

"Enough with that already and stop making fun of me. It isn't funny at all. It isn't my fault I don't know such thing. And I didn't have any idea that 'period' is a code for menstrual blood."

"That's the consequences of not paying attention to science lessons, idiot."

Jennie flicked her fingers on Lisa's forehead making Lisa wince in pain.

"Yah why'd you do that? And I'm telling you science classes are boring so I always fall asleep. You can't blame me." Lisa countered.

"Aigoo, you're hopeless." Jennie just sighed.

After a few more minutes they finally arrived in Jackson's house. It was definitely big and man, just looking at the number of cars parked outside you'll know this isn't just your average party. This party is composed of rich kids, spoiled rich kids. Even from the outside, the girls could already hear the loud beats coming from inside the house. Looks like they'll be having so much fun tonight.

They went inside together and man the house was crowded that they had to squeeze themselves in the ocean of people. As soon as they found a space, they found the host.

"Hey Jen and Lis, I'm glad you both made it to my party. Do you guys want some drinks? Food, perhaps? Suit yourselves girls and enjoy!" Jackson said as soon as they got near him.

"We wouldn't miss this for the world. We know you're great at having parties man" Lisa said and tapped the guy's shoulder.

"Why thank you. So girls, I'm afraid I have to excuse myself for now. I have to greet the other guests."

The girls just nodded and they watch the guy went towards other groups of people.

"Come on Nini, let's go grab some drinks."

And so they went looking for drinks before they mixed up themselves into the people in the dance floor. They danced to the beat like the others and take sips from their drinks from time to time. When their liquors run out, Lisa volunteered to get them refills and so she left her friend dancing with other ladies and men. When she came back, Jennie was already flirting with the man she despises.

"Oh sore eyes." She mumbled as she went to the two who was busy grinding against each other.

"Should I or should I not pour this liquids to this dog's head?" She talked to herself but of course she played nice and just kept her annoyance to herself.

"Oh hi Lisa," the guy greeted her with a smile on his face.

"You're also here, what a small world...like your dick"

But of course she whispered the last part and she knew no one would hear considering the loud beats of music.

"Well Jack is my teammate, I wouldn't want to miss this awesome party especially when I found out that this lovely friend of yours is also coming." Kai said and wrapped his arms around Jennie's shoulder.

Lisa rolled her eyes and her grip on the cups tighten but before she tear the poor things up she handed Jennie one of them. And drink the other one.

She can't believe Jennie is really letting this man touch her. It is plainly a disgusting sight for her.

She just stayed silent and didn't say a thing while the two were busy flirting with each other.

Few moments later, they run out of drinks again but this time Kai volunteered to get them more which they both agreed because they were lazy to go back to the table again plus it's hard to squeeze pass through the amount of people.

"Jennie, just ew! You're really letting him touch you." Lisa exclaimed as soon as Kai got away.

"What? We were just dancing and he just held my shoulder. It's not like he tried to touch the no no parts." Jennie said nonchalantly.

"But he looks like he's gonna devour you any minute."

"You know what, you're just being paranoid, Lili. He's a nice guy you know. You just have the wrong idea about him."

Is he really a nice guy?

"Fine, but remember the rule. No sleeping with someone until twenty." Lisa reminded.

"Why did we even made such rule? Argh!"

"So you're eager?"

"Shut up! Just get a boyfriend already so you wouldn't annoy me anymore."

Lisa cringed internally but let go of a fake laugh.

"Hm, just you wait."

'Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Never gonna have a boyfriend ever!' She thought to herself.

"Here are your drinks girls, enjoy." Kai said handed the drinks to the girls.

Jennie took a sip of it the moment it was handed to her, same goes for Lisa. Lisa then saw Kai's smirk from the corner of her eyes but it was already too late.

A few moments later, they started feeling different.

"Did someone turn of this house's aircon? Damn, why did it suddenly got hot in here?" Jennie complained as beads sweats started forming throughout her skin.

"Maybe you're drunk already." Kai said.

"Y-you? What did you put on our drinks?" Lisa asked Kai with an accusing look.

"Hey, hey easy there tiger. I didn't put anything in your drink. Like I said maybe you guys are just drunk. Maybe you need to rest. Come on Jennie, I'm tucking you to one of the beds upstairs. I'm sure Jack wouldn't mind." Kai said with a smirk.

"No! You're not taking her away." Lisa stopped Kai but she begun feeling weak.

Kai dragged Jennie upstairs and Lisa tried hard to follow them. She can't let anything bad to happen to Jennie. She won't be able to forgive herself. But still something horrible happened.

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