Ohne Titel Teil177

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Alvaro went to his room to change. The others went ahead to the Go.

Alvaro and Clara arrived at the Go together. Clara looked at the others and looked at Alvaro questioningly.

"They wanted to watch," he said.

Both did a few warm-up exercises before Simon started the music.

Zoe was sitting on Juanma's lap and Simon was sitting next to Mia.

During the exercises, Lupe and Agus came in. Lupe watched Alvaro and Clara for a while and then went over to them.

"You have to get closer together, it's a soulful song, you have to feel it." Clara gripped Alvaro's shoulders tighter and pressed against him. "Look in the eye while singing," commanded Lupe.

"It works so well with both of you" cheered Lupe, "Agus! Say something too."

"I think Clara is exaggerating something," said Agus, to everyone's astonishment. Lupe pressed her lips together. Then she said "you will see, Alex will be on my side too"

"Lupe, please let us rehearse in peace. It's no fun if you keep getting involved."

"The others are here too and it is not forbidden to be in the Go," said Lupe triumphantly.

Alvaro had glanced at Mia again and again, but her face was blank.

Lupe looked at Juanma and said, "Come on, let's show them what feeling is." Juanma shook his head. "Thanks Lupe, I don't think we can show feelngs believably"

"You're just boring," said Lupe and went to the door. "Are you coming Agus?" This time Agostina did not riot but followed Lupe.

Clara looked at Alvaro and said "Let's continue another time, I can't concentrate today."

"Just let Lupe talk." said Alvaro. "She's gone now, too. One last time"

Simon started the music again and Alvaro and Clara went to their positions. You could tell that Clara would have preferred to be with Alvaro allone, but both were satisfied after that and so they stopped for the day.

"What are you doing now?" Clara asked as they got ready to leave. At first no one said anything and the silence became uncomfortable. So Simon said, "We're going to have ice cream." After a moment of silence he said: "Come with us, there is delicious ice cream in town."

Clara looked at Alvaro and he felt a little uncomfortable looking at her. "Yes, ok, I'll just get my jacket:"

Alvaro also had to get his jacket, so they went to the school together. "Simon, why did you say that" asked Zoe. "Well somebody had to say something and she's new, she'll be happy when she connects."

"It's just ice cream Zoe, we can't change it now anyway." said Juanma. He looked at Mia, who hadn't said a word the whole time. " Everything OK?" asked he .

"Sure," Mia said a little too quickly.

Alvaro and Clara were back quickly and they set off. The ice calmed the mind a bit and Alvaro said quietly to Mia "Can we meet  later in the storage room?" Mia nodded.

The students got there just in time for dinner. After dinner, Mia made her way to the storage room.

Alvaro entered shortly after her. When she went to  him he took her tightly in his arms. "You were very quiet at rehearsal and in town. Was it bad to watch?"

"It wasn't watching, but the comments from Lupe. When I dance with Juanma, it's also emotional. When we perform, we have to be professional. But she almost conjured up Clara to creep into you."

After Alvaro didn't say anything straight away, she added: "I can't get rid of the feeling that your mother and Lupe are hoping that Clara will destroy our relationship. Everything else doesn't make sense. There are some very good students who could help her too. "

"Whatever it is, we won't let it get between us right" said Alvaro, taking Mia's hand. He led her to one of the mattresses and swept down on it with her.
"I need a little time with you." he whispered. Mia snuggled up against him. She thought about how difficult it had been for Alvaro and her to finally get together. Before Clara's arrival she had thought. that at least Mercedes has got used to this fact. "What do you think?" Said Alvaro.
"Nothing," Mia said softly. "I'm enjoying it right now that it's just you and me."Alvaro hugged her. He was enjoying it a lot too. "Mia, I just wanted to tell you that Clara ..."
"Shh," Mia said and put her hand over Alvaro's mouth, "Please don't let us talk about Clara now. It's just the two of us."Alvaro turned to the side and pulled Mia closer to him.They lay there for a long time until it got late and they had to go to their rooms. "We need another weekend at Ramiro," said Alvaro when they said their Good night.

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