Ohne Titel Teil174

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Roberto left the building with Mia. "How is your aunt?" asked he.
"Fortunately, she's better recovering and as soon as the doctor allows her to come and see us here." There was silence for a moment. Then Roberto said: "Was Juanma mad that I called Zoe?"
"He was more angry that Zoe didn't mention it, but why did you call her".
"I don't know. There was so much talk here. And you were all gone. When you are not there, I always notice how alone I am here. It was always you who supported me in everything."
"But you also have contact with others through basketball."
"Mia, I screwed up. I had another drink. And that was also the evening when I called Zoe and I think that's why she didn't say anything."
"You can't be serious. I thought you were over it?"
"I am too, once upon a time. And it's been a few days again. After that there was nothing. I told Zoe too. And I just had to talk to someone."
They were so absorbed in their conversation that they both jumped when Nico, Fede and Alvaro called them, who were on their way to the sports hall. They wanted to ask Roberto if he wanted to throw a few balls too. The boys had a lot of fun and Mia could see that Alvaro was doing well to play again. They heard the hall door open and Clara came in. She saw Mia sitting on the bench and sat down with her.

"Hey, we haven't really talked yet," she said. "You danced great with Juanma today."
Mia hesitated a moment, but swallowed her feelings and said: "You dance great too. I am not good at classical ballet"
"Why are you dancing with Juanma and not with Alvaro? Doesn't Alex know that you are together?"
"Alex is new, I don't know if he knows. But in a workshop like this, relationships aren't the key."
"Alvaro is really nice. He helps me with everything and I'm so happy that I can dance with him."
Mia didn't say anything for a moment. Then she said, "I believe you. But it's also important that you find your way around on your own. And that you make other contacts."
"I argued directly with Lupe in Go. And the girls are all weird now"
"Clara, Lupe argues with anyone who dances even remotely well. She wants to be at the first place always. She's just jealous. But you have to be strong. You get along well with Sofie."
Mia was in a storm of emotions. Actually, she would have liked to tell Clara that Alvaro was her boyfriend and that Clara should leave him alone. On the other hand, she could remember her early days when she also had difficulties and was glad that she had friends.

The boys came up to them to drink water. Clara beamed at Alvaro. Alvaro sat down next to Mia and offered her a drink from his water bottle.
Roberto wanted to continue playing, and Nico and Fede let themselves be carried away, Alvaro refused. "I'll stop for today. I want to spend a little more time with Mia," he looked at Mia at the words and she nodded and smiled.
"Mia Mia Mia," said Fede with a laugh, "you neglected basketball too much when you were gone."
"You have to set priorities, "Alvaro replied with a laugh, caught the ball again and threw it into the basket.
Then he left with Mia hand in hand the hall and called to Clara a short "see you tomorrow". Mia gripped his hand tighter. "Are you coming to my room?" Alvaro nodded.
In the room they met Zoe and Juanma. They were lying on the bed and watching a movie. Mia and Alvaro sat on Mia's bed. Juanma paused the film. "Have you got rid of Clara?" Asked Juanma.
"We were playing basketball, when she came into the hall, we couldn't find you," said Alvaro. Mia had the impression that the mood between Juanma and Zoe was good again. All four were still tired and had the time difference in their bones. The boys decided to stay with the girls.

The next day's lessons dragged on. Everyone longed for the end of school, except for Zoe, who knew that rehearsals would start after school. When she met her group in the Go, Lupe had already taken the lead and given instructions.
Simon sat down a little to one side and Zoe sat down next to him. "She is in her element," Simon whispered to her.
Zoe didn't say anything at first. She thought about the fact that she had moved away from Simon without wanting to. But Simon, too, had withdrawn a little because he had felt drawn to Rulo and he didn't want to talk about it. Zoe resolved to involve him a little more. Lupe's loud voice reached her ear: you two do you want to have seats, or are you doing something?"
Simon got up while Zoe stayed seated. "I missed the moment where we called you for the boss," she said. Tobi intervened and said calmly: "We have an odd number, we have to come up with a good choreography."
"I'm trying to do that," said Lupe snippily, but then withdrew a little. She turned on the music and danced a few steps forward. When the others stood still, indecisive, she said, offended: "With you all it doesn't work out. Agus! Dance with me now." Agus was able to adapt to Lupe's steps with ease and the others gradually followed suit. Slowly it became a choreography and Lupe relaxed a little.

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