Juanma and Zoe

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Lessons on Monday were long. At noon Zoe should be brought by her parents. When the time came, Mia waited impatiently outside the school. Finally she saw the car and the friends greeted each other happily. Zoe said goodbye to her parents, who still wanted to go to Ramiro. Mia and Zoe went to her room.

"You have to tell me everything that happened," Zoe said. Mia decided to keep the Lupe story to herself first. So she asked, "What do you want to hear?" "Everything! How was it yesterday with Alvaro and Isabel? "" Super, the two became friend in the first moment, it was really funny, we had a lot of fun.Yesterday evening, Juanma and Alvaro played basketball with Simon. "" You are not serious, "Zoe laughed. "And what about Juanma?"

Mia pulled a face. "What's up," Zoe said. "He's totally closed, I tried to talk to him, but ..."

"Mmm" said Zoe. "Maybe I can talk to him again. I could thank him that he was there on Saturday ... and then we'll see ... "" You can try it, "said Mia.

After dinner, the opportunity arose. She caught Juanma as he was about to leave the cafeteria. "Hey," she greeted him. "Thanks for being in the hospital on Saturday." Juanma's eyes darkened slightly. "That was the least wht I could do," he said.

"What do you mean?" Zoe asked. "Nothing," he answered.

"No, come on, what's up". "You do not give up anyway, right? Come on out here." They retired to the storeroom. "So," said Zoe. Juanma asked "What do you remember about the evening? "Well, we danced, we had a drink, and at some point I felt weird, then I woke up in the hospital, I was told that there was something in a drink, which I reacted to more violently than it should be normal." "That was my drink Zoe. I got it from Lupe and because I did not like it, you drank it. I should have been in your place. "Zoe said nothing for a moment. Juanma added, "And I do not want to deepen what the drink was all about, that's a topic for another time." "I suppose, if you got it from lupe, it was lupe who else, but why " Juanma took a deep breath "Ok I knew you would not give up. "He told her what he knew from Mia and what Alvaro had said to her, but he asked her to keep it to herself." So if you would have drunken that you would have felt sick and with me it worked differently, yes? "Zoe asked.

"Exactly. I should have taken the glass directly from you" said Juanma. " Bullshit Juanma you could not know that, you have nothing to blame"

"And why do I feel that way then?" "Because it was all too much. Please do not worry, I'm ok. "said Zoe .Juanma smiled at her. "there is something else " said Zoe. He averted his eyes. "Come on, whats up ? Mia worries too, because you are different at the moment, what's up".

" Honestly? No idea. many thoughts are buzzing through my head". "

Especially Mia, right"

"Yes, especially Mia. But I see how she is with Alvaro. I feel like her decision has fallen a second time. And I try to delineate myself and come to terms with it. And that is not easy. That's why I just need time for myself. If she's with me, then I feel complete, do you understand that? I feel we understand each other blindly. It's hard not to talk to her, because when we're together, I speak with her without thinking. And when I see her with Alvaro, I'm happy for her, but I do not know how long I can stand it. "

Zoe took a step toward Juanma and took him in her arms. He gratefully returned the hug. He swallowed slightly. Zoe broke away from him and looked at him. "I really can not tell you for whom Mia's heart is beating because honestly, I think she does not know it herself:"

"But Zoe she knows it. She had decided, you remember. The only problem was the family. "

"That's right, but a lot has happened since then, so I really do not know. I only know that she is infinitely attached to you and that you are very important to her. And it makes her sad when you pull yourself back like that. Do you understand? "

"Yes, I understand what you mean, but on the one hand, everyone tells me I can not burden her with my feelings,  but I should be open with her, I do not know how to do it right. And when we talk, there are the feelings as well. I can not turn it off or controll it. "

"Yes, but that's you, Juanma, and I think it's better than so closed."



"I miss her. So she's there, but you know what I mean. I realize that if I shut up we're not so familiar. She tries, but ... "

" But you're scared. "Zoe said.

"You understand me without word, too ..." said Juanma.

Zoe grinned. "Who would have thought that before Mia's arrival?" "She has changed a lot here," said Juanma. "Look at Simon, I did not know he could play basketball"

"Yeah, Mia said you played." "It was cool," Juanma said, "You really tell eachother everything right?"

"Well the most things," Zoe laughed. Juanma took Zoe's hand. "Thanks Zoe."

"For what?"

"That I can talk to you too. And that Mia has such a good friend in you. "

"I think she has good friends in both of us. And clearly you can talk to me, I know now where I can find you if necessary "

Juanma laughed. "Who knows what it is good for?"

"We should go back to the others, what do you mean," said Zoe and looked at her cell phone. "Mia has written, she is already in our room, we have a permission from Ramiro that Simon Alvaro and you may still stay with us, so that I can rest. So you're there? "

"Sure," Juanma said as they made their way to Zoe and Mia's room

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