outside again

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They both dozed off and Mia was startled that Juanma was about to turn in his sleep, wincing in pain, "Hey, slow," she said. She helped him sit up. "I hope you did not break the Rip," Mia said softly. "I also have concerns, but would not it hurt anymore and swell more? Can we take a bit fresh air  for a moment? "" Sure, "Mia said, gently pulling her legs past him and getting up. The night air had become very cold by now. "You'll have to tell Zoe, Juanma, she'll notice you can not move." She looked at the bandage again, but the wound did not seem to bleed anymore.

"I'll cool it again and then it'll get better afterwards . "Juanma said. "I'll tell her then I have twisted my back" Both were silent for a moment. Mia noticed that Juanma was shaking and said "Let's go back inside" When she got into the living room Roberto was gone. Mia saw that the bathroom door was open, he could not be there.

She looked quickly into the other rooms but Roberto was not there and she saw that his shoes were gone as well. On his cell phone, only the mailbox answered. She went back to Juanma. "We have to look for him," he said. "Yes, but I do. You're not going around "" And you're going not alone, "Juanma replied,

" then I'll take Alvaro with me, "said Mia defiantly.

"Mia, let him sleep I can go with you. He explained to me where there is still a club. That was not so far. Perhaps he is there. "Mia considered. Roberto could not be very far yet. "Okay," she said. They took on their shoes and started walking. Juanma followed the path he had taken with Roberto. In fact, they had to go to the club Roberto had described. It was dark there, it looked as if it were closed. But a few teenagers were still at the cars. As far as Juanma could tell, the car  from the night wasn't there. Slowly they approached the teenagers. Mia addressed a boy and asked, "Have you seen Roberto? Roberto Martinez?"

"Hey honey, what do you want with him, if you can have me," he lolled. Juanma took a step towards both. The boy gave him a quick look and said, "Why do you want to know that?" "We lost him at a party and I know he's here from time to time," Mia lied. "It's important that I find him," she added added,

The guy thought for a moment. "He fetched something from the boy over there and then went on the road f," he said. Mia looked at Juanma.
He took her by the hand and they walked in the direction the boy had shown. They did not need to go very far when they saw Roberto sitting on a step. He had a tube of tablets in his hand and was shaking all over.
Mia slowly walked over to him and squatted in front of him and took his hands. "Hey" she spoke to him. He looked at her and Mia saw that he had tears in his eyes. He hugged her. He dropped the pill tube from his hand. Mia picked it up and gave it to Juanma. "See if any are missing," she told him. He looked into the pack and two seemed to be missing. "I would say two are gone," he said.
Mia tried to calm Roberto. He relaxed slowly. And she asked him, "what's wrong with you?"

"I have no idea, I feel like I'm just causing you trouble. Juanma is hurt because of me. "

" Now stay calm, "Mia said," We can do it all. Did you take the pills? "

" No, they were missing just before, but I wanted and I would have if you  not had come now. "

" You've seen what happened just before, how can you just leave. "

" I wanted you to  not get in trouble. "

" We have more trouble when you leave the apartment in the middle of the night, you had to be aware that we're looking for you, "Juanma said annoyed. He sat down very slowly on a step.

"Are you ok?" Mia asked. Juanma nodded, but Mia saw that he did not look good.

"I just needed pills or alcohol and ..."

"..and then why did not you take anything or have you," Mia asked.

"No, honestly not. I've thought but I'm so far to be clean now. "

" Apparently not far enough, "said Juanma.

"Do not be mad at him now," Mia said. "It was just too much for you both tonight."

"Did you make debts at the next, or can we venture out the door tomorrow?" asked JUanma

Mia glared at Juanma. " No that was a friend of mine, it does not stress me "

" Are that painkiller "Juanma looked at the tube and began to open it .." No, that's just written on it. Do not take them please. "

Juanma closed the tube again. Mia looked at him and took his hand. "So bad?" "Right now, when I'm sitting down, it's starting to get better."

"Does any of the people over there have real painkillers?" Mia asked. "Wait I'll go over there with you, "said Roberto.

"No, I do not need anything," said Juanma, "that's alright". He did not want Mia to come near those people again. Roberto took Mia by the hand and pulled her along. He headed straight for a boy. "Hey Dani, do you have painkillers here?" Dani shook his head "Sorry," he said. Roberto looked at Mia. "I do not know the others, I'm not sure what they give us"

"Okay" Mia said. They went back to Juanma. Mia shook her head. "It's ok, I said, it works," he said.
"Shall we go back? It's getting light, the others will soon miss us, "said Roberto. Juanma tried to get up.
It seemed to work. They made good progress and were back to Ramiro's house pretty quickly. The stairs to the top were hard for Juanma . When they arrived at the apartment, Mia looked for a painkiller and gave it to Juanma with some water. Then she got a coolpack and carefully held it to his side. They were all really tired and Juanma said "Go to Alvaro, he'll search you right away, I'll be fine. I'll stay here for now. "

Mia looked at Roberto." Is everything all right with you? "She asked. Roberto nodded. The night had also taken him visibly. She pulled another blanket over Juanma and put water in reach, then went to Alvaro.

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