After the competition

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After the Competition
In the evening when the students wer back in theis rooms and came to rest, they began to think.
For Mia it has been a very emotional day. The realization that Ramiro is her dad, the faillure in the competition. The continued open rejection of Mercedesand the conversation with Alvaro.

No Question, she loves him very much, and she was always aware of this fact. She knew she was hurting him by taking the step back to friendship, but she realy needed time to think.
Zoe clamored about Gaspars behavior and that they have lost for this reason, but Mia was not listening.
She needed time to think. So she told Zoe she wanted to be alone and went for a walk. At the door she wondered where to go. She was afraid to meet Alvaro in the storage room, where he also liked to retreat to get some rest.
She decided to take fresh air. When she entered the yard, she saw Juanma.. He approached her and greeted her.
"Hey Mia, where are you going?" He asked. She answered, "It was all very much today, I have to sort out my thoughts, I'm totally lost in the wind"
“I believe you”,  Juanma said, "that's just how I am." "What's up," Mia asked. "Oh, Mia, what can I say. It was so hard today to see you and Alvaro coming hand in hand to the Go. Do not get me wrong, you are really a great couple and I want nothing more than that you are happy. "
Mia sighed. "I told Alvaro that I for now only want to be friends. I think it was hard for him, but he agreed. Juanma, let's face it, how am I supposed to be with him when he lives with my father and his mother and sister who reject me? That can not make him happy.
The moment she said that, she thought that Juanma might not be the right person to talk to about this topic.
Juanma looked at her longer. By now they had reached a bank and sat down. He took her hand and said: “Mia, the relationship is between Alvaro and you. Not with Mercedes, Lupe or Ramiro. If you want that, you can do it . "
Mia saw that his eyes had become wet. She squeezed his hand lightly. He looked down.
“Juanma, I know it hurts you to talk about this with me, sorry I should not have started the subject. "
Juanma swallowed and said: "We are friends Mia, I am there for you as you are for me. Alvaro is happy with you and you made your decision, that's what I asked you to do. It's hard for me, but I'll and I have to get used to it.
You do not even know how things will continue with Ramiro and Mercedes. Alvaro is not your brother. . "
Mia looked gratefully at Juanma and said: “You're really a good friend. I am so glad to have you. But I do not want to hurt you.”
Juanma swallowed again and said: “Me too Mia but now I have to go up to the boys otherwise the anounce me as missing person”.

He got up and went to the school, head down.
Mia looked after him. She cared a lot about him, but she loved Alvaro.She decided to search him.

Go live your wayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora