Ohne Titel Teil164

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Juanma disappeared into the living room. " Is everything OK?" asked Zoe.
"yes everything ok." replied Juanma. "I tried to explain the situation to her. I think if Isabel is even better she will be less sensitive"
Ramiro had listened and made up his mind to speak to Mercedes as soon as an opportunity arose. He found the relationship between Alvaro and Mia very positive for both of them. He also didn't doubt Alvaro's feelings for Mia or his sincerity. But Mercedes made it difficult for him if she makes him take responsibility for Clara.
Outside, Alvaro Mia had pushed a bit away from him. "So what's going on?" he wanted to know. Mia hesitated a moment and then said. "I didn't worry about Clara. Until I heard what was you three said. And the looks you all three exchanged. And then the point came that your mother wanted it that way. I asked myself, if she was hoping that it would ruin our relationship. "
"But no Mia, she accepted that long ago. She only felt sorry for Clara and said that I could help her a little."

Mia looked at Alvaro doubtfully. "Well, I don't think she accepted it, but that's just my opinion. It's all ok too."
"But you doubted me," said Alvaro with a sad undertone. "A little, but only because so much has happened and I couldn't bear to lose you."
"I can understand it." said Alvaro and took her in his arms.
Zoe came out of the living room and said, "I think we should all go to sleep, it's been a long day." Ramiro had agreed with Juanma and Zoe that the four of them could sleep in Isabel's room, as it was larger and he would then move to the smaller room in which Mia had slept before. Since the visit of Alvaro. Zoe and Juanma should be a surprise for Mia, he couldn't organize it beforehand. While he was putting together the bedding, Mia and Zoe were already exchanging Ramiro and Mia's things from ste rooms. Fortunately, Isabel had some woolen blankets that were good for sleeping.
When it was all done, Ramiro went back into the living room and called Mercedes. He informed her that the three had arrived safely, which of course she already knew from Alvaro. She asked about Isabel's health and Ramiro replied that he wanted to wait the weekend and then decide whether he would fly back with Juanma, Alvaro and Zoe or he and Mia would stay.

Mercedes reported that everything was going well at school. He asked her about Clara and gave a brief summary of what the three had told him. Then he asked "Is everything settled with Clara now"
"Yes, I put a few things down for you to sign, but otherwise everything is clear. I hope she will get used to all." "Certainly, but we should let Alvaro out a little now." Mercedes said nothing for the moment. "It's not good for Alvaro's and Mia's relationship when Clara gets too used to Alvaro," added Ramiro.
"Yes, it was already clear that everything revolves around Mia again," said Mercedes.
"No, it doesn't. But Alvaro helped Clara and now he's here. And Mia has been through a lot lately too. I just want to calm down all a bit. Alvaro is not doing well either".
"But you know Clara's story and we have to take care of her."
"We do that too."
"Alvaro is my son and I know very well what is good for him and what is not good for him, I let him fly at your request for you and Mia," said Mercedes in a certain tone.
"Mercedes, we shouldn't argue again now. I'm just saying that it's not good if Clara fixes on Alvaro. It's not good for both of them. Let's talk when I get back." said Ramiro wearily.
"Ok. She's getting along well at the moment. We hear each other. I have another call on the line," said Mercedes. Apparently she didn't seem to want an argument either. After the conversation, Ramiro went to bed. He heard that the four were still talking quietly.

When he heard Mia laugh softly, he thought again of Mariana. Again and again he noticed the similarities between Mia and Mia's mother. He still missed her very much after all these years.

Zoe had reported to Mia that the new Go trainer was impressed by Juanma's voice and was already looking forward to Mia. He had also heard of their performances. Mia was really excited to see how the workshop would be in future with the new coach.
Everyone had avoided the subject of Clara until Zoe said "from next week Clara will surely also be in the Go regularly, if Lupe lets her live"
"I think Ramiro will talk to Lupe," put in Juanma. "It is always difficult for her to get used to new students in Go," he looked at Mia. Mia didn't say anything. She was snuggled into Alvaro's arm and seemed deep in thoughts. Alvaro said "Clara will get used to it. A lot of things are new for her."
" Yes but Captain we have to concentrate on basketball training again. The next game is coming soon," tried Juanma to change the subject. Zoe yawned. "Above all, we should sleep now. Ramiro had said that we would go to the hospital tomorrow morning and then we wanted to go to town." They were all tired and therefore fell asleep quickly. Until the middle of the night at 3am Alvaro's cell phone rang.

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