Almost weekend

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In a game break, he asked Alvaro
"Is it ok for you if we go back home for the weekend? I would like to have you two close but at home it is quieter. But it may be that Marcelo is there too "
"Of course I think that's ok, Mia is also far away from Roberto when we are at your home."

"Are you worried about him?
"Well, I think he really would talk to Mia, but it's enough if I share her with you." He grinned at Juanma meaningly.

"Listen to Alvaro I ..."

"Now stop it, you know it was just fun"
"Ok ... then thank you" Alvaro knew what he meant.
Juanma called his mother and announced. That he would come home with Alvaro and Mia in the afternoon and briefly talked about Zoe.
Alvaro looked at the clock and said "I have to go back to class and I think you too. Are you ok? "

" I think so. I'd like to visit her today, but Mia said we can not go today. "

" Maybe it's better if she has rest today. Tomorrow will certainly be different again "Juanma nodded. The class was over quickly. Just before they wanted to go, they met Ramiro again.

"I'm reluctant to ask you in this situation, but Charlie asked if you could add some songs next week and then come to the studio to record it. I told him it might be bad at the moment, but I wanted to ask you anyway. He also has great performances for you. But he has no dates yet. "
Mia looked at Juanma.

He said "yes we can get it."

"Ok dad then get us the songs and lyrics," Mia added.

"I already have it," Ramiro said. "Shall I just get it?" "Sure," said Mia. Ramiro gave them the stick and the lyrics and the three set off.
Juanmas mother welcomed the three. "Nice to see you over the weekend. Did you hear anything from Zoe? "Juanma shook his head.
Mia and Alvaro got into Juanma's room. Mia put the stick with the songs and the lyrics on his desk. Juanma took it and looked through it briefly. "Do you want to go through now?"

Mia glanced at Alvaro, who immediately said, "no problem, if you have the music I help you with the choreo" He was grateful for what to do to distract them from the thoughts. When they had just created space in the room, Mia's cell phone rang.
Everyone was startled a bit. Mia accepted the call and it was Gaspar. He wanted to know how Zoe does-From Simon, he had her new number, but was worried that she had not answered. She took a quick look at Juanma and told Gaspar in a nutshell what she knew. There was silence at the other end first. Then he said "Do you think we can go back to her tomorrow? I actually wanted today but she said she's coming out of the hospital today. "

" We'll have to wait and see what's said tomorrow. I can let you know if we know something ok? "" Yes, please call me no matter what is Mia ok? "
"I'll do it Gaspar" Mia answered and hung up. Juanma started the music and they tried first to bring the lyrics to the music while Alvaro was thinking about steps.

Again, Mia's cell phone rang. This time it was Roberto.
Reluctantly Mia answered. "Hey, it's me," said Roberto, "I wanted to apologize for being so responsive this morning. I do not know why. "

" It's okay, "Mia did not quite know what to say. "Can we both talk someday, when you're alone. Maybe we can arrange that?" Mia hesitated.

"I'm not there for the weekend, we'll be ok next week?"

"Ok," Roberto said and ended the conversation.

"What did he want?" Alvaro asked.

"He wants to talk quietly with me next week and he has apologized for this morning." She looked at Juanma.

"You're not doing that, are you?" Asked Alvaro.

"But why not? Maybe then we'll understand why he is sometimes like that. "

" And why do you have to understand him? "Juanma asked. "And why not me, now do not pretend, I'll talk to him at school, what's going to happen?"

"Mia do not you realize he's not only interested in talking than I just do not trust him?" said Alvaro.

"Yes, but maybe we can change that, if we know what's wrong with him." Alvaro looked at Juanma for help.

"I know what you mean," Juanma said, "It's just weird that he always shows up when you're alone. He's got your phone number from somewhere. And that it bothers him when Alvaro or I are with you is absolutely obvious. He is aggressive. What if he wants more, but you do not, and then he loses control. "

" You always with your protector instinct. You are exhausting "with the words Mia left the room. When she came down the stairs, Florenzia looked out of the kitchen. "Hello Mia you need something?"
"No thanks Florenceia I just needed a moment for me" "Something happened"
Mia took a deep breath. "Oh, we have the new student at school and he wants to talk to me, but Alvaro and Juanma do not want that.

" Um, but just talking is not a problem, is it? What about him? Come sit with me if you like. "
Mia sat down and told Florenzia about Roberto. She also said that he drinks alcohol.
Florenceia asked a few questions, but otherwise Mia ended her story without a big break. She thought for a moment. "I can understand you, that you want to talk to him, because you have the experience to be new and he seems to have a somewhat difficult story. But I can also understand Alvaro and Juanma that they have concerns. Especially with Alvaro, you have to think that it may be hard for him that you are with Juanma so much, just through the performances. If you become as familiar with this Roberto, it will be even harder for him. And for Juanma, you're one of the most important people in the world and he's probably scared that something will happen. "
"Yes, but may I not talk to anyone now?"

"But Mia definitely. And I think you should also talk to Roberto. But I can understand that they are both worried. "

" Yes, but he will not talk to me if Juanma or Alvaro are there, "I think so too. Maybe you can talk to him at school so they know where you are.

Mia rolls her eyes slightly and Florenzia had to laugh. "You will handle it," she said with a grin.

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