The performance

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Juanma avoided any eye contact during the dinner and after The dinner he went outside- Mia texted him and asked if they could talk. He answered very quickly and said, "Okay, I'm coming to the bench."

Juanma was already there when Mia arrived. She started straight away: "Juanma I wanted to apologize for my behavior this afternoon." "What was wrong with you?" He asked. She sat down next to him. "I met with Alvaro yesterday and the situation is incredibly difficult for him." Juanma waited a moment when Mia said nothing, he asked: "So you're together again?" "No, nothing has changed. But it just bothered me a bit and I could not concentrate on dancing. But I did not want to tell you, so you do not feel bad. "

"Mia, I'm not made of glass. I can be strong for you too. You can always talk to me when something is wrong with you, you know that "" I did not want to treat you like that" said Mia," I was just overwhelmed. "" Alright, I was just wondering what I did to you.I wanted to talk to you this afternoon. "" I met with Gaspar. "" That's good. " For a while they sat quietly next to each other.

Juanma then said, "You know, Sunday afternoon and the night was good for me bexause I enjyed the time with you I'm really fine. But I do not want something between us, ok? Because I can be there for you if you need me. You must never forget that "

Mia took him in his arms and whispered "Thank you." Juanma hugged her. "And if there is one thing that I don't want it is to make you feeling bad. Please tell me if it's too much for you? "" No it's not that, "said Mia," I want you to tell me what's wrong with you. It's just so complicated that if I'm here for you, then Alvaro feels bad and if I'm there for him, you're feeling bad. "

"You're just great Mia. But I just want you to be happy. And if it's with him, that's the way it is. I'll need a bit of time then, but then everything will be okay again. "

Mia smiled at him. They sat for a moment and then went back to school. Juanma said, "Shall we go over the song again?"

Mia grinned and said "Yeah," so they went to the Go rooms.

Alvaro and Agus were also practicing their song. They watched for a while, then it was Juanmas and ias turn.. As Agus left the room, Alvaro watched the two for a moment. At first Mia was a bit tense again and so it did not work so well at first. Juanma tried everything tomake her feel better. He knew it was because Alvaro was watching and looked at him. Alvaro caught his eye and indicated to Mia that she should come to him. Mia went to him a little indecisively. He took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eye. "Mia it's ok, you can do that much better. Please do not feel inhibited by me, that looks great with both of you. "Mia nodded hesitantly and went back to Juanma, who started the music again. Juanma said quietly "Feel the music, Mia"

Mia took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. This time it worked much better. Her voice while singing was much safer and shedanced with more emotions. After the performance they took a short break and joined Alvaro. Alvaro said: "Super, it always works better. I'll let you rehearse a little bit now and wish you a good night. "He gave Mia a short puff, kissed her on the cheek, and left the room.

Mia and Juanma sat for a moment until Mia said "Come on, again" She got up and pulled Juanma up. He turned on the music and they went through the whole song again. This time it was the best performance.

Juanma afterwards said, "What did Alvaro say to you when he called you?"

Mia told him and Juanma nodded thoughtfully. "What are you thinking about?" Mia asked. "That I hope it's a little easier for you now. Alvaro and I are in the same situation. But the last thing we both want is that you suffer. "

"It was fun to dance with you." Mia said. "Yes, too," answered Juanma. Mia yawned, "Do you want to go to bed," he added? "Let's stay here for a moment, please," said Mia. "But you're tired ..." "You are not?" Mia asked. "It still works. I'm used to less sleep."She put her head on his legs and asked," Why do you often sleep so badly? And you also often dream badly. "" Well, for some time my life has changed completely. I have no more pressure on basketball, have great fun dancing and singing, have found in you someone where I feel completely in good hands ... I think I'm processing some things right now "" Yes that can confuse you a lot, that's right "said Mia. "I often felt alone here at the beginning. Although Ramiro has always made a lot of effort that I feel comfortable. In Zoe and Simon I found good friends from day one. But these constant attacks by Lupe and her mother .... Now I feel good here, thanks to my friends Ramiro and Alvaro and you. Lupe has become suspiciously quiet. "

"Yes, but I'm afraid thatshe plans something," Juanma said bitterly. "If she does not get what she want ... well you know that ..."

"Yes, but maybe we should not go crazy before," Mia said.

Juanma did not say anything. After a while, Mia said to him, "Hey, you're tired, too, let's go to bed okay?" "Yeah, maybe that's better, you're right," he replied, even though he would have loved to stay.

They said goodbye when they reached the bedrooms.

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