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Juanma got up immediately. Alvaro said: "Mia Olivia wants to speak  with you when you're done." Juanma said instantly_ "We're done " Mia looked at him uncertainly.
Juanma motioned for her to go back to the Go and Alvaro gently held him back by the arm and said softly "wait a minute"
Mia shot both of them an uncertain look and walked slowly toward the classrooms. At the door she turned around again.
Juanma immediately said: "Alvaro let me expl…”

Alvaro interrupted him:" You don't to explain anything to me. I know Mia. She can't handle you so sad. She has to do what she has to do.This all is a huge burdenfor her... "
"Yes, but what am I supposed to do," Juanma put in. "I did not urge her to talk to me now. But I can not pretend that I do not mind. I have changed. And you noticed that by now. "
"I did not mean to blame you either," Alvaro said and Juanma relaxed again. "But you also have to understand that I, too, have to deal with this situation. I just wanted to tell you that it's ok if Mia is there for you. Apart from the fact that we are only friends at the moment, it would hurt her endlessly if I would go against it. "
Lupe appeared in the doorway. "Olivia says you should come back in," she called
Juanma and Alvaro exchanged a look and went back to the rehearsal rooms.
Olivia said: "The hour is almost over. I'm going to work out plans for what we practice in the next few days, and you're welcome to bring in ideas. "

Zoe went over to Mia. "Now we get permission to leave school and  go out to eat ice cream with Simon. You have to get out of here. Clear your Mind.
Let the boys be  the boys, they will not break their heads. "

Mia gratefully agreed and made her way to the secretariat to ask Ramiro for permission.
Gloria was out of the office and from Ramiro's office came the angry voice of Mercedes. "And howdo you think we will go on? I said I want the divorce. And I will not endure this child every day here. Do you know what that means to me? "
"Do you know what this means to me, that you have told me 15 years Lupe would be my daughter? You now present yourself as the injured, but you lied to me. I did not lie to you because I did not know about Mias Existens before she came to this school”

Mia swallowed. That Lupe was not Ramiro's daughter, she dind.t know. She hoped that Lupe would not find out that quickly, because that would trigger a new hate storm.

She heard footsteps approaching the door and withdrew from view. Mercedes tore the door open and stomped furiously into her office.
Mia went undecided to Ramiro's half-opened office door. He sat behind his desk, his face hidden in his hands. He looked up when he heard Mia's footsteps. He looked tired, but immediately put on a half smile and said, "Mia, how are you?"
Even though the word dad was still unfamiliar with Ramiro, Mia said softly, "Hello Daddy. It's all so confusing. I do not know how to handle it. "
Ramiro approached Mia and put her hand on her shoulder. "Everything will be ok, Mia. You are not guilty. Even with Alvaro, everything will return to normal

"Zoe says I have to clear my head, she wants to go out to eat ice cream with me and Simon. Can I go? "
"Of course, just go. Have fun and eat an  ice cream for me", Ramiro said a bit happier
"Thanks," Mia said, squeezing his hand briefly. Then she disappeared in the direction of the yard to look for Zoe and Simon.
Ramiro watched her for a long time. What a beautiful girl and how similar she saw Mariana. She always had a great charisma. He loved all three children, even though Lupe and Alvaro were not from him. And he would never abandon any of his children. Mia still managed to make him smile and forget the problems for a moment. He did not know how he should handle everything with Mercedes. For now it wasn't possible to talk to her.

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