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Juanma looked at Zoe. "Everything ok?"
 "This I ask you," said Zoe. "What do you mean?" Asked Juanma. "Well, you meet with Lupe that night, now with Mia. Somehow you just don't have time for me."
"Zoe what ..." Mia started. But Zoe turned around and went away. Mia looked at Juanma. He looked down. She squeezed his hand briefly. "I'm talking to her:" she said and followed Zoe into the Hut, she reached her and took her arm. "Hey Zoe" Zoe turned around and had tears in her eyes. Mia put her arm around her. "Lupe said that Juanma actually didn't want me." Zoe said softly. Mia pulled Zoe away from the other people. "But you know that's not true" Zoe shrugged his shoulders. "Why is your relationship with Alvaro so easy?"
"I can't tell you. Alvaro trusts Juanma and me and doesn't allow himself to be persuaded" "I am?" Yes you are jealous." . " Because Lupe .." "No matter what Lupe, Zoe. You know that she likes to talk. What Juanma says is important to you. And nobody else. You have to trust him.""I'm going to him ..." said Zoe. With that she went to the exit of the hut.She came back after a short moment: "He's gone and so are his skis." She said to Mia. Mia thought for a moment. The cell phone rarely worked in the mountains. She went to Ramiro and briefly explained the situation to him. Ramiro gathered everyone together and explained that they would leave and drive different routes to look for Juanma. Roberto looked at Mia. They all got dressed and went out to start , Mia d with Alvaro and Zoe and Ramiro with Lupe and Roberto. The slopes soon parted and each group took a different direction. They had 2 hours until the last descent.

They went higher up with the next lift. As they took the descent, Mia saw ski tracks running in the woods. The other snow was untouched, so she noticed. Zoe and Alvaro were already further down, so she followed the tracks alone. After a while she found Juanma, who was sitting on a fallen tree away from the slopes - he had unbuckled his skis. He heard Mia coming and looked up. Mia stopped by him and unbuckled her skis. When she approached him he looked at her. "What's the matter with you?" She asked. Juanma looked at the floor, "I can no longer bear this eternal theme. Why does nobody doubt your love for Alvaro? You are as much with me as I am with you. Only I always have to divide myself." Mia sat down next to him and took his hand. He squeezed it. "Zoe is in doubt right now. Lupe told her that you two met that night. "" But we've already cleared that up so many times."
 Mia didn't say anything. He was right. She could understand him. "Mia, I just can't get any rest with Zoe. And I just can't anymore either. "He put his head on Mia's shoulder. "I was so scared for her in the mall. I've always been there for her. It's never enough. "
Mia took him in her arms." I don't know what to do anymore. " He said. "I know," Mia said, "But you mustn't give up now. Zoe needs you and you need her too." " Is that so? he asked "I keep hearing what I'm doing wrong."
Mia got up and offered her hand to Juanma. "Come on, let's go to the others," she said. He pulled himself up by her hand. Both of them put their skis back on. "Stay close to me," said Juanma. "The deep snow is mean" Both arrived safely at the next station and made their way downstairs. Ramiro and the others were waiting there. .Zoe rushed up to Juanma and took him exuberantly in her arms. Lupe delayed her face mockingly. Roberto saw it and pushed his elbow into her ribs. "What's that supposed to mean, why aren't you indulging him." Lupe looked at him. "Because he's mine"

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