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Alvaro looked for Mia and drove her to the hospital. He told her about the conversation with Lupe. Zoe felt much better, she had been getting fluid all night and looked vivid again. Beaming with joy, she announced that she was allowed out of the hospital on Monday. Mia was very happy.

This time they could stay longer and talked a lot. Simon had agreed to come to the hospital in the afternoon. After the hospital, Alvaro and Mia went to see Isabel so they could spend some time together, as Isabel had to leave in the evening. Isabel invited Alvaro, to come to the park by the river and they spent a nice afternoon together.

Juanma had met with Fede and Nico in the gym tothrow a few balls. He had briefly described what had happened, but then made it clear that he did not want to talk about it anymore. He was unfocused in training but Nico and Fede did not say anything. When Tobi and Martin arrived, Juanma retired after some time.

He had sat down on a bench tobe alone. When the four stopped training, Fede sat next to him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked him. "I do not know," Juanma said. "I'm somehow completely confused" "That was bad yesterday. How is Mia? "" I have no idea I only saw her this morning, she went to the hospital with Alvaro and now with her aunt. "" Come on in, "said Fede.

"No, I want to stay here for a while, I'll come later. OK?" Fede shrugged and went in.

Alvaro and Mia brought Isabel to the airport. Then they drove to school. Mia was sitting in the car, unencumbered. "What is it?" Asked Alvaro. "It all seems like a bad dream to me," Mia said. Alvaro pulled Mia in his arms "Everything went well. Zoe will be back tomorrow. Ramiro will clarify all this and also take care of Lupe. She is desperate, not herself. "

"That's no reason to do such a thing to Juanma or Zoe," Mia said, tears rolling down her cheek. "I know," said Alvaro "But come on Juanma is ok and Zoe will be back. She wanted to wipe us all out somehow. "Mia snuggled up to Alvaro. They were both silent. Then Mia said "we should go in."

When they came to the cafeteria, Simon was back. He was feeling better, too. He talked straight to them and talked about his visit by Zoe. They talked for a while, until Fede came to the table and said to Mia, "Can you try to persuade Juanma to come in. He's been sitting outside for hours." She looked at Alvaro and he said, "Go to him and I'll throw a few balls with Simon, you like basketball, right?" Simon's eyes lit up and they started off. On the way, Alvaro said softly to Mia "Explain what was going on with lupe. I think it definitely matters to him, see you later "He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and Simon and he disappeared in the hall- Mia walked across the yard and found Juanma quickly. "Hey, I'm supposed to greet you from Zoe, she'll be back tomorrow," she said. "I'm glad to hear that. How is she? "" Well, they just want to watch ther one night more, but it's all ok ". When he said nothing, she took his hand "How long are you out here, you're completely cold."

"For a while, I wanted to think a bit." "Yes, when it gets quiet, the thoughts come, I know that. Alvaro talked to Lupe. "She told Juanma what Lupe had said and that Alvaro said she was so desperate that she made such plans.

Juanma said nothing for a while, then he said, "I saw it in Lupe's eyes. I should have taken the glass directly away from Zoe or had to drink it myself. She was so quick to clear it, but I should have known. "

"No, you couldn't know that Juanma. Nobody could know that. You can not blame yourself. And everything will be alright. "

"But your birthday nobody can give it back to you" "Juanma that was such a nice idea of ​​you all. Please stop feeling bad for it. "

After a while, she said, "Do you know what I like?" "No, what?"

"That there is no more fight between Alvaro and you." "Yes, he seems to trust me. He sent me to you yesterday when that happened. "

Mia realized that Juanma was shivering and said, "Let's go inside. You're cold. You've been out here for far too long. Alvaro and Simon play

Basketball "" Alvaro and Simon?"repeated Juanma. "Shall we go to the hall?"

"Sure," Mia said. Alvaro included Juanma in the training, and together they trained with Simon. It was good for everybody to distract themselves and to clear their heads. Mia watched the three. She thought about what had become of the shy Simon. When the school year started, he did not dare to sign up for basketball because of Juanma.

When the 3 stopped playing, Alvaro came to her. "You're still alone today, we'll see you later in your room?"

 "Yeah, sure, "said Mia. Alvaro was with her relatively quickly. They sat down on the bed and Alvaro asked "Did you talk to Juanma?"

"Not really, he is strange at the moment. He blames himself for yesterday". "I also noticed that he is different. Also while playing. It's not just yesterday. "said Alvaro

"I do not know what to do". "You're worried, Mia, I can tell, so talk to him again, get out of here with him, something outside... I do not know".

"That you just persuade me to be alone with him ..." "Well, that's not easy for me but I know he's important to you and actually I'm glad he was so open now."

"I'll try it". Said Mia. They cuddled up on the bed. Alvaro turned on the TV. "Will you stay here this night?" Mia asked. "If I may," Alvaro answered. Mia was fast asleep. She was extremely tired and now felt Alvaros proximity let her quickly slide into the world of dreams.

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