At Ramiros

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The next week was quiet. The competition for Go had been postponed, so they had plenty of time. Ramiro was getting better day by day. When Alvaro and Mia wanted to leave one time at the hospital, a nurse approached them and asked if any of them had taken any of medication.They denied it and since they were always there together, it was clear that it could not have been one of them. But they did not think too much about it. He had to stay another week in the hospital and then he could go home. Mia then spent the weekend with him to help him, but went for the game to school.

It was a good game, they had a strong counterattack, but Juanma and Alvaro were very well supported by the teammates and played very strong. The St. Mary won the game in the end.

In the evening the team wanted to celebrate a bit and Mia asked Ramiro if she could then go to school again. Of course, Ramiro said yes, he was glad that Mia got along so well.

It was a good atmosphere, Agus and Sophie were there, as well as Martina and Lupe could not be missing. Mia noticed that Alvaro and Juanma disappeared for a while with Autenzia in the kitchen and wondered briefly. Alvaro drove her back to Ramiro on the evening.

He went upstairs and Ramiro was happy to see him, so he stayed a bit. Ramiro wanted to know everything about the game and told the two of them that he wanted to spare himself another week, but then he would come back to school.

When Mia took a shower, Alvaro had the opportunity to talk briefly with Ramiro. He talked about the planned party and Ramiro was thrilled. Of course, the party took place, he wanted to discuss this with Mercedes and then said too stay in school to be there. Alvaro told him that Isabel also planned to come.

Mia was quickly back and so Alvaro directed the issue to the school in general.

Ramiro then said goodbye for the night and told Alvaro that he could stay if he wanted.

Mia persuaded Alvaro to watch a movie together.

In the middle of the movie, Mia realizes that Alvaro could barely keep his eyes open and said, "Hey, you better not drive today, stay here and we'll go to school together tomorrow."

Alvaro thought for a moment but was easily persuaded by Mia. Mia switched off the TV and took Alvaro by the hand and led him into her room. "We just have to set an alarm clock early so that Ramiro does not notice anything?"

"Sure," said Alvaro and put the phone. "Fortunately I have two shirts for tomorrow from the holidays here," he said.

Mia got into his arms. After a moment, she asked, "What did you do to wizh Juanma in the kitchen?" "Oh no, we thought it might be ice cream for everyone, but it was not that many anymore." Mia was satisfied with the answer , She still asked, "Do you know what's going on with Mercedes and Ramiro now? Did the accident change anything?" But Alvaro did not answer anymore.

Mia thought for a long time. She felt very well at his side and now falling asleep next to him was just great.

The last week had been very quiet, she had trained a few times with Juanma and had been with Alvaro in the hospital every day.

Slowly she too fell asleep.

Alvaro woke up in the middle of the night. He did not know what made him awake, took a short time to remember where he was. He was thirsty and tried to get up carefully so as not to wake Mia.

When he had been drinking water in the kitchen, he stayed in the living room for a moment and looked out of the window because he was too awake to lie down again. From the living room you had a nice view and he let his thoughts wander. He enjoyed every moment with Mia, and he realized that she did too. She relaxed when they were together, but he knew she was doing the same with Juanma. Since Mia came to school, so much had happened. Somehow you could not think long about one thing, then came the next, whether good or bad. He knew that Charly Martin had contacted them and after his vacation he wanted to get together with Juanma and Mia. Juanma had kept his word and when he was with Mia, he did not seem to burden her. He did not notice Mia accessing him from behind.

She hugged him and said "Hey you can not sleep" "I woke up and I was too restless, I did not want to wake you" said Alvaro.

"Butyou could. What are you thinking about?"

"About everything somehow. What has happened in the last time. I almost changed school, you almost went to Spain, the competition, the whole trouble in my - no our family, Juanmas accident then now Ramiro. Somehow I can not believe it, you understand. "

"Yes, I feel the same way. That I am going to Spain was also an issue again after Ramiro's accident, if something had happened ". "I could not have said goodbye to you again Mia. Not at all in such a situation." Alvaro interjected.

Mia looked at him. "Isabel had said that if I'm alone with Mercedes then she'll definitely pick me up to Spain, but everything went well." "Luckily in so many ways," he said.

"I am glad that Ramiro is almost well again. I just met him, I was so scared to lose him. "

Alvaro took Mia by the hand and said, "Let's try to sleep again, otherwise I do not need to go over to you." They lay down together again. "I'm sorry you are wake now."said Alvaro. "Not bad, I realized you were gone and when you did not come back I wanted to see where you are"

"It's nice when you're here. I'd like to stop time and never let it end," said Alvaro. Mia stroked his stomach as she snuggled into his arm. "I like being with you, too," she said.

They both fell asleep again and in the morning Alvaro changed the room so that Ramiro did not notice. Around noon, they drove back to school.

Both write tests in the coming week and still wanted to learn.

Zoe and Mia spent a lot of time rooting until Mia annoyed put the book aside and said, "I do not like anymore, I can not get in any more. "

Zoe agreed with her and since the weather was good she decided to eat ice cream with Simon.

Juanma was in the hall throwing a few balls as Lupe came in.

"Oh, here you are, I was looking for you, I thought you were out with Mia, but then I saw her driving away with Alvaro" JUanma thought for a moment, Mia had told him that she was gone with Simon and Zoe and she normaly didn't lie to him. "What do you want from me?" He asked Lupe.

"Oh, nothing special I thought we talk a bit, as in the past". " Talk? As before? So I tell you something and you only half listen and change the subject or what, "

"Ah Juanma, you are so unforgiving"

"Unforgiving. It's clear. What do you want now? "

"I wanted to spend some time with you. Just because of the past"

"You do not do anything just because of the past"

"Let's spend some time together"

" What do you wanna do?"

"Well we could go out a little bit"

Juanma threw some more balls and said "Where do you want to go?"

"Just get out a bit, Juanma I miss you. Seriously. I want it to be like it used to be "

"You should have known that sooner."

"You do not want to tell me that Mia is more important to you than me"

"Lupe you do not understand that. Mia hears me, she's there for me, she does not put herself in the foreground-

"Sure but she puts Alvaro in the foreground as well. You know that Alvaro was at Ramiro last night, too, right? And you know exactly how it ended. "

Juanma's eyes clouded, "Well," he said, "Mia and I are not together."

"Ha but I see it hit you. Juanma just let's get together and have fun. Do not be like this"

"No," he said, "I want to go now."

"Tell me about the party," Lupe said.

"What party?" Asked Juanma.

"Do not be silly, this what you are planning for Mia"

"I know nothing" said Juanma and passed Lupe.

Lupe grinned

Juanma went inFedes and his room.

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