Ohne Titel Teil153

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Juanma hesitated a moment. "Just that you have to think about it" said Fede. "Zoe is one of the most honest people I have ever met."
Juanma looked at him. "Yes, just behind Mia," added Fede. "You know, my friend, I think YOU are not sure. But you can't mourn Mia forever or wait for her and Alvaro to come apart ..." "I won't do that at all. But somehow the worm is in Zoe and me. She always sees something in Mia and I in Roberto. Maybe I'm just too confused."
"I think you should talk to Zoe in peace. And we should sleep now." said Fede. "You are right" Juanma lay down. The next morning, when he switched on his cell phone, Mia had forwarded the mail to him about Charlie Martin. He wrote her briefly that everything was ok and that he was looking forward to the performance. When he saw Zoe at breakfast, he went to her. "Can we talk right away" he asked. Zoe took his hand and nodded. "Outside after breakfast?" he asked "We then have half an hour until class."
"Yeah ok" said Zoe and went to Simon and Mia. They met at the door after breakfast. Juanma took Zoe by the hand and pulled her outside.
"I saw you with Roberto yesterday," he said quietly to her. "Last night at the cafeteria? Yes, I wanted to fetch water and Ramiro and Lupe were talking there. We talked briefly."

Juanma raised his eyebrows a little. "He hugged you," he said, looking directly at Zoe. "Yes he did, because I was sad. Because whenever we are together everything is fine. But whenever something is bothering you, it's Mia that you speak to. And now you have another gig and are gone again." "Zoe, what can I tell you. I love you. And I'm no longer in love with Mia. But we have something in common that I can't explain to you. She was always close to me, no matter how I was. When you were in the hospital both times, she was always there. But this connection has nothing to do with the love that should connect us. "
"It's just so difficult to see it all the time. And then Lupe pours oil on the fire. And when you're with me everything is so beautiful." With that, she hugged Juanma tightly. "Please trust me," said Juanma. "And I trust you," he added. Zoe looked at the clock. They had to go to class. In the afternoon the boys had training and the girls watched. "Everything ok with Juanma and you" asked Mia. "Yes everything ok, we talked this morning. I also know that you wouldn't betray me. But on the other hand I know how much you mean to him."

"Zoe, he has accepted that I love Alvaro and that we are very good friends for that. And you should accept that too."
"I'll try," Zoe replied. After training, Juanma and Mia wanted to go through the songs for the weekend gig. They met in the Go. "Let's do the normal program or do you have change requests" asked Juanma Mia with a grin when he came to the go. "No, I think we should keep the process in about. We haven't performed for a long time and shouldn't add anything new". "Ok" said Juanma and switched on the music for the first song. Both of them took a while to get back into shape but they were having a blast. Mia's cell phone beeped and Alvaro had written that he and Zoe wanted to invite the two of them for an ice cream in town. So that they take a little break. They met at Alvaro's car. The break was good for both of them and the 4 had a lot to laugh about. Mia had the impression that Zoe was a little more relaxed again. In the days that followed, Juanma and Mia rehearsed daily and it worked as well as if they hadn't had a break in between. Charlie Martin had organized everything as usual, they were supposed to be picked up on Saturday morning and be back at school on Sunday afternoon. The week passed quickly. Friday evening the 4 spent in the room with Zoe and Mia. They wanted to enjoy the time together a little longer. Alvaro asked Mia to go for a walk with him during the evening. They strolled hand in hand across the school grounds. "I thought it would be good for us, but also for Juanma and Zoe, to be alone for a few minutes." Mia stood on tiptoe and kissed Alvaro. "I'm enjoying every minute with you," she said. Alvaro put his head on Mia's shoulder, "I'll miss you," he said. "Me too, but I'll be there in no time. You won't even notice that I'm gone." said Mia with a laugh. "you have no idea?" Alvaro replied and pulled Mia back to him. They walked a little longer until Alvaro noticed that Mia was shivering. "Let's go back inside," he said.

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