Ski Holiday

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They all slept for a very long time the next morning- When they woke up, the breakfast time was almost over. Alvaro tried how well he could walk and it was better. He decided to save himself until vacation, because he finally wanted to teach Mia skiing.

Before the game, the team had a meeting and Alvaro gave Juanma some more tips - Both noticed that Roberto was totally excited.

When the game started, Alvaro noticed that Roberto and Juanma were playing very well together. Juanma had learned a lot about playing in the team and very soon the St. Mary team took the lead.

Marcelo was also positively surprised that Roberto integrated so well into the team. If Alvaro could then play again, the team had three very strong players and good support for the three in the other boys.

The game won the team of St. Mary with a high lead.

Ramiro invited the four for the evening. He had also invited Roberto, but he had thankfully refused. Mia had asked for the reason and Roberto had said that he wanted to let the four of them alone a bit.

Ramiro had ordered pizza. He asked about Roberto and Alvaro told him about the alcohol thing and that he occasionally took pills, but they  tried to stop him.

"That was the assumption his mother made when she registered him here. I could not tell you that, but I'm proud of you for taking it and keeping it together so well. Let's hope he can do it now. "

" Yes, we hope so, "said Mia.

The four of them stayed at Ramiro's and went to school the next day to pack the stuff for the ski holiday. It should start on Sunday evening. They would arrive late at the lodge, but the house was not free before

When they arrived, they were all excited. It was a cozy spacious house with a fireplace. It had 4 bedrooms a spacious living room a kitchen and two bathrooms.

When it came to the distribution of rooms, the four looked at each other. Ramiro grinned and said, "I've known for some time how you divide the rooms, so it's the same here."

Mia beamed at him. "I trust you," he added with a grin.

They just packed the bare necessities, as it was already late and they were very tired. Mia snuggled up to Alvaro. "Do you think you can ski because of your injury?" "I think so, we'll try it tomorrow and then I'll show you how it works." Mia was a bit worried that she would not be able to do that but she knew Alvaro would take care of her.

"Cool that Ramiro allows us to sleep  together now"

"Well, if he knows it for a long time he just trusts us"

"Can he do that?" Grinned Alvaro

Mia said nothing but snuggled up to him.

The next day they admired the view from the hut. Since they had arrived in the dark, they had not seen much of it. The cable car that brought them to a ski resort was not far away either. But first they had to borrow the equipment. There was a ski rental at the  valley station.

It took some time to find all the right shoes and skis.

Ramiro had made plans from the ski resort so they could use easy slopes at first. When they arrived at the top of the cable car, they first took a beginner's piste. Ramiro explained to Mia and Zie that they have to be careful that the skis do not cross each other and that they can brake when they bring the tips together in front. Alvaro drove very slowly in front of Mia and Juanma in front of Zoe. Both girls were able to balance very well and did the starts really well. They drove the slope a few times. It was really exhausting for the girls because they had to concentrate much more than the boys did. Finally, with Ramiro's support, they tried a slightly heavier slope. It worked great and the guys were thinking about which track to take the next day.

The descent would have been too difficult for the two of them, so they decided to ride down with  the cable car again. The girl was very warm on the effort. Zoe sat down next to Juanma. "Hey, you're cold!" "A bit," he said, "I did not move so much as you did"

In the hut, they took showers one after another, and Ramiro prepared something to eat.

The girls were really excited and talked about skiing and how much they were looking forward to the next day.

When Mia went to the kitchen after dinner to clean up, Juanma came after her, "Do you still have the pills you gave me last time I had a fever?"

"Yeah I still have some, why"

"I'm still totally cold and I feel like I've got something, and I would like to try to prevent me from getting sick. "

" Come with me, I give you some. "She went with him to her room and gave him 3 pills so he would have something for the night.

They went back to the others. Since they were all skiing and tired of the fresh air, they all did not stay very long.

Zoe realized that Juanma was not feeling well, but she did not ask.

The next morning it was better again, they had all slept well and Ramiro had already prepared a delicious breakfast.

The weather was great, it was cold but sunny. This time, they went straight to the piste with which they had left the evening before and it worked very well with the girls. Ramiro was also thrilled.

They took another lift where on the descent was a hut where you could eat and drink something. There they had lunch break. Ramiro had picked a few strays that were good for the girls, and they were getting better and better from slope to slope.

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