A talk with Juanma

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Mia was intercepted by Zoe. She pulled her off with a quick explanation from Alvaro and then said, "Juanma was looking for you. He did not reach you on the phone". Mia rolled her eyes, she had not told Juanma about the meeting with Alvaro and had switched off her cell phone. "Where is he now?" She asked Zoe. "In the storageroom, I saw him go in the direction just now" Mia made her way there. "Hey Mia, everything's fine with you", greeted Juanma. Mia nodded. "I was looking for you because Lupe wrote to me. She will not be coming to school this week. " "I know, Alvaro told me. He spared me details of what she said. " "Yes, she was pretty upset. She asked if I could come to her, "he said and his eyes darkened slightly. Mia looked at him questioningly. Juanma told her about the meeting in front of the cafeteria at night. He almost felt guilty because he said apologetically, "I could not help but comfort her. But I do not know why she wants me to come to her house. " Mia remembered what she was talking with Sofie and she told Juanma about it and said, "I think she's trying to get you back." "That will not happen," Juanma replied in a certain voice. He lowered his eyes. Mia sensed that Juanma Wanted to say something else. She squeezed his arm and asked, "Whats with you?" Juanma took a deep breath and looked at Mia. "I do not know what to say. I asked you for a decision that you also met. But I'm not done with that. You can not imagine how I enjoyed your closeness yesterday. I do not know what to do any more Mia. " Mia did not say anything for a moment. She realized that Juanma was very important to her. Now that she did not want to discuss the problems with Lupe with Alvaro because she did not want to burden him any further, Juanma had become an even better friend for her, with whom she could discuss everything. For her was this friendship very good but for him apparently not. " What are you trying to say?" "Mia, I do not know. I enjoy every moment with you. And I miss you when you're not there. I thought your decision would make it better.
But it doesn't. And I don't know what to do. It's so hard because it hurts and does me good at the same time. I do not want to loose you as a friend, "he said sadly.

Mia took his hand and looked him in the eyes. "Maybe it would be better if we keep a little bit distance. Maybe it will be better then "

"I knew you would say that," Juanma said with tears in his eyes. "But I can not stand that.Please."

"I do not want that either," Mia replied, "but I can not watch you suffer. "

"Please forget what I said. I do not want a distance. Besides, I realize that you also need me at the moment. "

He hugged her tightly. "Are you sure?" Mia asked. Juanma nodded at her shoulder. He let her go and looked at her. "Everything's fine," he said. "Honestly."

Mia was not sure but said nothing. She resolved to take a step back from herself.

Zoe had written to her and Mia said she had to look for her. Therefore, she said goodbye to Juanma, who wanted to be alone for a while.

When she found Zoe in the room, she dropped onto her bed and closed her eyes. Zoe looked at her questioningly and said "Everything ok Mia?"

No, "Mia said. She told Zoe that Ramiro was not Lupe's dad and that she would not come school until Monday. Zoe looked puzzled at the news and said, "Oh no, then she'll have one more reason to hate you ..." "That's not all," said Mia, "I suspect she wants Juanma back. But he does not wanti t; " How do you know that?"asked Zoe

Mia told Zoe about her meeting with Juanma. "I dont know what to do. He suffers so much and I can't watch it. But he is right too. At the moment I really need him. "

"Maybe you should limit your contact to him on Go and the school anyway. Mia. That can not be good to him in the long run."

Mia knew that Zoe was right. She just did't know how to do that.

Zoe then grinned and said, "But last night doesn't have anything to do with it, right?I was quite surprised that Juanma wrote to me"

Mia looked at Zoe and shouted, "No, no way. I already knew that with Lupe and Ramiro. And had told him during the night. I cried and he comforted me. Then I fell asleep and he did not want to leave me alone. End of story!!"

Zoe grinned: "No, of course he did not want that. But that was sweet from him "

It was time for dinner. After the meal, Mia went for a walk with Alvaro.

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