The Grave

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Mia was surprised she had recently seen Juanma or Alvaro with Zoe or Simon, and Simon always got very nervous when she came near, but when she asked everyone pretended as if nobody knew what she was talking about.

The party was planned so far. Autenzia would prepare some cold plates with Zoe and Juanma, Simon and Alvaro had planned a video show, with photos of Mia and videos, Isabel also had send pictures when Mia was little. Simon would distract Mia after the dinner so that the others could decorate the cafeteria Gaspar had agreed to come with his band, of course without Wera.

On Wednesdays Mia had a test in chemistry, after that there was still training from the Go and after that they should be free.

The test was good in her opinion, she had talked with Gaspar some issues by mobile phone and was also sure to have made it.

They had a little break on the go, Olivia did a bit of improvisation and wanted to rehearse a group choreography.

Lupe had brought in a few ideas and was a little angry that Olivia accepted only some moves

Mia watched Juanma, she had seen that Fede spoke to him several times, but he hardly responded and he always missed something in the performance.

She decided to talk to him after training, but after the training he was gone. She asked Fede, who said that Juanma had not slept well the night and went into the room to try to get some sleep.

Zoe and Simon took Mia with them and wanted to go to town. Mia considered to contact Juanma for a moment, but decided not to call or write to keep him awake.

They had a great afternoon in the city, Zoe had invited Gaspar and the four of them had a lot of fun On the way back to school, Mia said, "I have not laughed so much for a long time. I have stomach ache."

They just came to dinner on time. Alvaro caught Mia and told her he had been with Ramiro, and Ramiro was back at school on Monday. Now this weekend, he has Alvaro and her invited Saturday for dinner. Mia was looking forward to it.

After dinner, she sat a bit with Sophie and Zoe in the lounge.

Fede and Nico came up to them. "Have you seen Juanma?" "No," Zoe said. "And now that you're asking,he wasn't at dinner too." "I know," Fede said," I picked up some food and wanted to bring something up to him and wake him up, but he's not there. "

"Did you call him?" Mia asked. "Yeah, but he's not answering."

Zoe looked at Mia "The room behind the gym?"she wispered-

"He was just strange in the Go, I'm going to look." She heard Fede say "he's been weird since last night ..." then she was out of earshot.

He was not in the room behind the gym. Mia considered that Fede had gone through the normal places to retire and so she didn't know where he could be.

She looked for Alvaro and told him that Juanma had not been around for some time and that Fede was worried. Lupe got that and said, "What did you do to him this time?" Before Mia could say anything, Alvaro said, "Lupe, you better say nothing."

To Mia, he said, "If he does not show up soon, we'll have to let it know my mother " "No," Mia said, "no way, that just gives trouble and does not make it any better. "

"Maybe his mother knows something, maybe he's home," said Alvaro. Mia went to Fede, who had Juanmas number from home, and asked him to call, "Are you sure," Fede asked, "if he is not there, we'll startbig trouble." "Yes, and if something happened to him, and we do not do anything there is also trouble "

" All right then".

Fede quickly called Florenceia and told her Juanma was not at school. Juan's mom said a lot and Mia gestured to Fede to put the call on speakerphone. She heard that Florenzia said it was the day of Juanmas father's death, she had wanted to take him to the cemetery after school and he had refused. Mia asked, "Can you pick me up here and we'll drive to see if he's there?"

Florenzia said yes and after a short time she was at the school. They went to the cemetery and Florenzia said "He was quite normal on the phone, said he has training and can not come with me, I did not want to push him"

"In school, I almost know every place where someone retires, but I would not really have come to that" Said Mia. "Thank you for calling. And also thank you for always being there for him, that means a lot to him. We talked about you on vacation. "

"But please do not tell Mercedes anything, she'll make trouble and punish us all," Mia said. "No, I will not say anything."

It was a small graveyard and they had the grave within sight. In fact, they saw Juanma sitting at the grave and Florenzia said to Mia: "Go to him, alone." Mia looked at Juanmas mother uncertain but went to Juanma.

Juanma saw her coming and stood up, "what are you doing here?" He asked. "You were not in the school for dinner and Fede was looking for you, when we did not find you, we called your mother, because otherwise we would have to inform Mercedes. Why are you alone here? "

"It's the day of my father's death .. I wanted to visit him" "But why did you not went with your mother?"

"I wanted to be alone for a bit." Mia looked at the grave. His father has died young. She understood what it meant to lose a parent.

"I'm here with your mother but she said I should go to you alone" said Mia and took in the hand. "How long have you been here, your hands are like ice"

"Well the ride is quite long, but I've been here for a while, I kind of reminisced and forgot about time" "Are you ok? " asked Mia. Juanma looked at her for a moment and then looked at the gravestone. "No, you're was a stupid question," Mia said. Juanma pulled her close. "Yes I am , and it is nice that you are here. I actually wanted to ask you if you came with me, but you had already planned the afternoon, I did not want to spoil it. "" You didn't concentrate on dancing I wanted to talk to you, but you were so fast gone and Fede said you wanted to sleep "Juanma grinned briefly and said" Yes the only excuse that Fede accept, that he does not ask if everything is ok .. The death day of dad is always difficult for me. I had a very close bond with him. And it all happened so fast, we had no real time to say goodbye. I tried to distract myself but it did not work. "

"But you could have said something to me Juanma, I would have gone with you as well." "I know," he said, "but you should have fun with Zoe and Simon." She pulled him close and Mia's warmth made him realize how cold he really was and he hugged her for a moment and then said "come on let's go back."

Florenzia was waiting for the two. She had tears in her eyes and hugged Juanma. "I still miss him every day," she said softly.

She squeezed Mia's hand and said, "Thank you."

They drove back to school. The others were still in the cafeteria, and Alvaro came up to them and looked at Juanma. "Are you ok," he asked. " Yes everything fine. Thanks ""Fede Tobi and I wanted to throw some balls, do you want to join us? "Asked Alvaro. "Sure always", Juanma grinned and they moved to the gym.

Mia went to Zoe and Simon and briefly told what has happened."How is Juanmas mom like ?" Zoe asked. "Very nice, she was already in the hospital nice to me." Mia answered.

She went to their bedrooms. Juanma later wrote to Mia "Thanks for being there."

Mia answered "Always, I told you I'm always there for you."

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