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He was slightly awake as she lay down with him. "Hey where were you, you're so cold, "he said, pulling her close.
Mia snuggled up to him and took a deep breath. "Is everything ok?" He asked sleepily. "It's nothing that can not wait until we get up." Alvaro quickly fell asleep again. Mia even woke up before him again. Carefully she got up. Juanma and Roberto were already awake and Zoe was in the kitchen making coffee. Mia went to her. "Good morning", she greeted Zoe. Zoe looked up briefly and greeted back. "Is all Alright," Mia asked.

"If you can explain what's going on with Juanma today maybe ."
"What do you mean?" Mia asked. "He left at some point in the night, does not tell me why and may not sit down with him."

"I think he did not sleep well," said Mia.

"That can be but he just gave me a kiss and said I should not touch him. "

" Mm, Mia said "I'll take a look at the two, should I take cups with me"

"I do not care, I'm not sitting there anyway  ".
Mia took three cups and put them on the table. "Zoe is angry right?"

"Yeah she does not understand why she can not sit with you, did not you say anything yet?"

"She came here and wanted to tickle me, so I grabbed her hand and just told her Please do not do that, she was angry immediately. "

Carefully he sat up." It's a little better, I think. "He said. He pulled the cool pack under his shirt and stood up slowly. Mia looked briefly at the kitchen door and pulled up Juanmas shirt. The swelling had gone a bit but it had turned blue. "I'd like to have a look at the wound again," Mia said. "Come with me to the bathroom."
There she carefully removed the pavement. The wound looked good, it had not bleed anymore. She was about to put a new plaster over it when Alvaro stood in the open door. "What happened?" He asked. Maria put her finger to her lips and pulled him into the bathroom. She closed the door and locked.
She quietly explained to Alvaro what had happened during the night. He looked at the wound and felt cautiously about the swelling. "I would be more comfortable if we had that x-rayed," he said. Juanan said nothing and looked at Mia. "Um, it's like that, he does not want Zoe to notice that. So she's not worried." Alvaro looked at Mia and was just about to say something. Juanma said, "If it were broken then it would not have been better by now": Alvaro took a deep breath and thought for a moment. "I make you a suggestion, we look how it will develop over the day and if it does not get better. I'm going to the hospital with you. And if it gets worse, please let me know immediately, ok? "Juanma nodded. "I've seen another ointment for bruises at Ramiro, maybe that will help too" said Alvaro still and went to get the ointment. Mia closed the door behind him again. Alvaro came back quickly, gave Mia the tube with the salve and went into the living room to Roberto. Mia carefully rubbed the spot with it. Then she gave Juanma another painkiller. "Can you help me with the shirt?" Juanma asked. Mia helped Juanma take off his shirt. She realized he was clenching his teeth to avoid moaning in pain. Mia wanted to get him a new shirt, but when she came out of the bathroom, Zoe stood in front of her. "Can you tell me what you two are doing in the bathroom," she asked. "I helped Juanma," said Mia.

"Oh yes, and with what?"

"now listen to me, he had twisted his back in the night and I rubbed him the salve, what do you think why he slept on the couch? "Mia said annoyed and hoped fervently that Zoe did not go to the bathroom. Zoe calmed down again. Mia was her friend

"Sorry" she said. "I had a weird dream and was angry because of Juanmas Reaction."

Mia squeezed her briefly "I'll just get another shirt for Juanma or would you like to?" She asked. No, I go to Alvaro and Roberto  on the balcony.

When Mia returned to the bathroom with his shirt, Juanma looked at her and said "Thank you."
"She'll notice, Juanma, you have to tell her what's going on.

" "I'm scared that if she gets upset again, she'll have lung problems again, she should spare herself."

"But she realizes that something is not right"

"Okay later today".

When she came out of the bathroom, Zoe was alone in the living room. "I think I disturb everywhere today. When I went to the two, they were suddenly silent, "she said, looking only at Mia.
Juanma went into the kitchen and got the coffee from the coffee machine. He sat down next to Zoe and took her hand. "I did not mean that, I was kinda dislocated and it hurts when you tickle me." He said very calmly, "There is Something you are not saying," said Zoe. Mia avoided looking at Juanma. Juanma squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek, "It's all right," he said. "You  have to go through the songs," Zoe said.

"Yes we do now" said Mia. She got the music and lyrics. Zoe made room for Mia to look at the pages with Juanma.

Zoe got her school supplies and sat down in the dining room at the table.
Juanma and Mia split the passages. "Do you mean singing works well?"

"We can try it," said Juanma. He stood up. They started the first song, but Mia realized that it was hard for Juanma. He held on though. They had made three songs now it was time to learn the lyrics. Mia went out to Alvaro and Roberto.

"You've been out for ages," she said.

"Yes Roberto told me who that was and I thought we would get his car tomorrow and then they can have their pills again."

She heard that Zoe seemed to argue with Juanma. Mia want back in and asked "what's up".

"He does not let me help with the cool pack, and I thought heat was better for contortions. But apparently only you may  touch him. "

With that she turned around and went to Juanmas and her room. "Now please tell her what happened," Mia said.

"No I do not know what's going on with her today anyway, "said Juanma.

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