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Alvaro and Mia sat down a bit in Ramiro's living room. Mia lay down in Alvaros arms. She told him what Juanma and Zoe told her about Lupe. Alvaro told her that he would talk to Lupe again.
The next weekend, Juanma and Zoe would also stay with Ramiro, because then the surprise dinner was planned.
"I'm curious what Mercedes wants to tell me," Mia said.

"I think the same as mine, that she will try to accept it. Maybe someday we will get peace in the family "
They decided to go to bed . Alvaros foot had gotten a bit thick and it would be better if he puts him up a bit.
They were both pretty tired, too. Mia cuddled to sleep in Alvaros arms

. "What do you think if we make another trip in the near future?" Asked Alvaro.

"That would be nice," said Mia.
"You know I'll neverlet you go away,right," Alvaro told her.

"You do not need that either." Mia smiled at him.
She turned to Alvaro and stroked his stomach. Alvaro closed his eyes. At that moment, he was the luckiest person on earth.
The next day they were back at school for lunch. Zoe was expecting Mia already. She wanted to know what Alvaro had said and told her what she had said to Juanma. "How did he react?" Mia asked.
He took me in his arms and said he would like to be with me ... Mia I know he is still attached to you. I do not even expect something from him and yet it was nice that he said that. "she grinned.
"Yeah thats cute." Mia hugged Zoe. "I hope he will be ready soon. That would be so great if you were both together. "
As she practiced a bit on the go in the afternoon, Juanma joined her.

"Hey, are you spying on me?" Mia laughed.

"Sure, I'm always stalking you," Juanma laughed. "Do you train something specific"
"No, just a few movements" She did a few exercises from classical ballet. Juanma watched her. He turned on music and when her movements were not quite so classic, he adapted to her. When they were dancing, they understood each other blindly. After a while, Mia fell completely out of breath on a mat. She pulled Juanma down with her and both had to laugh.

"Except for the matter with Lupe it was a nice evening yesterday, right?"Mia asked.

"Yes, definitely. The disco is also very good. We could do that more often. "
"Did you still talk to Zoe when you came here?"
Juanma looked at her for a moment. He grinned and said, "As if you did not know everything again."
Mia had to laugh and looked down, "well I do not know if it was everything, I know only Zoes Site.... Zoe told me what she said and what you have answered."
"Was she disappointed?"

"Disappointed? No, why not, why should she be disappointed? "Well maybe she expected me to .. that I tell her that .."

"Juanma she did not expect something. She wanted to tell you what she feels. And she knows that you are still fighting with your feelings. Do not worry, ok. She understands that. "

" Are you sure? I do not want her to think that I do not feel anything for her, but at the moment I can not be what she wants me to be. "
"What do you mean, I do not think she has any idea how she would like you to be , she likes you as you are"
"Yes, I mean that I can not engage in so much emotion at the moment. Do you know that's not exactly what I can control? "
Mia took his hand. "Juanma nobody expects you to do anything. Be honest with her. Not more. And do not be so scared of doing something wrong. "
"I do not want to hurt her, either."
" You will not. I'm sure of that. "She hugged him. "Trust your heart. Then everything will be fine."
She broke away from him and said, "Everything ok?"

"Yes, thank you Mia ... Again," Ya no mas "?"

"Gladly," Mia said.

On the way to school, Juanma said, "Go ahead, I still wanted to just call my mother "
" Allright, see you later". She went to Zoes and her room.

Simon jumped up in shock and then said, "Oh, you are that."

"Room control," Mia laughed.
"I'm going to take a shower," she announced and disappeared in the bathroom. When she was done, the three talked a little before dinner. After eating, she wanted to pick out a few things for the lesson from the computers in the lounge. Mia noticed that Juanma always looked at his cell phone while eating and was directly gone after the meal. She asked Zoe "Are you writing to Juanma anyway?"

"Uh no, he was just there why should I write to him."

"It was just a question," Mia said. As she walked to the computers, Juanma was busy with the cell phone again.
Simon, Zoe and Mia shared a PC and worked together.
Juanma joined them after some time amd asked "What are you doing"

Simon groaned "we have to write such a stupid speech. Until Tuesday"
Zoe looked at Juanma "Do you want to watch"

"No, I'll call again" Mia and Zoe exchanged a look.
When he returned, he made a slightly nervous impression. Simon had finished his part and had gone to a table to copy it.
Zoe asked, "What's up Juanma?"

"I've been trying to reach my mother since this afternoon. She does not read the news and does not call back. "
"She's probably eating with Marcelo or maybe she does not hear the phone"

"But she always has it with her because of work. It's not normal that she does not answer for over three hours. "
"Maybe Marcelo knows what?" Said Zoe. "Could Alvaro have the number of him?"

"No he does not but Ramiro does. Wait a moment." Mia said. She picked up her cell phone and called Ramiro. After her explanation, he told that he will contact Marcelo and ask about Florenzia. He wanted to get in touch again. It took less than 5 minutes when he was back on the phone. "Marcelo said he was with some friends on a bike ride today, he wrote with Florenzia last around 3pm, the last message from 5pm is unread."
Mia told Zoe and Juanma what Ramiro had said. "I have to go home, said Juanma.

"Wait" Mia said. She called Alvaro,explained the situation and asked if he could go home with them to Juanma. Heagreed and they met at the car 5 minutes later. Mia had told Ramiro and hadpromised to keep him informed. Marcelo had said he would get in touch as soonas he got back home.
Juanma had turned very pale. Alvaro said to him "She must have fallenasleep or something, you'll see everything will be alright"

"Thanks for driving," said Juanma. " Of course"
Florenzia's car was in front of the garage. Juanma unlocked the door and shouted, "Mama?" He ran up the stairs while the three others looked down into the rooms.

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