the park

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The next morning, the boys left the room early to go unnoticed in their rooms and they all met again at breakfast. Lupe was also in the cafeteria at the same time. Juanma gave her a bitter look.

After Go's training, Lupe approached Juanma. She was very meek and said: Juanma, can I talk to you? "

"I do not know what else you would have to say to me," Juanma replied. "Please Juanma," Lupe begged.

Juanma let her lead him out, "So?" he said.

"I wanted to apologize," said Lupe.

"that's the least and you should do that with Zoe. I think there's nothing more to say "He wanted to pass Lupe, but she held him at his arm."" But there is more. I do not know what I thought. I thought you were a little bit sick ... "

" Oh yes and then? Did you want to lure me away from Mia or what was your plan? "

"No, I ... I do not know, Juanma I miss you, I need you now that my family broke down, I can not stand that you look after Mia".

"Get used toit Lupe..." Juanma said.

"Juanma please do not be like that. I apologize, I am really sorry I did not think ".

"Lupe, listen to me. What you did was too much. There's no excuse for that, you can not expect from me that you say sorry and then everything's fine. "

"No ok but please consider it" ... said Lupe.

Mia and Juanma met as agreed after school, Mia suggested going to the park.

They bought an ice cream and sat down on a bench.

"Lupe apologized to me," said Juanma.

"That was the least she could do"

"I did not accept it for now."

Both said nothing for a moment. Juanma put his hand on Mia's. Mia said, "Juanma, what's going on with you lately. I feel like we are not really talking anymore. "

Juanma did not say anything. Mia looked at him. "Hey," she asked.

"Mia I do not want to burden you with my problems and feelings."

"What do you mean" - "Zoe said that Alvaro and I have to let you think, that we should just be friends. And I try it. "

"But friends also talk to each other. And when I feel like it's something and you do not talk to me, it's more stressful to me than just telling me how you're doing."

Again, he said nothing at first.

"Hey, look at me," said Mia. "Tell me what's up, Juanma. Did Zoe say anything else? "

"No, everything is fine with Zoe. She is really nice. I can talk to her well. "


"Mia please"

"No, Juanma, what's wrong with you. You've been totally weird for days, I realize you like talking to me, but there is something. "

"I just want to have a nice afternoon with you, ok?"

"Sure that's ok, but I want to know what's wrong with you."

Juanma averted his eyes, then said, "I do not know either, I do not know if Zoe has told you anything. When I'm with you, I feel complete. I feel understood. I miss you when we're apart, and when you're with Alvaro I feel like I'm going crazy. I want that you are happy. And if it's with him, that's fine, but I'm afraid of your decision because I feel you've already decided. I do not know how to explain that I am happy for you then but I can not handle it for myself. "

Mia had tears in her eyes. One ran down her cheek and Juanma wiped it away. "You see, and that's exactly what I wanted to avoid," he said. She took him in her arms and tried to control her feelings. Juanma hugged her and swallowed.

"I did not decide ..." "Oh yes Mia. You made your decision for Alvaro. Your problem with that is the family. Nothing has changed between you and him. "

"Much has happened between us since then" said Mia. "No Mia.We have talked a lot. You were very much there for me. But it has nothing changed. "

He stroked Mia over the back. "You are always a friend to me, and I know you will remain so. But do not hurt him too much, otherwise you will lose him. "he said.

Mia broke away from Juanma and looked at him. By now he had tears in his eyes as well. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"Lupe wanted that you take care of me and hurt him with that Mia, every time you come for me it breaks his heart because he's afraid of losing you. He trusts me in part. I noticed that with Zoe, but Mia it hurts him when you're with me and I know that because I feel the same way. "

Mia took several deep breaths. She took his hand and said, "Juanma, once I chose Alvaro, yes. I love him. But so much has happened since then. I just really want to have a good time,be good at school, sing and dance and I do not want to loose Zoe, Simon, Alvaro, you and Sophie as friends. Alvaro has suggested to me to talk to you. "

"I know," said Juanma. " You will not loose me. Do you remember that I said I can win well but lose even better? "

"Do you remember that I said everything wonderful includes you too?"

Juanma tried to smile. This time, Mia wiped a tear from his cheek. " No matter what happens. I'll always be close to you Juanma. Because you always were close to me "

"Always " he said "let's go back, there will be dinner soon. "

"Ok," Mia said and took his hand,

"Mia, I have one more thing ..."

" What?"

"My mom asked if I came home on the weekend. She wants you to come to dinner. As a thank you .. and no ... it was really her idea. "

"I'm glad to be invited ," said Mia.

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