The rest of the week

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The next day's lessons were exhausting, there were still some tests to be written and there was a lot to explain and they had to write a lot, but Mia's thoughts were more on the afternoon  and on Zoe and Gaspar.
Ramiro wanted to meet Juanma and Mia right after lunch to drive them to Charlie Martin.
Alvaro, Zoe and Simon were waiting with them in front of the school until Ramiro arrived. They were talking about the songs when Gaspar approached them.
Mia took him in his arms and said, "Want to wish us luck for the demo"?
"Yes that too, but I also wanted to Zoe shortly" He smiled at Zoe.
Ramiro arrived at that moment and Junma and Mia had to say goodbye to the others. Alvaro took Mia in his arms and wished them good luck.
Also Zoe and Simon pressed both briefly to wish luck.
Juanma glanced at Gaspar and then got into the car.
"Do you know what he wants from Zoe now?" He asked Mia
"He told me he wanted to call her, but he did not say why," Mia said.
Juanma decided not to deepen the topic now.

When they arrived, both were upset, Charlie explained some things about their performance. It was planned that they would be picked up at school on Saturday lunchtime and returned on Sundays. The night had been booked in a hotel near the club. He said that he still needed a consent from Juanma's mother. Then he handed the two   the lyrics for the recordings. During the rehearsals he was very satisfied with how much text the two had already learned in the short time and he was amazed at how well they fit together vocally. The nervousness subsided, he gave them time to get used to the situation.
They told him that they rehearsed choreographies for the performances and he was enthusiastic about their enthusiasm for the cause. He agreed to come an watch  at school next week.
Ramiro was incredibly proud of the two. When the shots were done to everyone's satisfaction Ramiro drove with Juanma and Mia to the hospital. He had offered it to Juanma because they did not know how long they would be in the studio and Alvaro then did not have to drive .
Florenzia listened enthusiastically to the stories and was happy for the two. She also signed the consent  directly.
When they arrived at school, the dinner time was over but Autenzia had picked up something for them. Alvaro had already been waiting for them.

. He sat down to dinner with them and they told him how it have been.
Mia and he wanted to go for a walk after the meal. Juanma wanted to look for Fede and Nico.
When Alvaro was alone with Mia, he took her in his arms. "Glad you're back," he said.
"I was hardly gone," laughed Mia.

"Every minute without you is long."
Alvaro had been with his mother in the meantime. "She seems to have calmed down, she said we should come to see her next week. She also seems to have said something to Lupe. "
"Mm," Mia said.

"What do you think?" Asked Alvaro.
" I dont know. I can hardly imagine that they just accept it now. In the past after they were calm later they made trouble "
"Yes, but maybe they really understood it," said Alvaro. "Give them a chance"
"I'll try," said Mia. "Do you know if Zoe was gone with Gaspar or something?"
"No, they have an appointment sometime next week, I did not hear that exactly. I asked myself anyway what he wants from her "
"Juanma wondered about that too," Mia said.
"Yes, I thought about him too. Zoe will probably not start again what with Gaspar "
"Gaspar wants it," said Mia, "but I did not say to Juanma or Zoe that I know that."
"Better ," says Alvaro "You do not believe how much I look forward to tomorrow," he added, taking her face into his hand and kissing her. " I love you so much"
"I love you too," said Mia. They walked slowly back to school. Zoe had already expected Mia. She was still busy with a homework, but put the things away when Mia came in.
"Did Juanma ask you about gaspar? She asked.

"He wanted to know what he could want from you:"

"He was only here for a short time, we made an appointment for Tuesday. He picks me up, "Zoe said. "I do not know if I should tell him that"
"The question is what do you want. If you only meet friendly with Gaspar is not a problem. But if not..."
"Gaspar did not want that with me anymore. So that will definitely only for friendship "
"If you're sure, then tell Juanma what you're doing. If he does  notice by himself, he'll think differently. You remember what it was like when you hid that from me. "
There was a knock on the door. When Mia opened, Juanma stood at the door.
"Hey, everything's fine with you", she greeted him
"Um, just got a fit of panic," he said with a grin.

" How do you mean"
"I was kind of totally restless and could not concentrate on learning. "
"Are you thinking about something?"
"For me, everything is all mixed up. The recordings, the performance, my mother, I can not think straight, you uknow?. "He glanced at Zoe.
"But the recordings are good. Charlie was really excited."
"And you will make the appearance without a problem," Zoe interjected. Juanma looked at her.
Mia felt that Juanma wanted to talk more with Zoe. She said "I'm taking a shower" and disappeared in the bathroom.
Zoe looked at Juanma. " What's happening?"
"I was wondering what Gaspar wanted from you. He treated Mia and you so badly. I have such a strange feeling "
"He wants to meet with me next week"
"He'll hurt you again, Zoe."
"I just want to talk to him. "
" Are you sure"?
Zoe got up and went to Juanma who sat on Mia's bed. "I really just want to talk to him. Do not worry, ok. "He nodded." We still have to plan the shopping for tomorrow.
When Mia came out of the shower, they decided to meet Alvaro in the living room for a while, so they could plan on knowing they needed everything for the meal. They wanted to cook Empanada .
Quickly they had all the ingredients together and the money they wanted to throw together.
They were all looking forward to the next evening.
Zoe told Mia about the conversation with Juanma when they were alone." I think he's getting closer to you, "Mia said," and he's worried that Gaspar will come before him. "
"Then let him hurry," laughed Zoe. "No, I do not want to be together with Gaspar anymore"
"And you're sure of that?"

"Actually," Zoe grinned.

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