The first day

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In the evening they all sat together in the living room. For the next day they had planned barbecues in the evening and the rest of the day they wanted to spend the beach. Ramiro said goodbye for the night and the four stayed for a while. The boys talked about the next game, which should take place against a strong team. Everyone was a little tired from the day, so they did not stay up much longer.

Ramiro had already prepared breakfast the next morning and they all started well in the day. He had a phone call and the four ran to the beach after breakfast. They were there alone. When Ramiro joined in, he thought to himself that he had not seen the students so boisterous for a long time. Mercedes ran a strict school administration, which of course contributed to the good reputation of the school, but not always to a good mood. He also noticed that Alvaro and Juanma got along really well and was happy about it. That Zoe had so much fun on the holidays was particularly pleasing to him, because she was the victim of the party.

He thought of the time with Mariana and how similar Mia had become to her. Isabel had been a good replacement mom. He was still angry little bit that she had not told him the truth on the other hand, he could understand that she had accepted the wish of Mariana. How happy Mariana would have been to see Mia like this.

Alvaro came to him and talked to him a bit. Zoe sat down on Mia's towel, watching Juanma swim and Zoe said, "You're really lucky that Ramiro is your father." "Yes," Mia said and smiled. "If only the situation around it were not so difficult"

"That's going to to be good Mia," Zoe said. "We should just enjoy the days" "What's the matter with you and Juanma?" Mia asked.

"What should be the matter with us?" Zoe avoided eye contact with Mia. "Come on, Zoe, I know you. I realize that you get along great with him. And you also throw him some eyes "

Zoe looked down and could not resist a grin. "I do not know either. Somehow he is very different than I thought. I like him. But he is also still very attached to you "

"That will change," Mia said.

Juanma came out of the water and sat down to the girls. "Are you water-shy" he asked laughing

"hey we were already in there" Mia protested

"Yes, clearly with your legs" grinned Juanma Since the girls were suddenly silenced when he came he then asked "I have not disturbed your conversation, right"

"No, its all right," Zoe said. At noon they had a snack planned in the house, so they all set out on the way. Mia then retired a bit into the room, Alvaro went with Ramiro to get some snacks for the barbecue and Zoe sat down on the terrace. Juanma thought about it and then sat down next to her.

Zoe looked at him "it's nice here, right?"

"Yes you could almost wish the time would not come to an end"

"O yeah, I could well live without school" laughed Zoe.

"Yes that too"

"What do you mean?" Zoe asked.

"Here it is finally quiet. You do not always have to justify yourself or be watched. "

"Do you mean lupe?"

"Yes for example .." he paused for a moment "she wrote to me yesterday"

"Does she know that Alvaro is here?"

"Apparently not, because she asked if I take Mia away from her brother. She does not seem to have gotten with you, that you are here. And I wonder how she knows I'm not at home. "

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