The shopping center

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They went back to the lounge and Mia took Alvaro by the hand and pulled him along. When they were outside, she said, "I know you just want to protect me. But I was hoping to find out what was going on with him. I have only friendly interest in him, nothing more. "
" I know. But you defend him again and again. Juanma does not trust him either. I love you and I'm just scared of losing you or hurting you and I can not help you. "
Mia took Alvaro in her arms. " I know. I love you too. You will not lose me. And I will be careful "
They went for a walk outside.
On Monday they wanted to go back to the shopping center with Fede, Sofie, Martin and Agus in the afternoon. The girls had seen a few things and wanted to show them to Agus and Sofie and there was the hope that it would be emptier.
Unfortunately, they were disappointed, but due to the still valid offers there were many people. Zoe and Juanma were still stuck in a shop while the others went to the next store.
Sofie and Mia had disappeared together in a locker room and had some shirts with them. Again and again they came out and presented the boys other outfits. Agus had fallen in love with a dress.

Everyone was shocked when suddenly sounded a very high-pitched alarm and a loudspeaker announcement asked all visitors to leave the building through the emergency exits. The next moment a panic broke out. The girls rushed out of the locker room and tried to make their way through the running people together. The water sprinklers had started and everything was slippery within seconds. Alvaro pulled Mia with him and he had also seen Fede and Martin with Sofie and Agus. Mia slipped and fell and Alvaro could just pull her up before someone literally ran over her from behind. Since the elevators are no longer in use in an emergency, many people crowded around the stairwells. Alvaro saw some who had fallen or been pushed against somewhere. Alvaro did not release Mia's hand. There were always people trying to get between them.
It seemed endless until they came to an exit. Fede and Martin were relatively close to Mia and Alvaro with Sofie and Agus. When they finally were outside, Alvaro took a deep breath. Mia hugged him. Fede, Sofie, Martin and Agus were right behind them. They were all 6 shocked . They were all a bit shaky. "We have to look for Juanma and Zoe, they're definitely at another exit."
Police and rescue workers were standing in front of the exits. The police tried to make room for the ambulance and fire department. So far, nobody knew what was really going on. In the crowd, you caught many different things that one or the other had seen. "We should split up and looking for Juanma and Zoe. your cell phone are all ok?"

Mia said "I'm trying to call Zoe"

"If they are not out, they will not be able to answer" said Sofie-Mia tried it anyway but Sofie was right. They started to search for the two. Mia saw that people were being taken out of the building by rescue workers. They had already walked around the building twice, but neither Juanma and Zoe were visible. Alvaro tried again to talk to a police officer at one of the entrances to find out what had happened. He had little information, a small fire had broken out in a restaurant and that had triggered the alarm.

The emergency exits had not opened directly, causing panic. There are many injured people still in the building. He could not say how heavy and if there were people dead.

Mia went pale. "If they are not out yet, then they are definitely injured and still in there."

Fede said "Mia there are so many people here, we may well have overlooked them"

They searched for another moment, then Mia's cell phone rang. She said "It's Juanma" and answered. "Juanma where are you" She was startled because Juanma's voice trembled "I'm at the exit to the cinema but I lost Zoe"

"Juanma stay calm, we'll be right there" said Mia. She hung up and said to the others " He's at the exit where the cinema is, but he lost Zoe".

They made their way to the exit. About the speaker was now said, they should make a large radius around the building to make room. The people who were not injured and not missing somebody should leave the area completely. They found Juanma relatively fast. He was very pale and had a big scratch on his arm. Mia approached him and hugged him.

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