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She picked up her cell phone and had two messages from Isabel. She noticed that Juanma had not written since the night.

So she wrote "Good morning, how are you?" The message was read quickly but she did not get an answer.

She decided to wait and see.

It was raining today, and as Ramiro had a few more things to do in the apartment, Alvaro and she helped there. They had laughed much during the day. At dinner, Ramiro said, "The first week is almost over. You can decide what you want to do next week. "

Alvaro would probably have to go back to Mercedes, so he spent the holidays not only with Ramiro. They collected some more ideas and Mia told Zoe that she stayed with Ramiro for the second week.

In the evening, Ramiro had a business meeting, so Alvaro and Mia were alone. They ordered something to eat and thought about making a movie night again. Mia looked at her cell phone and had a message from Juanma:

"Sorry, I did not feel well. Too many thoughts. Hope you are fine"

As Alvaro was showering, she called Juanma. He answered quickly. "Mia everything ok", he greeted her. "Yeah, and with you"

"Also," he said. "What do you mean with too many thoughts"asked Mia.

"You have a lot of time with Alvaro at the moment. I assume that your decision is back. "

Mia rolled her eyes. "I did not decide anything. We're at Ramiro and enjoying the holidays. "" Yes sure, "said Juanma bitterly.

"Juanma there is nothing", she did not realize that Alvaro was already back from the bathroom and came into the living room. "We're just friends, just like you and me, too." She said. Then she heard Alvaro coming. "We'll talk tomorrow" as she hung up. "Who was that?" Alvaro asked. Miadecided to tell the truth. "Juanma ... .." she said. "Ah ok ... and where is nothing," replied Alvaro.

Mia lowered her eyes. "What I'm supposed to tell him?"

"The truth, Mia." He put a hand to her cheek, "Mia, you will not come around hurting one of us. If I know Juanma's feelings correctly, they are very strong. And even if you do not choose one of us, it will hurt both. Mia just think about with whom you're feeling better. And even if it should not be me, just say it. Because neither for him nor for me, this situation is easy. "

He had tears in his eyes now. Mia took his hand.

"When I was with him at the hospital, he was so close to me and you so far away. Now it's the other way around. You are both so important to me and I do not want anyone to suffer. "

Alvaro swallowed and said, "You know, we have one week more. And I'm going back to mom and maybe you're going to spend the week without to see one of us.. Maybe then you will realize who do you miss more. What do you think of the idea? "

Mia considered. Maybe that was not bad.

The next morning, Juanma wrote to her that he was home the next day and that he would like to see her.

Mia wrote to him, "I think that I will not see any of you two next week. So I hope that I will realize what I want. Juanma understand that please. I just need a break.

Juanma wrote back: Alvaro did you see that week too ... why can not you see me next week. "

Mia read the message and didn't answer.

As juanma sat with his mother in the living room of the apartment he was very thoughtful. Florenzia spoke to him: "Juanma what's wrong with you"

He thought for a moment, then thought that maybe talking to his mother about it was not bad: he told her about his feelings about Mia and the things which ae happned in the hospital, but also about the fact that Mia had seen Alvaro many times now. He told her that Mia stood between them.

Florenzia said nothing for a moment. Then she said:" Then Mia is in a really difficult situation. This with you and Alvar then the amily problems.... That puts her under tremendous pressure. Juanma, you and Alvaro need to take the pressure off before she breaks. She did not want to have a relationship with any of you. So be there as friends for her. Without crushing her with your feelings. "

"But mom, it hurts when I know she's with Alvaro. She wants distance for herself next week to be clear. I have not seen her for a week and I miss her. "

" I understand you. But you have to give her the distance. You have to take your feelings back now. "

Juanma swallowed. He knew that his mother was right. But it was difficult. He said goodbye to his mother for the night and just texted Mia a "good night"

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