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She found him. He played his song.She began to song too. It was fun to sing with him. After the song, she sat down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. She realized that he was breathing deeply.
He had missed Mia, but it had bothered him a little that she found Juanma, and then stayed away for so long. He was deeply afraid to lose her to him, even if he did not want to admit it to himself. Her closeness did him very well after all those thoughts. He gently put his arm around her and for a while both said nothing.

Mia then asked him, "Have you been here all the time?" "No," he replied, "I was together with Tobi and Martin but the two of them have talked too much today ..
Mia answered, "Why?" Oh ... they make  a bit of a joke on speculation about what between Junama and you might be, "he said, averting his eyes. Mia changed position and stood directly in front of Alvaro, so he looked at her: "You know that between me and him is nothing, right?"
Alvaro sighed, "yes. But at the moment he is veryclose to you. You spend a lot of time together. "
"Are you angry?" Mia asked. "No, of course not, I'm only worried."
"It was nothing. We only talked. Not more."
"Yes Mia I's ok. I'm glad we're together now. "
Alvaro once again began to play a song and Mia sang with him again.
Then Alvaros cell phone rang. It was Ramiro and he told him that Mercedes and he would take Lupe and Alvaro home after class tomorrow to discuss a few things.
Alvaro's face darkened. Mia had not heard Ramiro and Alvaro explained the reason for the call.
Mia knew that Alvaro was worried about his family. He did not want to go through another breakup. Mia took him in his arms and held him tight. She felt that Alvaro breathed deeply several times
“Thank you, "he whispered. Then he looked at Mia.
It was getting late and Alvaro suggested that they go into the rooms to avoid any trouble.
"Are you sure that you are ok?" Mia asked him. "Yes," replied Alvaro. "Tomorrow I 'll know more."
"Ok then I say good night" said Mia, squeezed him again briefly and then disappeared towards girls apartment.
Here she was eagerly awaited by Zoe

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