Calm down

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Alvaro called Mia's cell phone. He wanted to explain briefly why he stayed with Javier. When she answered, he heard that she was crying. "Mia what is  it " Mia told him in tears what Juanma has told her and that she thinks to ask Isabel to get her and bring her to Spain. She could not calm down and Alvaro said after a while, "Give me Juanma please" She held out her cell phone. He took it and Alvaro said "Please listen to me, stay with her today wherever you are. Tell it to Zoe I'll fix that with Ramiro so there will be no trouble. She otherwise will call Isabel in the middle of the night and she'll pick her up and this time for sure. "

" Are you sure...? "Juanma began.

"Yeah, I'm sure put youself in my situation and ask yourself if you want her to be alone. Zoe does not know everything. But you can calm her dowm ,  I know that. I trust you." Juanma gave the phone back to Mia.
  Alvaro tried to reassure Mia over the phone and told her that Juanma would stay with her.
Javier had listened to the conversation and said "You're sure what you're doing, as far as I know Juanma was not always your friend"
"If he is not mine, he is hers, but I trust him now. She is ok with him today. "
At first, Ramiro was not very enthusiastic about Alvaros idea, especially as Alvaro could not say where the two were, but he decided to say yes. In the meantime, Juanma had called Zoe and asked her to unobtrusively bring one or two blankets over.
Zoe appeared quickly she had squeezed two blankets and a pillow in a bag, more did not go in. She sat down with the two. Juanma said "I'll see if I can organize something to eat.

He left the room.
Zoe looked questioningly at Mia. "Why does Alvaro want Juanma to stay with you?"
"No idea, he clarified that with him, I think because he knows that Juanma probably can not sleep anyway, if I'm upset. Maybe he was also afraid that you would not recognize during the night  when I call Isabel "
"Mhm ok it  definitely shows that he trusts him," Zoe said.

Juanma came back with two plates. He put them down so Zoe could get something, but Zoe declined with thanks.Mia did not eat much. The three talked for a while, then Zoe said goodbye for the night.
"How are you now? "Asked Juanma. "I'm worried. What if Mercedes builds up too much pressure. Alvaro can not stand everything. "
"Mia he will stand by you, And with you at his side  he will make it."
Mia was completely exhausted. Alvaro had written her again and she had answered that she was feeling a little better.
She lay down on the mattress and Juanma turned on the alarm on his cell phone and left soft music running.
He lay down next to her. Mia slid closer to him. "Hey, we slept that way too just before," she said.
" I know. But I do not know how to do it right. I..."
"Juanma this time I need that ok? It's alright for Alvaro, he wants you to be there. So please do not worry. "
"I just want you to be okay, Mia. But I do not want that  you or Alvaro ..."
Mia interrupted him". Alvaro would not have told you to stay with me if he did not trust you. And that I trust you, you do know. "
Juanma tried to relax. He put his arm over Mia. Mia took his hand for a moment. "It's ok," she said. "I'm glad you're here".
He took a deep breath. It felt good to be close to her. But it hurt him that she was so sad. He decided to talk to Lupe tomorrow. Mia was already asleep. Juanma hung around for a while. He wondered how much had changed. His cell phone had vibrated again. It was a message from Zoe, who wished him good night. Zoe. He used to never waste a thought on her before. Today she had become very important to him. He felt like he could open to her. She was Mia's best friend. He tried to focus on Mia's breathing to fall asleep.

He dozed for a moment, but Mia started to cry in her sleep. He stroked her back and spoke to her. She could not remember her dream anymore. She sat up. "Juanma I think the best would be really I'm going to Spain. So Alvaro can go his way without being constantly in focus. I can be with Isabel, like most of my life. "
At first he did not know what to say. Then he said, "Here you can be with your father, if you do not stay for Alvaro, stay for him. He missed so many years with you. I'm sure he'll talk to you about everything in the next few days. You just have to stay calm now. Think about the nice days we had. Alvaro counts on you Mia. You have brought so much good to the school. "
"I lost Gaspar on the way," Mia said.

"You donßt have lost him. You're just rebuilding your friendship. Give yourself and him time. Mia, right now you see everything negative. That's not you. You've always seen the little positives in everything. "He took her in his arms again. "Come lie down again. We'll sleep a little bit more. "

" Did you even sleep? "Mia asked.

" Yes, but it's not about me. Let go and fall asleep again"

Mia realized that Juanma was awake. She asked, " What up with you?"

"Mia, it's not about me. We should really sleep. "

She turned to him. "Do not freak me out, what's up?."
"That's not important either, I think my mother was with Marcelo at the weekend in our house, that would mean he has ..."

Mia did not let him finish the sentence. She put her finger to his lips.

"Did you not say she should be happy"?

"Yes, but him sleeping  in my father's bed is really a strange idea. Do you know at home he is still present in my mind. Do you understand how I mean that? "
" Yes very good. Do you remember our performance where Lupe showed me the paternity test before? I could not sing. It was not until I saw my mum next to Ramiro then everything was good"

" You sang uniquely Mia "

" Yes for her.... so I can empathize as well what you feel. But Juanma. Your mom is still here. She did not choose to be alone now. She is such a nice person. Don't you think she deserves to be happy. Do you think your dad wanted her to stay alone? "
Juanma had tears in his eyes. "No, he wouldn't. No way. But it hurts."
" Yes. It hurts, but it's going to be okay too, My mom let Ramiro go to Mercedes. Juanma out of love do people very much. If your mom is happy with Marcelo, be happy for her. "
He took her in his arms. He pressed her tightly. "I'll try it..... Mia you do not believe how much you mean to me"

"And you to  me" She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "We should try to sleep" She cuddled up to him again this time both really fell asleep.

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