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When she returned to JUanma's room, both of them fell silent and looked at her. "Well, you know what if I disturb you, I can go again." With this words she closed the door again.
When she showed up again, Florenzia looked at her. "Sorry Florenzia I need a moment, I'm going for a walk okay?"
"Sure, let the door ajar"
Mia walked a bit along the paths and then sat down on a bench.
She understood Alvaro and Juanma a bit, but nevertheless it got on her nerves that the two always had to say something.
She tried to enjoy the fresh air and to come down a bit. It was not too long when Alvaro came up to her "So here you are, I almost got lost"

"I'm not that far away yet."

"What's up Mia."

"It annoys me that you two thinks that I can not take care of myself "

" We know that, too, but nevertheless I do not trust Roberto. "

" Oh let's not talk about it now at the moment counts only Zoe, ok "

" Ok "said Alvaro. "May I hug you again or are you still angry?"

Mia had to laugh and wrapped her arms around Alvaro's neck. "Will you come back?" Alvaro asked, "Can we walk a little bit? I'd like to be alone with you for a while," Mia said.
They went on hand in hand.

When they returned to the house, Juanma and Florenzoa had almost finished the dinner. "We cooked and you need to do the dishes," Juanma said with a grin. Florenza smiled and said, "We have a dishwasher, after all." When they had eaten, the three of them wanted to watch a movie. Florenzia gave two bags of chips in the room and wished good night.

Mia quickly fell asleep. All the things that happened like that emptied her emotionally. When she woke up at night, Alvaro slept and Juanma was gone. Quietly she got up and sneaked out of the room. The bathroom door was open. She went down.

Juanma had wrapped himself in a blanket and was sitting on the steps outside the door. He looked up as Mia opened the door. "May I sit with you?" She asked.

"Can't you sleep too?" He asked back, nodding and tipping part of the blanket over her shoulders.

"I woke up and realized you were gone, what are you doing out here?"

"I needed some air. "He took a deep breath. Mia saw that he have been crying. Without saying anything she pulled him into her arms. He put his arms around her and pulled her closer.

"Hey," she said, stroking Juanmas back. "Surely we can go tomorrow to her". She realized that Juanma nodded.

"Sorry ... I ..."

"You do not have to say anything, Juanma. I know you're scared. "Juanma tried to control his feelings. He swallowed and took a shaky breath. Then he broke away from Mia.

"I do not know what to feel. Fear ... anger ... sadness ... "

Mia took his hand. "Juanma, you must try to calm you down. According to the current state, there is no danger to life. I'm almost sure we'll see her tomorrow. .. "

Juanma interjected her .:" I keep seeing the pictures. It's like a movie The water from above , the alarm, the panic and the üanicked eyes of the people. You do not know where to go, you just run after the crowd. You hope that you come through. You hope you can do it. Then she was gone. When I turned around, I have not seen her anymore. I wanted to go back and it did not work. Then you come out and wait, you look at the door and wait that she comes too. You see the others who miss someone else as well. Mia as soon as I close my eyes, I have just that in front of me. "He shivered and tears ran down his cheeks.
Mia instinctively responded and reached for his hands. "And then you wake up," Mia continued the story.

" Yes. I wake up and take forever trying to figure out where I am. And then I remember where Zoe is. "

Mia thought of her own experience in the shopping center. She had blindly relied on Alvaro. She knew as long as she felt his hand, everything was ok. And she believed that it had been the same for Alvaro. Juanma and Zoe were lost.

She took Juanma by the shoulders and said, "Juanma look at me. You have not been able to do anything I know that you feel like you've failed. But you did not . You've done everything to get her out of the center. You had no influence on what happened. And Juanma, she will be well again. I'm sure of that. "

" Why are you so sure that I could not have held on to her? "

" Because I've seen quite a few of these situations myself, because I know you would have done absolutely everything to hold on to her if you could and because I know that you would never let anything happen to someone you love. Juanma Zoe needs us when she comes from the hospital. Above all, she needs you. And you have to be strong. "
She wiped Carefully a tear from his cheek. "We will all be strong together for her, ok?"

"Ok," he said, holding her hand. After a while he said "sorry I did not want to ..."

"No Juanma, it's ok. You needed this breakdown now. And now we make a line under it "

He pulled her close again. Mia realized he was still shaking.

It was like a trauma that he had to deal with. He had hardly slept for a week and you could see it.

She realized that he was slowing down and relaxed. "Should we go to bed slowly?" She asked. "Are you very tired, I think I need a moment".
"May I stay with you or would you rather be alone?"

"It would be nice if you stay," he said, pulling her head to his shoulder.

"Mia? "

" Yes. "

" Please do not tell my mother, she would only be worried ".

"No, I do not do it. We are also worried and if I can do something for you ... "

" Mia you are doing absolutely enough. I do not know what I would do without you and I can not thank Alvaro enough for his trust.

"Mia pulled the blanket closer around them both. "Are you cold?"

"No, but it's cuddly."
"Are you feeling better?" Mia asked him.

"If Zoe gets better, I will, and I have to try to get rid of the pictures because that will not let me sleep, but maybe we should try to sleep again."

"As you wish." He pulled away from the blanket got up and held out his hand to Mia. "Come," he said. He pulled Mia up and hugged her tightly. "Thanks," he said.
When they were up, they quietly turned on the TV again. Mia sat down first to Juanma. He lays his head on her lap, but Mia says, "So you wake up when I get up." She lay down with him for a moment. Juanma rested his head on her arm. "If Alvaro wakes up now, he's angry," he said softly.

"No, if I tell him what's going on, he will not, try to sleep." In fact, Juanma fell asleep quickly and Mia carefully pulled her arm away and lay down to Alvaro. He half awake and pulled her into his arms. "I love you," whispered Mia. "I love you too," murmured Alvaro.

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