The time before the performance

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The girls had already bought some special offers when Alvaro called. "Where exactly are you?" Mia told Alvaro where they were and it was not long before the boys were with them.
They had a very nice afternoon. When the girls disappeared into a locker room again, Alvaro said to Juanma, "Did you ever think we both could be friends?"
"No ... we were always just Mia's friends," he grinned. "She changed a lot here."

"I think she changed us," said Alvaro.
In the evening, they all arrived tired and exhausted at the school. They did not feel like sitting in the lounge and retreated to Mia and Zoe's room. The girls showed all their low-priced stuff. Juanma quietly said to Alvaro "good that they had a head start" and Alvaro had to laugh.
Alvaro said then "Friday we sleep again at Ramiro then we have some peace okay?"
All agreed.
Marcelo announced a game in two weeks the next day. It was an important game he wanted to train as much as possible. As always, he turned his players into two teams for training. Alvaro and Juanma played against each other. Roberto was in the team of Alvaro.

From the first moment Roberto was tense and dogged. He even went against Alvaro and Marcelo had to admonish him several times. When Junama approached the basket with the ball, he jumped him in the back and made Juanma fall down. Marcelo called him out and Alvaro helped Juanma up. He had twisted his knee a bit but it did not seem to be that bad but Marcelo took him out first. He went to the locker room. When he had changed, he sought Zoe and Mia.

Zoe went right up to him and asked, "What about your leg?" He gave her a quick hug.

"Roberto fooled me,but that'll be alright soon."

"And he's still alive?" Mia laughed. "No seriously, can you dance with this Knee"

" I think so we can try it "

They went together to the Go rooms. Juanma managed all the movements but Mia could see that he was in pain and said "Let go and take a break" Zoe came into the rooms with water. After a while, they went through a few more songs but then decided that it was enough for today.
When they went back to school, Mia saw that Roberto was sitting on a bench. "Go on," Mia said to the other two. She went to Roberto. Without a greeting , she said, "Tell me what's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?" Opposed Roberto.

"That you attack Juanma. In the training. He now has problems with the choreos "
"But you are very much in favor of each other," grinned Roberto.

"Of course we are that I have already told you, we are friends. But what about you?"
"I'm not in a good mood today."


"It does not matter."

"It does if the others suffer. "
Roberto said nothing. "Hey" Mia said, "I see there is something that bothers you."

At that moment, Alvaro came up to them. "That you still are near my girlfriend after today is really awesome," he said.
Mia jumped up "he didn't do nothing,I went to him I wanted to know what's wrong with him"

"There you hear it Alvaro" said Roberto grinning

"And what's up with you? You play ruthlessly. Marcelo was pissed off and I was still the one who told him to let you play "

Mia pulled Alvaro aside. "Come on, that's enough." She tried to calm him down. Roberto got up and said quietly to Mia "Maybe we can be friends too" He grinned.
Mia took Alvaro by the hand and pulled him to the school building.

In the lounge they found Zoe and Juanma. Juanma's knee was a little swollen. Alvaro grabbed a cold pack from the kitchen and they went into the room of Zoe and Mia. Alvaro stirred up with Juanma for a long time about the nature of Roberto. Mia had her own thoughts. She realized something was nagging at Roberto.

When the boys left, Zoe asked, "What's the matter with you, you did not say anything the whole evening?"

" There is something with Roberto. When he left, he said that maybe we could be friends too. He grinned strange. "

" He's not normal, do me the favor, and look that you're not alone with him. "

The next day, Juanma's knee was better and Mia and he went through the songs again. It worked very well, although Juanma was in some pain afterwards. They let the two new songs flow into the show. When they finished , Mia wanted to get things out of her room. This time they would be picked up at Ramiro and she had to have everything with her. Juanma had already packed his things. When she was on her way to her room, Roberto caught her. Mia was startled and said" So sometimes I really feel like you are watching me "

" Sorry I just wanted to see you again before you leave. And I wish you good luck. What I saw you were great. "

" Thanks, "Mia smiled at him. Now he made a very calm impression again. "We'll be back on Sunday," she said.
Then she went to her room to get her things. Juanma, Zoe and Alvaro were already at the car.
Ramiro had ordered Chinese food and had some questions about Roberto to Alvaro and Juanma. Marcelo had told him what had happened. While the boys talked to Ramiro about him, Mia left the room and went to the terrace.
She took a deep breath and thought about Roberto. How could someone be so different?
Suddenly the door opened and Juanma came out. "Hey, here you are."

He looked at Mia "What's wrong?"
"Do you think you can do the performance with your leg tomorrow?"

"Yeah, that worked today, but now do not tell me you're standing out here because you're worried about my knee".
Mia shrugged, "Mia, what's wrong with you?"

"Roberto waited for me earlier"
"Seriously, what does he want from you all the time?"

"I do not want to talk about it with Alvaro, he was really upset yesterday. But when he passed me yesterday, he said quite peculiarly that maybe we could be friends too. "

" Okay,it's enough now.If you do not want to say anything to Alvaro that's ok, then I'll tell him to leave you alone. "
"But I think he suffers and I would like to know what it is"

"Mia it does not matter what it is. He should leave you alone." He took her hand. "I do not know what he is capable of when he is in his moods and I would rather you are not alone with him "

" I'll take care of me "said Mia" Promise me that you talk to me if you do not want to talk with Alvaro ok "said Juanma and gave Mia a quick hug.
"Let's go to the others," he said then.
Alvaro and Zoe sat in front of the TV with Zoe. They watched the movie to the end and then went to bed.
"I do not want to part with you tomorrow," Alvaro said to Mia. "It's just for tomorrow, Sunday, I'll be back."

"At least you're far away from Roberto"

"Stop it now. Something he bothers."

"But you're defending him also "

" Something is with him I think he talked a bit about the family. "

" Mia we all have our problems but what he does is just not possible "

" Let's just finish the topic I just want enjoy our closeness"
She snuggled up to him and fell asleep very fast. Alvaro lay awake for a while, thinking about Roberto.

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