Juanma and Roberto

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They were at school punctually the next morning. Alvaro kept his word and visited Ramiro in his office in the morning break. Ramiro had come straight from his appointment to the school

He thought the idea of ​​skiing was good and it did not take much longer Until the weather conditions were right, he promised Alvaro to plan it directly. Alvaro told him that he still had to agree with Juanma and Zoe.

Juanma and mia practiced the choreos for the performance. Juanma could not do everything while dancing, but he tried to do as much as possible. When they paused, Mia asked, "Are you okay?" Juanma nodded. They made good progress.

Mia noticed that Juanma was still very calm. She had not asked for Zoe because both of them had gone to school hand in hand in the morning. "Yesterday was everything ok with Zoe?" Juanma told her what Zoe had said yesterday. "That sounds good." Said Mia "I'm afraid to lose her and I do not know why" "I don't think that you have to worryJuanma .." It did not help that just at that moment Zoe came to the Go rooms with Roberto. Juanma looked at Mia and they rehearsed. Roberto saw that Juanma was not doing all the movements and asked if he could dance  with Mia. Without a word Juanma stepped back. Roberto did not know all the steps of the choreo but could improvise well. Mia noticed that Zoe was watching him all the time. When the song was over, Zoe said, "You would also go well with the Go." Juanma looked at Mia and then looked down, Mia gave Zoe a puzzled look, Roberto asked, "Let's do some more, that's good " Zoe turns the music back on. Juanmas and Mia's eyes met and Juanma turned and left the Go rooms. "You realize I have to practice the songs with Juanma, right?" said MIa

Zoe had run after Juanma. When she reached him, he looked at her. "I'm sorry," Zoe said,

"What exactly, that you're always with him, or that he's going to do my part in dancing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Now do not you not know it.* He would fit so well with the Go*" He turned and walked away. Zoe looked after him for a moment and then went to the others. "What was going on?" Mia asked. "He's mad about Roberto."

Roberto said "Sorry I just let myself get carried away"

Juanma went to the gym. On the way he met Alvaro. "Hey where are the girls" "With Roberto on the go," Juanma said shortly. "Everything ok?"

"No, but do me a favor, do not send me Mia. I do not want to talk to anyone "He let Alvaro stand there

Alvaro went to the Go.

"What about Juanma?" he said immediately. Mia told me what happened. Alvaro looked at Zoe. "He does not want to talk to anyone, not even to you," he said to Mia.

"Where did you see him?" She asked.

"At the gym"

Mia decided to leave him alone for the first time. Juanma was not seen for the rest of the day and Mia tried to call several times, Juanma had turned off his cell phone. She told this to the others. They looked for him with Fede and Nico, but they did not find him. Zoe had a very bad conscience. "I just wanted us to do something together" .Mia was worried. At Dinner they spoke to  Roberto about it, but he did not know anything. After the meal, Alvaro Zoe and Mia went to Mia's and Zoe's room. Zoe tried Juanma again and again to call him. The weather had deteriorated.

Roberto had an idea. After no one found Juanma at the school, he drove to the bar in the city where he had been with him.

He even found Juanma. "Hey Juanma, what are you doing here?" He asked him.

"That's what I should ask you, should not you avoid bars?" Juanma grinned.

"How much have you been drinking?" Asked Roberto "Not much and most of all not enough. Come on drink something with me and if it's just a coke." He ordered a tequila shot for himself and looked at Roberto questioningly. "A coke please" said Roberto. To Juanma he said "Listen  Juanma, I do not want anything  from Zoe and Mia either. But I have the feeling that Zoe is your second choice for you because Mia is with Alvaro."

"And where do you get that   from?" Said Juanma annoyed. "I see how you deal with Mia, you are very close to each other."

"I'm Definitely not drunk enough for the conversation," Juanma said and ordered another shot:

When he finished drinking, he said, "I love Mia," he looked at Roberto, "and she broke my heart twice because she chose Alvaro." "And then you're friends with Alvaro? Or is that just to be near Mia? "

"No, I'm friends with him. Meanwhile. It used to be different. But I understood that he is really a friend. And he has understood that he can trust me with Mia. I still love her. But it just changed. Mia has sent Zoe once to me when I was sad. Feelings have gradually developed. And yes, I love her. She knows how I feel for  Mia. That's why I do not know why everyone suddenly has to say something. But she's always with you lately. And if there is something between you Then tell me. "

"I can not speak for Zoe. I like Zoe, she is funny and very nice. But I have not fallen in love with her. I'm just happy to be with you all. And I'm very grateful to you for helping me. And Mia- well  Mia is .. "" I know how she is. " Juanma said "I can only say Alvaro is a lucky guy"

"What if Mia were single again?"

"What I would I do ?" Juanma asked, "I'd like one more," he told the bartender.

"Yes, exactly"

"I'm with Zoe"

"But you already know that Mia loves you too, right?"

" Roberto what do you want with this discussion? Ißm with Zoe and Mia is with Alvaro, thats it."

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