sticking together

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When the two arrived in the room Zoe sat down on the bed. "Should I put something away?" Juanma asked her.

"No, I'll do that later. I'm glad to be here again." Juanma sat down next to her and took her hand. "How are you?" He asked.

" Much better. Do not worry "

" I had an infinite fear for you. Especially before we knew what was going on. "

Zoe wrapped her arms around his neck. " It's all OK. For real". Juanma hugged her. "How do you feel you want a little rest or do you want to be with the others?" He asked.

"How about a little rest with you here," she said, pulling him into a reclined position. He put his arm around her and she snuggled against him. Zoe was pretty exhausted and fell asleep very quickly.

Juanma enjoyed lying with her and concentrating on her breathing. He too closed his eyes after all the excitement.
Mia and Alvaro sat down on a bench in front of the school. "Do not be too hard when you talk to Roberto."

"Mia, what happened yesterday went too far. I respect him for  at least not to  drive. But the rest. He put you in danger. "

"I know but he was really trying to take care of me." They saw Roberto walking to the gym.

"I'll go over to him," he said

Alvaro caught up with him. "Hey do  you have a moment?" He asked Roberto. "Roberto turned to him" Sure, "he said. "I know it's about yesterday"
" Also. I do not understand how you could put her in such danger. That was irresponsible: " Roberto lowered his eyes. "I know," he said meekly. "There's something else Roberto. Tobi has said that you come late at night and then you do not sleep. If he asks for a change of room he will be asked why. You have to change that. No more nocturnal club evenings, no alcohol no more drucks, otherwise we have to report it. "

Roberto hung his head" What? "Asked Alvaro. "I ... without .. I .."

"Do you want to tell me that you regularly take something.?"

Robert nodded. Alvaro thought a bit. These were the mood swings. "How much?" He asked.

"Is something different. I have pills. And in the club something harder, but ... I can try to do it. Only with Tobi it isn't possible. He will notice. "

Alvaro was speechless at first.

"Please Alvaro, you can not tell anyone. If I fly from school then I have nothing left ":

Alvaro took a deep breath: "If we go through this alone, I have to inaugurate Juanma and Mia and Tobi we have to say something too"
Roberto thought for a moment, then nodded.
" OK. I talk to the others. And then with Tobi. And if  there is anything talk to me, ok? "
" Thanks". Roberto could not say more. He had put everything in it. If Alvaro had not agreed, he would have been out. "The others ...."

"Trust me," said Alvaro.

He returned to Mia and sat down on the bench. It's worse than I thought, "he said.
"What happened."

"Let's go up to Juanma and Zoe. We have to talk about something. "

Mia looked puzzled but stood up with Alvaro. When they came to Mia and Zoe's room, Juanma and Zoe were still sleeping.
Mia and Alvaro also sat down on Mia's bed and Alvaro said, "He's regularly swallowing something."

"What?" Mia said.
She had spoken louder than intended and Juanma woke up. Mia clapped her hand over her mouth. "Sorry I did not want to wake you.".

"Alright, I did not want to sleep at all." Zoe was also almost awake.
"Where you all just wake up, I have to discuss something important and serious with you"
Juanma and Zoe sat up.
"I talked to Roberto," said Alvaro, pausing.

"Well what did he say great again?" Said Juanma.
"I do not know how I should say it. First of all I have to ask you, that what I say stays here in the room "All nodded. "Roberto has admitted to swallowing different things on a regular basis. But he wants to try to get away from it. And he thought ... I thought we could help him ...

" He is  all lost , how do you imagine that?" Said Juanma.
"He said he wants to try to leave it, but with Tobi in the room he can not do that because he would notice something. He'll be sick for a few days if he does not take anything anymore. "
"How long "did Zoe ask

"That depends on how much he takes. I think so much and so often he is not gone, it can not be that hard," said Alvaro.
"And what do we have to do with it now?" Asked Juanma.

"I wonder if and how we can help him. I think he deserves a chance. "
"He does not deserve anything for what happened to Mia," Zoe said.
Alvaro looked at Mia." We do not know what happened in his life. We should try it, "Mia said. Juanma rolled his eyes.
All were silent first at the moment. "And how do you imagine that?" Zoe asked.

"I thought maybe I could exchange the room with Tobi for a while because Tobi can't take Roberto anymore. Then we do not even have to explain it. I just make the offer. "
"But then he will not be able to go to class"
"Then we have to report him ill to  Ramiro. Maybe we can come up with something. "Alvaro said.
"And we can support you by taking care of him, Zoe should spare the week maybe she can stay with him" said Mia.

"By no means will Zoe or you stay alone with him" said Juanma.

Zoe looked at him. "I could do that." Zoe said-"I can work with him  the things we miss. Then we have bridged over until the weekend and on the weekend we all have no lessons and who knows what will be until then. "

"Why do you want to help him now?" Juanma asked.

"Because Mia and Alvaro would do it alone," Zoe grinned, looking at Mia.

"That also means our weekend at Ramiro we can forget," said Juanma annoyed.
"We have to see--- Ramiro leave over the weekend," Mia said.

"You do not want to take him with us,?" Juanma asked.

"Calm down, let's see how it goes," said Alvaro.
Again there was silence. Then Alvaro said, "So what do you say?"
Juanma looked at Zoe, she nodded imperceptibly, then looked at Mia. Mia nodded too.

"Ok, Captain, we are in "Said Juanma

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