Chapter 34- Yule ball-Regan's POV

Start from the beginning

Taehyung let go of my hand and pulled out his wand, gliding it downwards on the wall. At first I was confused but he then pushed on the wall and it opened inwards. Returning his wand to his pockets he took my hand again and lead me into the room. The door automatically closing behind us. The room wasn't tiny but still small. Enough to have a desk , bookshelf and a window seat.

 Enough to have a desk , bookshelf and a window seat

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"You can't tell anyone about this place. Not even Lindsey." Taehyung walked over to the window and sat down, patting the space next to him. I hesitated for a moment before sitting next to Taehyung . We sat side ways on the seat so we was facing each other . I asked him way I could tell anyone about the room "well my father found it when he was studying here, it's a secret place. It seemed untouched the first time I came here. My father used to bring my mother here to study, but I don't think they did much studying." He laughed slightly before looking down at his hands "can you close your eyes Regan?" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding
"You promised Tae and I don't really feel like 'studying'." I guess the word studying has a new meaning now.

"Don't worry I'm keeping my promise." He smiled sweetly at me resting his head on the glass window. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath when I felt his hand wrap around my forearm , bring it towards him. I then felt a cold tickling sensation around my wrist which course me to open my eye and see what he was up too. It was my bracelet...

"What happened to the stone?" I fiddled with the heart gem and examined it

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"What happened to the stone?" I fiddled with the heart gem and examined it.
"I have a bit of a long story if you'd like to hear it." I looked up at him and he was back to looking at his hands. Maybe he though I'd be mad ? I nodded yes and rested against the window comfortably.
"When I first saw you sneaking out of Professor Snape's room I didn't think you'd turn my world upside down. I just thought you was another spoiled kid who could afford anything they wanted, including a replacement bracelet. I took it to give to my mother as a gift. I tried to change the colour from red to blue, she was in Ravenclaw like me, but as you can see it didn't work. I have tried to fix it but the colour won't budge." I snickered a little when he called me spoiled, I think that made him relax a little and he stopped fiddling with his fingers.

"So that's why you wanted a purple dress. To match my bracelet, clever boy." I smiled looking down at the new colour. "Why didn't you give it to your mum?"
"Well I was but when I spoke to you again you seemed really upset so that's when I asked you to the astronomy tower..." I had completely forgotten that Taehyung was the cause of what happened to me that night, I had just grown used to being scared of him. He could probably See that mentioning that night made me a little uncomfortable so he continued. "I don't want you to think that I wasn't going to meet you. I was. I hid outside the window at the bottom of the astronomy tower waiting for Professor McGonagall to go past but.. when she came down the stairs it was already too late. If she didn't find you like that then I would of. I'm really sorry about hat happened Princess... I visited you in hospital when Lindsey wasn't around. She almost caught me a few times." I had no idea he had come to see I'm when I was petrified. He continued "From then on things got more complicated with Lindsey being with Cedric and you thinking I tricked you. It was a mess and I needed to fix it. That's why I had to blackmail you into coming with me tonight. I felt if I told you all this you'd think I was lying or trying to trick you but it's the truth. I want this to be a fresh start for ours and our best friends sake."

There was a long pause as I took in everything he said to me. I could see the worry in his eyes. "I believe you Tae if that's what you are worried about. It might take some time but I think this can be our fresh start. Doesn't mean I can forget absolutely everything including the way you treated me , doesn't matter if there was another motive it still hurt." Taehyung held out for a handshake and we sealed the deal. Might not been the answer he was looking for but it was close enough for us to get along easier.

We soon headed back down to the Great hall. Party still in full swing. Taehyung soon enough took me back to the dance floor , twirling me around like a princess. We took a small break and chatted for a moment. "I forgot to say but you look very handsome tonight." I think it took him by surprise becuase he seemed to have froze with a big grin on his face.
"Damn I knew we shouldn't of left the room." He winked bitting his bottom lip. I rolled my eyes smiling , I knew he'd come out with something like that.
"Don't ruin our fresh start with trying to unlock my underwear."
"Who says I don't already have the key." spinning me around again I court sight of Lindsey and Draco? Oh boy. Taehyung noticed my mind was elsewhere to carry on with our banter. "What's wrong?"
"I think Lindsey is about to knock out Draco for good. Can you go and find Cedric , I think he's getting drinks." I left Taehyung hold and got to Lindsey just in time.

I took Lindsey out for a moment. The frustration and anger caused her to punch the wall. He really pissed her off this time. I looked over her hand and it didn't seem broken or fractured. She explained that he was pushing her buttons and insisted there was some sort of sexual tension between the two of them. What a weirdo .
We took another few minutes before joining the boys again. Dancing away the memory of Draco and enjoying the last few hours of the Ball.

-A few hours later-

Lindsey and Cedric had got lost in the crowd while dance and the last few people were heading back to there dorms or to go make out somewhere. Taehyung had offered to walk me back to my dorm which I agreed to. I'm still a little uneasy being on my own though the corridors.

Once we reached the moving staircases we was ready to part ways. "I had a really good time tonight Tae. And thank you for giving this back to me" I held up my wrist and shook the bracelet.
"You have no idea how glad I am to hear that...Again I'm sorry I ruined your it." He gestured to the bracelet ,seeming to be feeling a little awkward not knowing what to do.
"I actually prefer the colour now and it matches my dress perfectly." We shared a slightly awkward giggle , there was strange tension between us.
"Well goodnight. I'll see you around Princess." Taehyung went to turn away but I stopping him. Hesitating for a moment before tiptoeing to kiss his cheek. "Thank you." I blushes and started to head up stairs. While the staircase was moving to a new location I looked down to see Taehyung walking backwards toward the hallway , eyes still on me , before he left my line of sight he blow a kiss. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I hope I'm not falling for a guy like him.

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