• revenge of the sith •

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part 3 (final)



The journey back to Coruscant was deathly silent, though pregnant with tension. Fortunately, Anakin assumed your lack of speaking to be because of what happened between you and your sister on Naboo, so he didn't question you. You snuck back to the dorms as soon as you landed, not knowing what you'd do had you been faced with Obi-Wan. 

Would you have been strong enough to refrain from killing him in front of everyone?

Berlee spent most of her time in her private chambers which you and Anakin took turns guarding, and thankfully so. You were in no mood to interact with her but you continued to carry out your duty, seeing your disdain for her as nothing compared to the utter hatred you were secretly harboring for Obi-Wan. 

Just the thought of him made your blood boil.

"You okay?" Anakin asked as he strode into Berlee's apartment, preparing to take over for his night shift. You shrugged in response, standing to your feet as you readied yourself to leave. Before you could rush past him, he grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to him. Concern grew on his features, his eyebrows knitting together. "Something's up. And you can't tell me it's only because of your sister."

What were you to say? Sorry I haven't been myself recently, Anakin, but I have a continuous, raging urge to murder your Master.

"I'm fine," You insisted, pulling your lips up in a pathetic attempt to smile. "Seeing her has just brought back a lot of memories. It's proven to be more of a burden than I anticipated."

His grip softened around your hand. "If you ever want to talk about it... just know that I'm here." You could tell that it was hard for him to say the words, but you appreciated that he had let go of his arrogance and stubbornness to instead be a friend to you. "As someone that you can trust," Anakin added, his eyes boring into yours. "Someone who won't judge you."

You so wanted to believe him. You so wanted to unload your thoughts onto him, to allow him your carry the weight while you sank into the feeling of being secure. But you couldn't.

Instead, you snorted and shook your head. "Who are you and what have you done with the Skywalker I knew?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

Anakin didn't laugh back or glare at you, his face remaining as calm as his smooth voice. "He came to a few realizations."

It happened again. A stillness grew in the atmosphere around you, to the point where you weren't sure whether there was any air flowing through the room. Anakin was the only living, moving thing near you - or the only one that mattered. The walls were dead, the ceiling and floor cold and soulless. The only source of energy that you could sense came from him. Perhaps it had always been that way. 

Perhaps, even in a room full of life, the only importance stemmed from his core. His breath, his mind, his skin. Perhaps, you had only now just realized that it was him. That it had always been him. 

His face inched closer to yours, the heat from his body enveloping yours and drawing you in. Your lips had barely brushed together when a sudden scream came out from Berlee's room, pulling you apart. Anakin immediately took out his lightsaber and stalked over to her door, while you attempted to calm your pounding heart. 

He kicked open the door to reveal a terrified-looking Berlee, shaking as she pulled him in for a hug. "Someone- someone came, someone was here. I saw them by the window."

You sighed, part of you wondering whether she was eavesdropping on your moment with Anakin, and had screamed just to keep you from kissing. 

Anakin did a sweep of her room while calling out to you, "Check out the west hallway."

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon