• not from a jedi •

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part one

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"It was good to speak with you, Miss Y/L/N," Yoda said as you left his office after discussing the Separatist issues.

You gave him a smile, "And with you, Master. I look forward to the meeting tomorrow." 

You parted ways and the smile on your face dropped. You left the building and made your way to to Sheev Palpatine's home, where he had called you for a meeting. When you got there, you saw him sitting at his desk. He gestured for you to sit opposite him, which you did.

"Good evening, Darth Allicio," He greeted you, his eyes trained on yours.

You replied with a slow nod. "Good evening, Emperor. Is there something urgent?" He had called you over last minute, and you were used to your meetings not being in person or so late at night.

His arms rested on the desk as he spoke. "You have established a position of trust and wisdom within the Jedi council. They value your opinion, and accept you as an equal." It was difficult to hide your emotions and true intentions from the most perceptive people in the galaxy, but you had been taught well.

"That is true," You agreed, wondering where he could be taking this.

"Well, seeing as you've done an excellent job at infiltrating the Jedi Order, I believe the time has come for you to take it to the next level," Palpatine said with a sneer, a smirk growing on his lips. "It's time for you to acquire Anakin Skywalker."

Your eyes narrowed slightly at his words, but you tried not to sound too disrespectful when you asked, "Acquire him?"

"Skywalker is the key to taking down the Jedi Order," He explained. "Once we have him on our side, we can achieve our goals. I am aware that Kenobi has instructed him to spy on me, so it is best if you carry out this mission."

"There's no way he would turn on them," You said, frowning. "Anakin Skywalker is loyal to the Order. It would be impossible to turn him."

"Difficult, yes," Palpatine said. "But not impossible, Y/N. He has it in him; that much I can see. With the promise of being able to control life and death, the Dark Side will attract him. He is susceptible to our persuasion; the death of his mother greatly affected him."

You stayed silent, knowing you couldn't exactly refuse.

Palpatine's eyes darkened as he leaned forward, his face blank. "Do it, Y/N."

A few days later, you finally saw Anakin alone. It was a rare occurrence as he was important to the Order, thus he was always discussing something with someone. You were aware of his marriage with Senator Amidala, no matter how secretive they thought they were. You also knew that she was pregnant with his child, which might have made it a lot more difficult for you to convince him to turn to the Dark Side. You were, however, close acquaintances, and you had helped Anakin on multiple occasions which strengthened his trust in you.

He was standing at a full-length window and he seemed to be upset, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked out to the city.

"Master Skywalker?" You called out, stepping towards him. It was late at night, so you figured he had had another one of his nightmares that Palpatine told you about. "Are you alright?"

He turned his head towards you slightly, and he seemed surprised at your presence. "Miss Y/L/N. I'm fine."

You walked up beside him and looked out at the view. Bright lights contrasted against the dark night sky as you felt a slight hum vibrate through the city, most of its citizens asleep. "I couldn't sleep," You said, attempting to get Anakin to open up about his dreams. "My mind is swarmed with dark images whenever I try to rest."

There was a short silence before Anakin spoke, his tone tinged with surprise. "I know what that's like, Miss Y/L/N. In fact, I myself am unable to sleep these days. My nights are daubed with terrible dreams. It sounds silly, but they're inescapable."

"I understand completely, Master Skywalker," You said softly, turning your face to lay your eyes on him. He stayed facing forward as you continued to talk. "I have terrible dreams of pain, and death." 

You watched as his eyes widened slightly. You almost felt guilty for manipulating his emotions, but it was necessary for the fall of the Jedi Order. 

"Your dreams echo mine then, Miss Y/L/N," Anakin said, his eyes downcast. "It's not a good feeling; knowing that I couldn't control the death of my loved ones should it come to it."

Slowly nodding, you kept your eyes trained on his face so you could gauge his reaction as you spoke. "Your words remind me of something," You began, taking another step closer to him. "Have you heard of Darth Plagueis?"

His eyebrows furrowed as he shook his head, "No."

"He was a Dark Lord of the Sith," You said, your words causing Anakin to finally look at you with a confusion-laced expression. "He was so powerful, he could manipulate midi-chlorians to create life itself. His understanding of the Force was so great, he could even protect his loved ones from the wretched clutches of death." 

Anakin blinked a few times as he stared at you intently, neither of you looking away. "He could save people from death?"

"There are many abilities that the dark side of the Force can lead to," You said, trying not to sound overly advocating. "Some consider them to be... unnatural."

"And this... Darth Plagueis," Anakin began, frowning at you. "What happened to him?"

Once you had captivated his full attention, you looked out of the window and took a step towards it, aware that he was unable to take his eyes off of you. "Plagueis became so powerful that the only thing he feared was losing that power. He had an apprentice who he taught everything he knew, and then that very apprentice killed Plagueis in his sleep. How ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself."

Anakin didn't reply straight away, but you were confident that he was hooked. And he confirmed what you knew to be true when he asked, "Is it possible to learn that power?"

You couldn't hold back a small smirk at how he had played directly into your hands, before relaxing your face and turning back to him. "Not from a Jedi." After some heavy silence, you placed your hand on his arm. Looking up at him, you couldn't help but feel a pull. Perhaps it was because you knew how important he was to Palpatine's plans, but you felt a strong attraction to him. You ignored the foreign feeling coursing through you and put it down to the Force; standing so close to Anakin Skywalker was bound to stir up a connection. "Perhaps you should go back to bed, Master Skywalker."

He nodded, placing his hand on yours before letting go and walking away. The seed of intrigue had been planted, and you knew you had Anakin Skywalker wrapped around your finger.

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