• hope that helped •

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requested by Truetalent06 xxx

"I told you to cover the left wing!" Anakin yelled, pure rage on his face.

You were leaning against the wall, breathing heavily while trying to ignore the sharp pain in your side. "I came to help you, Skywalker, don't be such an ingrate."

"I don't need your help," He grumbled, his eyes scanning the corridor. "Any droids?"

Shaking your head, you pressed your hand to your side and were horrified to see blood. You couldn't let Anakin see that, because he'd just find some way to insult you about it. He had always hated you, ever since you were young Padawans. Being Yoda's student, you admittedly had a big ego and a superior complex. It didn't help that you were promoted to Jedi Master before Anakin was, only solidifying his utter disdain for you. "They've all been neutralised," You said between breaths, wincing as pain shot through your body. 

"Senator Yoma?" He asked, his eyes narrow. "He was alive?

"He's waiting for us in the hangar," You answered. "He's uninjured, he's fine." You wished you could have said the same for yourself.

"Then let's get out of here," Anakin muttered before rushing out of the corridor, and you hobbled behind him.

"Ah, Jedi!" Yoma grinned as he held up his hands once you entered the hangar. "I knew you'd come for me."

"Of course, Senator," Anakin replied with a nod. "They could send another army any minute now, so we should leave while we can."

The three of you got onboard Anakin's ship, and you held back your cries as it jolted up into the air. Once Anakin put the ship into hyperspace, you got up from your seat, both of your hands clutching your gushing wound. 

"Skywalker, I'm going to the back," You said, wincing as you limped over to the door. "Try and see if Yoma has any information on General Koov."

Anakin said nothing and just glared at you as you staggered out of the cockpit and through to the medical room. You hated Anakin for convincing the Council that the two of you could do this mission alone - while his words were true, it meant there was no medic droid onboard, leaving you to fix yourself up. 

You bit down onto a piece of fabric to muffle your screams as you pulled your top up. You had been blasted in the hip, leaving a gaping, bloody wound. You whimpered as you tried your best to Force-heal it, but you were too weak. You wiped up some of the blood before attempting once more to Force-heal yourself, but you were dazed and tired which prevented you from being able to properly focus. 

Growing frustrated, you let out a loud groan, trying to calm your dizzy mind. A few moments later, the door to the medical room opened, taking you by surprise. You looked up to see Anakin staring down at you, a look of shock on his features.

"You've been shot," He stated, closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, no fucking shit," You spat, rolling your eyes. 

"Do you want my help or not?" Anakin snarled, glaring at you. "I could feel your pathetic attempts from the other side of the ship."

"I don't need your help," You retorted, before squinting at him as another wave of pain traveled through you. "Please help me."

He let out a scoff before walking towards you, his eyes scanning the wound. "Take off your top and get on the bed," He ordered, his face blank.

You were slumped in the chair, your eyebrows furrowing. You would have called him a pervert if you weren't so damn dizzy. "Uh... I can't move."

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