• screw you •

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You hated Anakin Skywalker. He was the most arrogant Jedi you had come across, which was saying something. You did your best to avoid him, but seeing as he hated you just as much, he loved pissing you off.

"For fuck's sake, Shitwalker," You grumbled as an apple you were just about to bite into went flying across the room. You looked over to see him holding up his hand with a smirk on his face. "Do you mind?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Y/N, that was an accident," He said innocently, leaning back in his chair. "Here, let me get that for you." Raising his hand again, he caused the apple to float up from the ground - and smack right into your face.

"You're such a prick," You hissed as you rubbed your face before standing up. Looking around the meeting room, you spotted a pen and held up your hand, Forcing it to float across and hit Anakin's forehead.

"Ah!" He groaned, narrowing his eyes at you. 

"That's what you get, Shitwalker," You said before storming out of the room.

That was how most of your interactions with him went, which was why you avoided him. Obi-Wan knew of your mutual disdain, so he did his best to separate you on missions. On the rare occasions that you had to go on missions together, you spent the entire time messing with each other until Obi-Wan intervened. 

One day, Obi-Wan told you to visit Bespin to take care of an issue that had arisen. An Iktochee ex-Sith Lord, Carn Frinks, was building up a group of criminals and planning to attack the Jedi Order. Seeing as they weren't as much of a threat yet, Obi-Wan decided that you would be able to go alone to arrest him and bring him to Coruscant.

Once you arrived in Frinks' lair, you were faced by tens of Trandoshans. They were known to be ruthless, and you knew you had your work cut out for you. Frinks was sitting on a throne in the centre of the room, a sly smile growing on his face once you entered. 

"Good evening, Jedi Master," Frinks sneered, his hand resting on the handle of his lightsaber. "What a pleasure is it to have you here."

"You're making a mistake by going against the Jedi Order, Carn," You warned, walking further into the room. "You have been called to face the Council on Coruscant."

"Is that so?" Frinks asked, a playful pout on his face before his eyes narrowed as he glared at you. "Soldiers, get her!"

You ignited your lightsaber as the Trandoshans rushed towards you. You fought some of them off, but they were strong, and outnumbered you. You managed to disarm and injure around ten of them, but they circled you and you felt arms grab you from behind. Before you could even blink, you felt cuffs close sharply around your wrists and you immediately felt them suppress your Force. A sack was placed over your head and you were dragged away, kicking and yelling. 

You were thrown into a cold cell and the sack was pulled off your head, and you were faced with Frinks. "You will regret this," You said, glaring at him. "When I fail to return to Coruscant, the Jedi will come out to find me. And then you will be brought to justice."

"That's exactly what I hope for," Frinks said with a smile. "Once the other Jedi arrive, I can entrap them just as I did you."

He turned and left with the Trandoshans, locking the cell behind him. You groaned and leaned your head against the wall, hoping the Council would notice your absence sooner rather than later.

It was the next day when Frinks arrived at the cell with two Trandoshans behind him. "Grab her," He ordered, watching as the soldiers entered the cell and picked you up by the arms before dragging you out. You heard the cell slam shut behind you as you were pulled through the halls before being thrown into the main room. 

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