• teach you a lesson •

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"I cannot believe I let you talk me into this, Keeva," You groaned into the comlink as you exited your small freighter. You were dressed in all black and had a mask on to protect your identity, and tried your best to keep your footsteps as silent as possible.

"You'll be fine," Your boyfriend's voice came through in a whispered hush. "Just get past the hangar and into the council building. TC3 and Polla have set off the distraction; in twelve seconds the top floor should be empty."

You timed yourself to get into the building just on time, and the halls were empty as promised. Glancing down at the holographic map you had brought, you followed the route Keeva had made for you and found yourself in some sort of room for Jedi artifacts. 

Bringing the comlink up to your mouth, your eyes were wide as you spoke. "Keev, I've stumbled onto a goldmine."

When Keeva first came to your gang with an idea to rob the Council, you thought he had finally gone completely insane. Not only would it be the most secure building in the galaxy, but you also doubted that there would be anything of value for you to steal. But you were pleasantly surprised: the shelves were lined with gold statues and precious crystals that would have been worth millions on the black market.

"That's great; now bag as much as you can carry and hurry back. Polla said the Jedi Masters have started to arrive down there."

"Fuck. Okay, I'll be quick," You said, putting the comlink back onto your belt. Taking your backpack off, you opened it up and got to filling it straight away. 

Your bag was half full when you heard the door slam open. Your stomach dropped and you were filled with dread - you had been caught.

"What do you think you're doing?" The man spoke with an authoritative tone which shook you to your core, so you placed the bag on the floor and slowly turned around.

Your hand rested on the blaster in the holster on your belt, but you hands froze when you were faced with the Anakin Skywalker. "Uh... I... I was just..." 

He raised an eyebrow, his hand resting on his lightsaber's handle as he tilted your head at you. He was a lot better looking than you imagined him to be, but he also looked a lot scarier. "You were just taking things that don't belong to you?"

"No- not at all, I-" Your voice was muffled as you spoke seeing as you still had the mask on, so you cleared your throat and spoke a little louder. Keeva always told you that if you ever got caught, you had to be confident when you lied. "I'm the cleaner. I was just going to take these and... clean them."

Anakin took a step closer to you and you instinctively took a step back, your back hitting the shelf with a dull thud. "Do you always clean with a mask on?"

"The fumes get a little much sometimes," You said, swallowing slightly as the door shut behind him. "You know... The fumes from the cleaning... supplies."

He strode over to you, making your heart jump, before holding up his hand to your face and causing your mask to fly to the side. "Just as I thought. You must be the famous Y/N Y/LN, leader of the Red Hands. You really thought you could go from robbing small shops and banks, to the damn Jedi Order?"

You sighed, knowing that you had been caught and you had no way out, so there was no point in lying anymore. "Actually, I'm not the leader. I'm just the face; seeing as I have the prettiest one."

Anakin scoffed and took out his lightsaber, igniting it and making you gasp slightly. "I should murder you for treason and robbery where you stand."

You held up your hands in surrender, your shoulder raising automatically. "But... that wouldn't be the Jedi way, would it?"

"What do you know of the Jedi?" Anakin asked, his tone filled with venom. "You're nothing but a low-life burglar."

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now