• fix me p2 •

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You heard Vader's heavy breaths behind you while you cleaned some medical supplies, making your eyes widen as you stood up straight. Turning around, you lay your eyes on him as he stood there, his mighty stature towering over you.

"Lord Vader, good afternoon," You greeted, not filled with as much fear as your previous encounter with him. You remembered that, under the mask and heavy suit, he had a human soul, and no amount of mechanic limbs could take that away. "Is there anything I could do for you?"

He took a step towards you before answering. "I have some urgent business on Naboo. A rebel fleet reside there and are planning their next attack. I have decided to go alone to fix the issue, but I will need your assistance."

"My assistance?" You asked, bewildered at his words.

"Yes," He stated simply. "In case my suit is damaged, or my ship needs repair. You have an understanding of ship mechanics, isn't that right?"

You nodded, "Yes, of course. When do you wish to leave?"

"As soon as possible," He said, his hands resting at his side. "Gather what you'll need and meet me at the hangar."

You watched as he left then did as he said, putting together a bag of tools for his suit, and then taking a general toolbox for the ship with you.

Ten minutes later, you met him in the hangar which was empty save for Vader and his ship. You assumed he had ordered the others to leave, but you didn't ask any questions as you climbed up into the small starfighter that was for his personal use. 

You put your bags to the side and walked into the cockpit, where Vader was sitting in the pilot seat. He looked back at you and watched as you sat in the seat next to him, before giving you a nod and turning on the engines. You watched in awe as he began to fly, as you had never seen anyone fly a ship before, let alone Darth Vader. A pleasant silence filled the air as you made your way to Naboo, and somewhere along the way you slipped into a nap. 

You felt a hand on your shoulder which woke you up, your eyes fluttering open. You were immediately faced by Vader who was standing over you, causing you to quickly sit up.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep-"

"Don't apologise," He said as you stood up. "I'm going to go take care of the rebels. Stay on the ship, and I'll call you should I need you."

"Okay," You agreed with a nod. Vader turned and left the cockpit, leaving you alone on his ship. 

You had never visited this planet before; Naboo. You had heard stories, though, of Darth Vader's life before he turned to the Dark Side. He was married to a senator, who you knew was from Naboo, which made you wonder of his ties to the planet. 

Around twenty minutes later, a message came through to the ship. It was from Vader, telling you to come and meet him outside - but he told you to leave the tools behind. You did as he said without asking any questions, and saw him standing not far from the ship with his back to you.

You left the ship and saw that you had landed in a grassy area. Carefully walking over to him, you cleared your throat. "Are you alright, Lord Vader?"

He turned back to face you, but instead of answering your question, he held out his hand. "Follow me, Y/N."

You were shocked, but tried not to show it on your face as you placed your hand in his. He gently closed his fingers around your palm and began to walk towards a field, where there were huge waterfalls. 

"This is beautiful," You said with a gasp, taking in the view. 

He didn't let go of your hand as he looked around, nodding slowly. "It always has been."

You then realised that this was where he must have had some memories with his wife, which further confused you as to why he had brought you here. 

"You were engaged once," Vader said, making you frown.

"Uh... yes, I was," You admitted, swallowing slightly as memories of your ex-fiancee filled your mind. You were with him since you were a teenager, but during Order 66 he was one of the many lost lives. He wasn't on either side of the fight as he hated war, and would probably hate you for working for the Sith, but he was gone now. 

"I know that you feel his loss every day," Vader's words surprised you, as you would have never thought he paid any attention to you when you weren't helping him with any injuries. "I know because I feel that same loss. The life of a loved one, gone too soon." 

"You have memories with her here?" You asked, looking up at him.

Vader gave you a nod, and you dropped your hand from his.

"Then why bring me?" You weren't sure what to make of his actions, and not knowing was frustrating you to no end.

Then, he said something you had never heard him say before. "I don't know."

His response did nothing but add to your confusion, but you didn't push him for any answers. He was a human, and human feelings were complex, and some of the things humans did had no explanation.

"I'm slowly getting over it, I think," You said after some silence, not wanting this trip to be for nothing. If anything, you could have gotten your feelings off of your chest as you had no one else to speak to. "Vinko, I mean. When he passed away, I never thought the pain would leave. I thought I would just be in that state of hurt and heartbreak forever."

He stayed facing away from you, but you knew he was listening.

"I almost went through with ending my own life because of how much it hurt, and because I thought I would never be loved like that again," You admitted, surprising even yourself with how open you were being. "But I'm sure you understand what that's like."

"I do," He said quietly, looking out to the waterfalls. Some moments passed before he spoke again. "There used to be wild Shaaks that would run around these fields. They've since declined in numbers; I haven't seen one in years."

You had heard of the giant creatures, but never seen one before. "I guess everything leaves, sooner or later." Taking a step closer to him, you took his hand and held it between yours, gripping it tightly. "And so does the pain."

Vader turned to face you, glancing down at your entwined hands. "I believe you, Y/N. I've felt your pain lessening over the past months."

You couldn't decide whether you appreciated or hated the fact that he understood you so well. "And yours?"

"It's slowly easing," He answered. "You've helped me with that."

Shock filled you as he spoke. "I have?"

He brought his other hand up and cupped your face, making you feel unbelievably at home. You had always felt safe in his presence, but this time that safety was fringed with comfort and familiarity. "You fix more than just my armour."

His words brought a certain clarity to your mind, as you felt a similar sense of healing after spending time alone with him. You felt unconfined, and shielded from any harm, and not just because he was a Sith Lord.

Although you couldn't see his eyes, you could have remained under his gaze forever, as that was where you felt truly seen. You trusted him to fix your broken heart, and as you tightly held his hand in yours, you knew he had done the same.

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