• promise p3 •

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sorry for the wait! here is promise part 3 :]

warning: slightly graphic + violent


"We're entering Scoladi territory," Delphi announced, but all you could do was glare at the ground while she spoke, still feeling scorned at the revelation of Anakin's planned proposal. "This is where it starts getting dangerous. We need to stick together as a unit; that's our best chance of surviving."

It had been six hours since you landed on Fedia. Your legs were growing tired, but the fact that Anakin was present was motivation enough to keep you going. Having gotten close to accidentally showing him your face multiple times, you firmly stuck by Kallo's side, playing the role of his doting wife.

"Are we going in with a plan, or is 'stick together' all you got?" Vurn curtly asked Delphi. It was clear that, while they got along at the beginning of the walk, he had lost all patience with her.

"Stick together and stick out your weapons," She retorted, folding her arms across her chest. "That detailed enough for you, Vurn?"

He rolled his eyes while the others pulled out their respective weapons; including a machete, machine gun, and a lightsaber. 

"As long as we're quiet, the Scoladi won't attack," Tah-Sko informed with a whisper as you all formed a tight circle. Kallo was to the left of you, Tah-Sko to the right, the three of you walking backwards while Delphi slowly led you through the silent part of the forest. 

An intense few minutes passed, and you could only hear yourself breathing and the soft footsteps of those around you. Suddenly, you felt Tah-Sko move his arms up, and turned to face him. Before you could process what was happening, he let out a loud sneeze, making the group stop dead in their tracks. His sneeze echoed, your heart racing as your eyes widened to scan your surroundings.

Then, in the distance, a light drumming.

It sounded like a small stampede, the ground vibrating beneath your feet. 

"Weapons, now!" Delphi yelled, to which you pulled up your blaster. 

"I'm sorry," Tah-Sko apologized, a fearful look on his face. "I didn't mean to-"

"What's done is done," Anakin cut him off coldly. "There's nothing left to do but defend ourselves."

The drumming became louder and, then, with a screeching sound, a Scoladi flew through the trees and landed right before you. Jumping backwards, you aimed your blaster at it, not thinking twice before shooting it. You hit its shoulder, causing it to retreat with a hiss, but it wasn't down yet. Tah-Sko stepped forward and raised his machete high, mumbling something under his breath before slamming it down and beheading the creature.

It was grey and slimy, with long, sharp teeth. It bled black goo, which poured out from its neck wound where Tah-Sko had decapitated it. 

"Good job," Vurn said, patting his shoulder. "Now we wait, and hope he didn't have a brother-"

The screech of what sounded like a hundred other Scoladi suddenly cried out from the distance, making me step back. Without any warning, a group of them had surrounded us, panting and growling.

"We're dead," Kallo whispered from next to me.

"Attack!" Delphi yelled just before utter chaos broke out.

You shot your blaster out at the two Scoladi closest to you, killing one instantly with a headshot while the other was left with a bleeding leg, limping towards you. You shot it a few times in its torso and it fell to the ground, allowing you to bask in a shortlived relief that was replaced by fear when you saw Kallo surrounded by four of the creatures.

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