• absolutely wonderful •

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Roki Munn was a Jedi Knight who led a team of rebels in the long, gruelling war against the Sith. When the Order was attacked, he was one of the few remaining Jedi, and many rebel groups were formed. He was seen as brave as he led you and a few others through the galaxy, teaching you to fight and preparing you for the final battle against the Sith.

He was also a complete dick.

Ever since the formation of your rebel group, he had treated you like shit. And he wasn't the only one. Your whole team seemed to see you as the punching bag; making you the butt of all their jokes and the victims of all their pranks. While, at first, you'd just laugh along and try to ignore them, after three years of the same torture, you were tired of it.

"Y/N, you better not embarrass us once he gets here," Bal-Pikk warned as she pointed a finger at you while pacing the floor.

Roki glared at you, "Just keep to yourself and don't speak unless spoken to. I don't want the last living Jedi Master thinking that I've created a group of amateurs."

"Also, make yourself look a little more presentable," Gia said as she gave you a judging look. "You make me wanna claw my eyes out with how drab you always look."

You ignored her words and carried on wiping down the windows. The only reason you were still part of the group was because Gia was your older sister - but she was just as cruel as the others. Your responsibilities on the ship were limited to the cleaning and janitorial kind, although you were the only one besides Roki who had the Force. When he first discovered that three years ago, he was ecstatic, but after six months of trying and failing to teach you to control it, he got pissed off and deemed that you were a lost cause.

The reason why everyone was so nervous was because Anakin Skywalker would be arriving today. He was going to lead your group for a few months to make sure you were prepared for the final battle, as the number of Jedi and rebels was low compared to the Sith.

Another member of the team, Jonn, gave you a smirk as he walked over to you, before squinting his eyes at they window. "Fuck, you can't even clean a window properly? Oh, Slip, you never fail to disappoint me."

That was your nickname; Slip. They started calling you that around two years ago, when your blaster slipped out of your hands while you were on a mission. They never let you live it down, and Roki even confiscated your blaster, claiming it was too dangerous for you to have any weapon.

"I'm not surprised; there are few things that Y/N can do properly," Bal-Pikk muttered as she flicked through a magazine.

"And one of them is break shit," Roki grumbled.

"Being clumsy isn't cute," Gia said with a scowl. "You're so lucky we haven't kicked you out and sent you back home to Dad. He'd really teach you a thing or two; at least when you lived with him you were too scared to do anything wrong. You're spoilt up here."

Once Anakin had arrived, you were pushed to the side in an attempt to hide you from him. He came up to you after meeting everyone else and held out his hand, a brilliant smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm Anakin. What's your name?" He asked, and you noted that he had the prettiest eyes you had ever seen.

"Uh, Y/N," You answered with a slight stutter. "It's an honour to meet you, and to have you on our ship."

He chuckled softly and shook his head, "And it's a pleasure to meet you, darling."

You couldn't believe how nice he was. You were under the impression that most Jedi would be like Roki; arrogant and rude. But Anakin was warm and welcoming, and you already felt a sense of trust towards him.

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