• you killed me •

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requested by _xabelly xx

Hiding your emotions was something you had been taught to do since you were a young Padawan. It was necessary for your survival.

Of course, that got complicated when you and Anakin Skywalker both went through puberty within months of each other.

Loving him was just another emotion to hide, and you did it with ease.

You were walking through the empty corridors after a particularly demanding training session with Plo Koon, a few bandages wrapped around the light wounds scattered up and down your arms. The threat of a war was looming over the galaxy, so a few cuts and grazes were necessary if it meant you'd be prepared come the day the Sith attacked.

Taking a deep breath, you smiled as a couple of Clones walked by, as you had to give off the impression that you weren't in excruciating pain. You turned a corner to see none other than Anakin leaning against the wall.

"Afternoon, Y/N," He greeted when he saw you approaching him, taking a hold of your hand and pulling you towards him.

Holding back a smile, you removed your hand from his and looked around the corridor to ensure you were alone. "Afternoon, Anakin. How are you doing?"

He pouted, "I'm lonely. Would you like to accompany me to my chambers?"

Snorting, you shook your head. "As tempting as that sounds, I'm completely swamped today- Master Kenobi wanted me to complete some research by the end of today, and I have to give the younglings a class soon."

Anakin's arms wrapped around you while your hands rested on his chest. You could feel his dejection at your words, but you had no choice, no matter how much it hurt to reject him.

"We haven't spent any time together in so long," He whined quietly, leaning his forehead against yours. "You're always away, or I'm away, or you're busy, or I am. I miss you."

"I know, and I miss you too," You whispered, aching to just fly away somewhere the two of you could be alone. "Everything's just so crazy right now. Soon, I promise."

It felt like your heart was being stabbed when you walked away from him that day, but you had to put your role as a Jedi Master first.

It wasn't that it was easy going days without even speaking to the love of your life, it was that you had to suppress those feelings to a point where they didn't constantly swarm your mind. About a fortnight of barely small talk and fleeting glances shared between you later, you had had enough of missing him.

"Master Kenobi," You called out, standing from your seat. "I apologise, but I must leave you now."

He frowned slightly, putting down the notes in his hand. "Oh? Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine," You confirmed with a nod. "I just have something I really need to do. I'll be here first thing in the morning to catch up."

"No, that's alright," Obi-Wan said kindly. "I've been overworking you for the past few weeks; you deserve a break."

"Thank you, Master," You replied with a small grin before rushing out of the library.

Not sure where you'd find him at this time of day, you decided to just look around the spots he'd usually frequent. He wasn't in the Temple, or the cafeteria, or even in his chambers.

It wasn't until you went out into the gardens that you finally found him - but you wished you hadn't.

Standing underneath the shade of a tree whose fruits hadn't yet grown was Anakin, but he wasn't alone. His hands were resting on the hips of another, his eyes burning down into hers. Her arms were resting on his shoulders and she giggled at something he had whispered, before her lips moved up to meet his in a fervent, chaste kiss.

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