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Your family was practically royalty on Corellia; a planet which had been industrialised during the Galactic Empire. Your father attempted to keep Corellia politically neutral, but with the rising threat of a war between the Jedi Order and the growing Sith Order, Corellia was being pushed to pick a side. 

One morning, you were informed by your handmaiden, Joni, that a few members of the Jedi Council would be visiting to speak to your father about joining their side. You had never met a Jedi before, so you wore your prettiest dress and spent a little extra time making yourself look good. 

"You look nice," Joni said with a sly smile. "Planning on finding a husband?"

"We have guests, Jones," You replied with a playful eye-roll. "I have to look good; I'm representing all Corellians."

"Hmm," She narrowed her eyes as she tied your dress at the back, her eyes meeting yours in the mirror. "You know, those Jedi men aren't allowed to fall in love. Don't go tempting them to break the rules."

You tilted your head, "Not allowed to fall in love?"

Joni nodded fervently, "They have to keep focused on their job; you know, they have that Force thing, I'm pretty sure that must take up most of their mind."

Soon after that, you were called downstairs. The ship had landed.

"Smile, Y/N," Your mother said, stranding up straight as you waited for the guests to walk into the hall. "Show them some Corellian hospitality."

As you were their only child, your parents were very strict on how you came across to the rest of the galaxy. You were next in line to becoming the senator of Corellia, which put a lot of pressure on you. 

Your father's assistant walked into the hall with a wide smile on her face as she led the Jedi members in. You only recognised Master Yoda as he and your father were already friends, but the other two men were strangers to you.

"It's always such a pleasure to see you, Yoda," Your father said with a grin as he stepped forward, holding out his hand and shaking Master Yoda's. "Allow me to introduce my family; my beautiful wife, Alora, and our brilliant daughter, Y/N."

Yoda smiled at the both of you, "Good morning, Lady Alora and Lady Y/N. Wonderful to meet you, it is."

"It is an honour to have you in our home, Master," Your mother said, and you just smiled back at him.

The older of the two men stepped forward. He was handsome with a tidily kept beard, and a friendly smile rested on his lips. "I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is my Padawan, Anakin Skywalker."

Anakin nodded at your mother before turning to you, an unreadable expression on his face. Your breath hitched as your eyes met; he was the most beautiful person you had ever seen in your life. You saw wonder and delight in his eyes, and the left corner of his mouth ever so slightly upturned in a subtle smirk. 

As your parents spoke to Obi-Wan and Yoda, Anakin took a step closer to you. "It is lovely to meet you, Lady Y/N."

"And you, Master Skywalker," You replied, trying not to smile too widely. 

"I wasn't expecting to be met with such beauty today," He said, making you blush. "I must admit, I am slightly unprepared."

"Unprepared?" You asked teasingly, tilting your head. "And how would you have prepared should you have known you would be meeting me, today?"

Anakin let out a laugh, and you thought it was the most wonderful sound in the world. "Well, for one, I would've dressed much better."

You looked him up and down, and gave him a shrug. "I don't know; black seems to be your colour."

"You think?" He asked, just before your father cleared his throat, getting your attention.

"Gentlemen, please follow me through to the office," He said, gesturing to the door. "We can have a proper discussion before lunch."

Your mother placed an hand on his arm before he could turn to leave. "Perhaps Y/N could give the Padawan a small tour of our home? If he would like, that is?"

Anakin smiled before giving her a nod. "That sounds nice, Lady Alora."

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrow at Anakin, but said nothing.

"Of course, Alora, that's a grand idea," Your father said, surprising you with how on-board he was. "Make sure to be in the dining room by lunch."

"We will," You said before leading Anakin out of the building. You took him around to the vehicle hold and to your personal ship. It was small, but it did the job. "This is our garage, and this is the Violet Star."

"Cute ship," He said, making you roll your eyes playfully.

"I'm sure it's nothing compared your Jedi spaceship, but it's perfect for me," You said as you tapped the side of it. "This is the ship I learned to fly in, and she's never broken down on me."

"Jedi spaceship," Anakin repeated with a chuckle. "Have you ever visited Coruscant?"

You shook your head as you led him around the back of the house. "Coruscant is way too political. I can't confuse my people by being seen there."

You made your way to the gardens and began walking around the flowers, Anakin walking beside you. His eyes scanned over the screens and buttons before he turned back to you. "Well hopefully, once Master Yoda convinces your father to join our side, you will be able to visit Coruscant freely." 

"You seem confident that my father will be convinced," You said as you ran your hands through some dalsa flowers before glancing over at him. "I mean, Dooku was pretty persuasive. The Dark Side doesn't seem so bad, at all."

A slight look of shock overtook his features as he tilted his head at you and said nothing.

"I'm just joking, Anakin," You said with a smirk. "Don't worry; I can't imagine my father going against Yoda. He just wants to be sweetened up."

Anakin nodded slowly as you took him over to the large marble water fountain in the centre of the garden. "What a pretty fountain," He breathed out, sitting on the edge.

"Be careful," You called out, quickly making your way over to him. "You might fall in."

He scoffed at your words. "Don't worry about me, Lady Y/N. I'm a big boy."

"I'm sure you are," You said, folding your arms across your chest. "You don't need to call me Lady, by the way."

"It suits you," Anakin claimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I like it."

"Okay then, Master Skywalker," You said, taking a seat next to him.

"Actually, I'm not a Jedi Master yet," He corrected, twirling a rose between his fingers.

"Well, maybe I enjoy calling you that anyway," You said, watching as his eyes landed on yours.

He held the rose up to your cheek, the stem brushing against your jawline. His hand slowly moved and the rose floated down your chin and then your neck, making you shiver slightly. Anakin moved the flower even further down, until it rested on your cleavage. His face came closer to yours as his voice dropped to a whisper. "And maybe I enjoy when you call me that, too."

You swallowed slightly, your eyes flickering down to his lips. "Then I'll never call you anything else."

The petals of the rose slightly tickled your chest and made you tremble, and Anakin let out a deep chuckle. "Good girl."

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